Chapter 330

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
Bonspear's mission was very good. He only harassed the Crees three times with these cavalry guns. A large group of Crees followed bonspear and ran out of the hills in the distance.

The stone bear standing on the high ground can clearly see the scene below, and the stone bear can see that this part of the Kerry people seem to have conflicts with those Kerry people stationed 30 miles away.

Don't ask how the stone bear can see it, he can see it.

Even a fool can see that the Kerry have a problem now, and it's a big problem.

Stone bear dares to bet with his head that these Kerry people who follow them are not willing to follow them!

The stone bear standing on the high ground has a good view. Although he can't see the expression of the Kerry people, he can see that the Kerry people's action is very loose and slow. It seems that they are not chasing the enemy, but dealing with things.

It's true that the pursuit of the Kerry people gives the stone bear the feeling that they are dealing with things, which can be seen from their slower and slower pace. The stone bear even sees that some of the Kerry people at the back turn their heads and run away secretly

Obviously, the Kerry people who are pursuing are not willing to pursue them. They are more likely to be forced to pursue them.

Stone bear also felt strange, so he did not give the first order to attack the Crees.

These people are almost less than 2000. Except those who run away from the center, when these people chase to four or five hundred meters away from the Musketeers' position, the number of Kerry people is less than 1500.

But at this time, they suddenly stopped. Obviously, they also saw the dense Musketeers on the opposite side.

Then, the scene that made the stone bear almost burst into laughter happened.

The Kerry people didn't know who shouted. Then they turned around and began to run back. Some people fled to both sides, as if they were followed by a large group of wild wolves with hungry green eyes.

Stone bear is a little silly. He thought about countless scenes, but he didn't think about it.

Is this the legendary escape without fighting?

Although he didn't believe it, he had to shake his head and smile bitterly.

The fast horse quickly rode up the gentle slope and ran to the stone bear, "guardian, these guys who are chasing bone spears are not Kerry people, but Yuchi people who were defeated by us."

After hearing what Kuaima said, Shi Xiong understood why these people had fled.

It's clear that the Kerries are trying to fight the Cherokees. Since it is necessary to do so, the Crees will certainly contact all the people who can be contacted. Yuchi people are affiliated tribes of Cree people. In the face of such a big event, Yuchi people are bound to be recruited by Cree people.

No matter how effective these Yuchi people are, in the eyes of Kerry people, these recruited Yuchi people are cannon fodder.

It is estimated that the commander of the Kerry people was harassed by the bone spears. But he didn't want all the troops of the Kerry people to go out to pursue the only one hundred people, so he sent out the Yuchi people.

Since it is cannon fodder, we must have the awareness of cannon fodder. Isn't that what your cannon fodder should do to test the enemy?

But the question is, the commander of Kerry people thinks so. How can Yuchi people be willing to be cannon fodder? So of course they are not willing to carry out such an order. In particular, it was a hundred Cherokee Musketeers on horseback.

Yuchren, who was severely abused by the expedition team of Shixiong last year, is afraid to suffer from the collective phobia of musketeers, especially how similar the 100 expedition team is to the harassment team in front of us!

Last year, they were tortured several times by a hundred Cherokee Musketeers. Not only the new chief was killed, but thousands of people and soldiers were killed by those terrible Musketeers. Now, the Cherokee Musketeers on their horses appear again. If these Yuchi people are willing to pursue them, they will be a monster.

But they had to carry out the commander's orders. Finally, in this dilemma, the scene that stone bear had seen before happened.

Especially when these Yuchi people saw more Musketeers appear in front of them, the fear left by the two wars last year made them unable to keep calm any more!

Last year, only a hundred Cherokee Musketeers killed thousands of Yuchi people. Now there are more Musketeers in front of us than last year. It's strange that Yuchi people don't collapse!

So, just after Yu Chi, he fled without fighting.

Shi Xiong really wants to know how big the psychological shadow area of these Yuchi people is

I thought I could teach the Crees a lesson, but this kind of thing happened. Bone spear their harassment is equivalent to no effect.

The stone bear followed the horse down the mountain and called several commanders together.

"Guardian, the Crees obviously don't want to pursue us. I think the soldiers of the Crees have not all assembled. They don't want to leave there now, so they will send these Yuchi people to pursue us." As one of the four guardian tribes of the Cherokee royal court, the leader of the bonspear tribe has a very thorough understanding of the problem.

The stone bear nodded and said, "bone spear, since the Crees don't want to chase you, we'll try to make the Crees have to chase you! The Crees have to fight us here. If we leave here, when we face so many CREIS, there will be a lot of casualties. This is something I don't want to see

A group of people around nodded. Five months of training not only made them understand how to make their subordinates obey their orders, but also made them understand that as a commander, it is a commander's responsibility to let his soldiers survive on the battlefield on the premise of victory!

"So..." the stone Bear looked at the commanders around him, "I decided to attack the Kerry camp directly with some of the grenades!"

"Since the Kerry commanders don't want to pursue the more than 100 people, it's obvious that their harassment team didn't hurt the Kerry people! Bone spear, you will continue to set out tomorrow morning, take 20 grenades and corresponding ammunition, and bombard them with grenades at a distance of about 400 steps from Kerry camp! Be careful not to reveal the maximum range of the catapult too early. We can't let the Crees know the range of the catapult. If they don't come out, you'll blow them up with grenades! "