Chapter 323

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
Training is a very boring thing, but it is this kind of boring, but it can play a very good role in tempering.

Training, especially military training, is actually a process of constant torture.

Just like tapping iron, if a piece of ordinary pig iron wants to become a good steel with both hardness and toughness, it has to be hammered continuously. Through continuous hammering, the impurities in the pig iron can be removed, and finally a good steel can be obtained.

The same is true of military training.

An ordinary person is like a piece of pig iron with very general texture, but through the repeated training of military training, some bad habits that ordinary people originally have are eliminated, so that they can cultivate a better habit again, and finally grow into a qualified soldier.

Since the end of Hunter's month (October), one thousand soldiers of waier tribe have been training continuously. They, together with the 400 riflemen of the gaoshu tribe, have to train until the worm month of next year (March), and then they will formally go to battle.

During this period, there will be about five months of intensive military training.

Stone bear also spent his first anniversary in this period.

Of course, in the past five months, the whole gaoshu tribe has been running at a high speed like a machine full of power.

The acceptance of the small tribes originally separated from the high tree tribe is over. The population of the whole high tree tribe has finally exceeded 2000, becoming the second largest tribe in Tennessee after the crooked ear tribe.

However, although the population of gaoshu tribe is not as large as that of wai'er tribe, in terms of comprehensive strength, gaoshu tribe can throw wai'er tribe as far as the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean

Thanks to the problem of food production that Shixiong has been focusing on, gaoshu tribe has achieved a huge harvest in this year. No matter it is wheat, corn, potato, sweet potato, soybean, cotton, castor and other cash crops, gaoshu tribe has achieved a huge harvest under the hard work of hundreds of women.

Even if a thousand soldiers from waier tribe come and take back other small tribes, the food will be enough for these people to eat for another year.

With food in hand, I'm not flustered.

Now the gaoshu tribe has reflected this sentence incisively and vividly.

Because I can fill my stomach, other work is progressing very well.

Needless to say, during the military training, a major from Jamestown once again came to the gaoshu tribe with a huge motorcade. This time, the British brought very few kinds of things. Except for some things the stone bear called for, the rest were war horses.

The refined salt from the gaoshu tribe has now become a scarce commodity for the thirteen colonies of North America and even the whole Britain. Such exquisite salt and salt without any miscellaneous flavor are the good things that the British nobles compete for.

For those aristocrats who are popular in comparison, if there are not many bottles of "refined salt" from the new world on their dining table, you will be looked down upon by the people in the circle.

Even as King George III of England today, he was full of praise for the refined salt produced in the new world. What's more, the salt used on George III's dining table is all the refined salt from the sea. The salt used in the British royal palace has long been out of use.

Even kings like this kind of refined salt, which is superior and inferior. Therefore, the aristocracy and the rich in Britain now feel proud to have this kind of refined salt.

Even it is said that this kind of refined salt has passed through the English Channel and entered the old world, appearing on the dining tables of the great nobles in countries such as France, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands and Germany

Anyway, this kind of refined salt is one of the most popular things in the old world and the thirteen colonies of the new world, and the price has gone up from sixpence a pound to shilling ten pence a pound. In less than a year, the price has gone up nearly fourfold!

The last time major hank came here for the last time, he also brought the news that the price of refined salt rose wildly. Shi Xiong decisively doubled the shipping price, but even so, the wildly rising price made Colonel Jones, who controlled the sales chain, gain more profits.

So now Colonel Jones attaches great importance to this Indian tribe at the foot of fog mountain. If it wasn't for the traffic conditions, Jamestown's top military officer would have come to pull salt once a month.

Of course, it was precisely because refined salt was so popular that Colonel Jones could only accept the stone bear's offer of exchanging war horses for refined salt.

Compared with the native Indians who lacked horses, millions of British colonists living in the thirteen colonies of North America have taken root in the new world. Most of these colonists are poor farmers from England. They have gained a large area of land in the new world, and they can freely cultivate all kinds of crops including tobacco, and at the same time, they can raise cattle Horses are big animals. So for the thirteen colonies in the new world, there was no shortage of cattle or horses.

This time, the major named Adria Fogg once again brought a total of 80 horses to the stone bear. This is because the stone bear raised the price of refined salt. At the same time, it also used the motorcade to pull a large amount of refined salt back to Jamestown.

Anyway, it's a good deal. War horse is a very precious resource for the North American Indians, but it is nothing for the colonists of the new world. To be able to trade a few hundred pounds worth of horses for two or three thousand pounds worth of refined salt is something Colonel Jones would love to see.

The exquisite salt produced by the tribe can greatly enhance the strength of the whole tribe, but at the same time, the other work of the tribe has not been put down.

With four inland river armed transport ships captured from the French, the saltpeter from Xiaohe tribe can be transported to gaoshu tribe continuously. In addition to the sulfur from the original Daqingshan tribe, at least there is no shortage of black powder from gaoshu tribe.

Steel making has never stopped. The tough boy is young, but he is now one of the top two persons in charge of steelmaking in the whole gaoshu tribe. Well, the other person in charge is wood planer, the second son of old wood.

Now the planer has completely thrown away the carpenter's craftsmanship, and plunged into the steel making. Although his father Lao Mu was very dissatisfied with his practice, Lao Mu couldn't help it. After all, his second son is in the same position as his father. He is a serious "project manager" level.

And compared to the old wood with a group of carpenters busy every day to build a variety of wooden utensils, wood planer is responsible for the iron and steel affairs is undoubtedly much more important.

Steel can be said to be the most important and basic thing in addition to food for the whole gaoshu tribe, which has been recognized by the whole gaoshu tribe.

As long as there is a continuous supply of steel, then everything will become better and bette