Chapter 281

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
"Hey, my dear guardian, it's really nice to see you again." As soon as we met, William Hank and the stone bear gave a big hug, which really looked like two old friends who had not seen each other for more than ten years.

"I'm glad to see you again, William. I heard my people say, "you have made a decision this time and brought me a lot of good things?"

"Of course, we are wonderful partners. Your needs are my responsibility. Don't worry, guardian. I'll try my best to find and bring all the things you need. As for the matter you mentioned last time, I think it's time for me to give you a definite answer

"So you really made a decision?"

"Yes." Major hank nodded solemnly, "I think your proposal is very good, and it happens that I don't think there is any development head to go on from the new world. You know, my boss, Colonel James Jones, is really a greedy guy. Under his hands, we have no future at all. So after I went back, I thought about your proposal and decided to go back to China for development. "

After a pause, major hank continued with a slight sigh: "it's a pity to just let go of what I've got now, but it's only when I give up. I think if I go back to China to develop new textile machinery, it will make my life better in the second half of my life. "

Stone bear patted major hank on the shoulder with a smile, "man, I have to say you made a very right choice. Come on, let's find a place to have a good drink. You can taste the liquor made by our tribe. I guarantee you like it. Then we'll have a good talk about it

Major hank nodded yes with a smile.

When major hank came last time, the koji made by stone bear was not ready, so there was no way to make wine. Scotch Whisky Baijiu, who was once again in the high tree tribes in for several months, could taste the liquor that was different from Scotch whisky.

"Well..." Hank, who had a high degree of Baijiu, immediately showed a different expression.

"Christ, that Jesus... This wine is so strong! The wine is strong! But the smell is unusual. Whisky doesn't have this special smell. Guardian, is this wine really made by you

"Ha ha, what else is there? It's wine making. It's very simple for me. " The stone bear answers with a smile. He picks up a wooden spoon and puts a small spoon of wine in front of trump. The guy smells it and immediately licks it happily.

Trump is also a half big bear now. Thanks to food and drink, the little guy stands up and is almost as tall as the stone bear. But this guy really can eat, not only eat but also drink. During the period of the stone bear expedition, I don't know who seduced him in the tribe. This guy fell in love with drinking

The stone bear did not expect that major Hank love the taste of Baijiu, but he was relieved to think it over again.

In this era, even in the old world, whiskey, brandy and vodka are rare, and most people drink low alcohol fruit wine. Therefore, for Europeans, wine of this era is good as long as it is high quality wine.

Although whisky, brandy and vodka are not added to Baijiu during the brewing process, the European distilled liquor has no unique flavor of liquor. But in this era, it's good to have high alcohol for you. Who is picky?

Later generations Baijiu Baijiu, who is not accustomed to Chinese liquor, said that there was a kind of rag or steamed rice flavor in Chinese liquor, which was pure habitual.

Later generations of Westerners do not lack wine, and they love wine or beer, so they pay more attention to the taste of high alcohol. Because Europe doesn't add koji in distilling liquor, so Europeans think that high liquor with koji is not good liquor.

This is what the main reason behind the western people dislike and Chinese Baijiu love is.

But in this day and age, not to mention major hank, even the Colonel Jones would not be choosy about high-grade liquor.

"Well, William, do you want to represent the high-quality wine made by our tribe? I'm sure it's a big profit. " Stone bear asked with a smile.

Major hank was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "still no, my dear guardian. I've decided to leave the new world and return home. Naturally, I can't act as your agent for this kind of wine. But you can talk to my successor about the agency of this kind of liquor. I think that guy will be willing to represent this kind of liquor. "

The stone bear shrugged his shoulders and said, "let's talk about that. The high alcohol produced by our tribe is good stuff, and I do not want to let unfamiliar people to represent this kind of thing. I would rather let you represent our baijiu.

Major hank was moved by this.

"William, have you really decided to go back to the old world?" After two glasses of wine, Shi Xiong asked seriously.

"Yes, I went back to think about the new textile machinery you mentioned to me last time. I also consulted a lot of businessmen from the old continent. They were very interested in the new textile machinery you mentioned and thought it was a very prosperous industry, so I decided to go back to the old continent to develop it."

"Ha ha, William, I have to say you made a wise choice." With a smile, Shi Xiong once again had a drink with major hank. "As long as you agree to the conditions I put forward last time, I can't guarantee anything else. Within ten years, I can guarantee that you will become the leader of the textile machinery and textile industry in the old continent, and the wealth you earn will make you and your family the top rich businessman in the old continent."

Then the stone bear stood up and went to a corner of the room. He took out some drawings from a wooden box.

"William, this is the drawing of the new spinning frame and loom. They are all powered by water. They are the most advanced textile machinery at present. The textile efficiency is ten times or even dozens of times that of all the textile machinery in the old continent. If you have it, you have millions of pounds of wealth! "

Major hank took a breath. Although he knew that the textile industry was on the rise, he never thought that the profits contained in the new textile machinery were so great.

"William, I can patent you these two machines. When you come back to the old world, you can apply for relevant patents, and then set up factories to produce and sell these textile machinery. You can also use these textile machinery to set up your own textile mill... "

Stone bear gave hank a detailed explanation of the future of the textile industry. Since we want to develop major hank into an agent, we must let him taste enough sweetness, so that he can honestly do things for himself.