Chapter 271

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
Hearing that, all the faces, including Kuaima, looked forward to it. Even Gao Niu and Da Jiao don't talk about evacuating any more, because they all want to see the power of the thing that the guardian ordered in actual combat.

In this expedition to Yuchi people, Kuaima, as the rock bear's most determined younger brother, will naturally follow. And he also helped Jack Williams make this "gadget" together. When he used this "gadget" later, he was the main controller.

It's a "gadget", but it's really big. At least it's much bigger than the muskets used by brothers.

Five large barrels wrapped in animal skins were unloaded from the back of the cattle. The barrels were made of thin steel plates, riveted at the joint and bottom, and opened at one end.

The diameter of a big barrel is 40 cm and the length is about one meter. The whole body is made of thin steel plate about 3 mm thick. The weight of such a big barrel is more than 160 Jin. A cow can only carry such a cylinder.

That's why the expedition team used ten domesticated bison to pull ammunition supplies, mainly to pull these five "gadgets".

While Kuaima was unloading these five "trinkets", some other soldiers had already dug five inclined pits with a depth of more than 70 cm and a diameter of about half a meter on the top of the hill with the fastest speed. After the five big barrels were unloaded, they were directly put into the excavated inclined pits, and then the voids were filled with the excavated soil.

By this time, the soldiers on guard had begun to shoot. Some fast running Yuchi people have reached the foot of the hill, about 200 meters away from the top of the hill.

Because it's a commanding shot, it's OK to extend the distance appropriately.

After the big barrel was placed, Kuaima put five logs as thick as 15cm into the bottom of the barrel.

A round groove with a diameter of about 20 cm was dug out in the middle of the log, which was naturally done by the old wood family.

The main function of this circular groove is to hold black powder.

When the log fell on the bottom of the barrel, the five tall tree tribe men carefully poured the black powder contained in the leather bag into the groove, and at the same time inserted a long fuse into the black powder, and then led the fuse outside.

After doing all this well, another round board about three centimeters thick was put on it, and then a medicine bag with fuse was put on the round board.

The inside of this kind of cartridge is a pottery pot, which contains a large amount of black powder, which is equivalent to a handmine made of clay that has been expanded several times. The outside of the pot was wrapped in several layers of cotton cloth and wrapped with string.

Because the clay pot is too brittle, it is wrapped with multi-layer cotton cloth to prevent the clay pot from being broken during firing.

The main function of that round board is to isolate it. Its name is isolation board. When the black powder in the groove of the log below is ignited, a large amount of gas generated by the explosion of the black powder will push the board upward and shoot out the cartridge on the round board at the same time.

It's true that after these five big barrels, logs and round boards were assembled, a "super heavy weapon" was formed, which frightened the enemy during the liberation period. This simple but powerful weapon was helplessly called "conscience gun" by the enemy.

In fact, when making the native grenade, the stone bear thought of this kind of heartless gun.

Conscience gun is a unique weapon invented by Chinese soldiers. In the Chinese War of liberation, the children's soldiers were far behind the enemy in terms of weapons and equipment. In order to reverse the situation that this kind of weapon was not dominant, the children's soldiers invented a "local weapon" with greater power, simpler structure and lower cost according to the principle of mortar.

The main body of this kind of indigenous weapon is gasoline barrel. At that time, no matter how poor the soldiers were, they could still get gasoline barrels. So the soldiers half buried the gasoline barrel in the ground, padded the bottom with logs thick enough, and dug a groove in the center of the logs to fill the propellant.

After the propellant is loaded, the round board is used as the isolation board. On the isolation board, the warheads such as mines, explosive packs and even cluster grenades are placed. When the propellant is ignited, the huge driving force generated by the propellant will push those various warheads to the area 200 meters away, and then the warhead will explode, causing huge damage to the enemy.

Because it was a mine launched at the beginning, it was affectionately called "thundergun" by the soldiers, which means a cannon that can make the mine fly.

Because the bottom of the gasoline barrel is filled with propellant, even if the gasoline barrel is just a thin layer of iron, the power of the propellant is not enough to make the gasoline barrel burst.

The warhead can take on everything, from mines to ordinary explosive packs, to cluster grenades and even large stones, mainly things that can cause damage to the enemy.

Of course, this kind of heartless gun made of gasoline barrel fired most of the time with a cartridge.

This kind of heartless gun can send a ten kilogram cartridge to an area more than 200 meters away. When a ten kilogram cartridge explodes, its power is quite terrible.

We should know that the warhead charge of the m795 shell used by the 155mm m109a6 self-propelled gun equipped by the US Army in later generations is only 10.8kg, and that kind of shell fell once and killed half of the football field.

Although the power of the charge fired by the unconscionable gun is not as powerful as that of the 155 mm caliber shell, once this charge explodes, all people within 20 meters in diameter will be killed!

In particular, the shock wave generated by the charge is more severe. Many of the enemies who were killed on the battlefield were not hurt at all, but their orifices were bleeding and their internal organs were all shattered, so the enemy called this kind of gun "heartless gun".

The name of heartless cannon spread from then on.

During the Korean War, volunteers bombed the American devils with heartless guns. As a result, the American devils thought that they had been bombed by 408 mm heavy artillery. We can see how powerful this heartless gun is.

For the time being, the stone bear can't make artillery, and the simpler mortar can't be made because of the processing technology. But if we let go of this kind of heartless gun, which can launch a cartridge or even a big stone, we will be very sorry for this "artifact" used by our soldiers.

Stone bear is not short of black powder now. Although the steel plate is not so smooth, it's not difficult to straighten it out. So he asked Williams to make five heartless guns, which are ready to be tested in actual combat during the expedition.

After these five heartless cannons were made, they were naturally tested, but in the case of not killing people, the power of these cannons is really difficult to reflect. In addition, at the beginning of the expedition, there was no chance to use the heartless cannon, so even the stone bear didn't know the power of these five "gadgets".

Now that the enemy is catching up, let's use them to verify the actual combat power of this kind of heartless gun!