Chapter 230

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
In fact, human history is also a history of dynamic development.

In the primitive era, the only power that human beings could use was themselves. For example, "traffic basically depended on walking, communication basically depended on roaring..." that was the primary use of power of human beings in that era.

Later, humans discovered that some animals could be tamed. The Chinese tamed cattle for farming, the Arabs tamed horses for riding, and the Inuit tamed dogs for sledding

This is the second stage of human use of power, animal power.

Animal power plays an irreplaceable role in human history. Even in modern society, animal power is still used to cultivate or ride in many developing or backward countries.

However, water and wind are gradually used by human beings in this process. Before the steam engine was popular, water power and wind power were the most advanced energy that human beings could use.

Water power can help people do more repetitive and arduous work, while wind power can push ships across the ocean.

In other words, in this era, water and wind are the most advanced power of human beings.

It took thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years to develop from human power to water power and wind power.

Before the stone bear came to the gaoshu tribe, the gaoshu tribe was in the most primitive stage of using human power. At this time, the gaoshu tribe had to rely on human power for everything except the 20 or so horses traded from vasichu for riding.

However, after the stone bear came to the gaoshu tribe, he tamed the bison, and then the gaoshu tribe had animal power. Now two big water tankers have been set up, and water power has been used again.

That is to say, after the stone bear came to gaoshu tribe, with the benefit of golden fingers, gaoshu tribe "leaped" for tens of thousands of years in a short period of more than seven months, from primitive manpower to water power.

At this time, Europe and the new world are about to face a revolutionary era of earth shaking changes, which is called "the first industrial revolution" in later generations.

And the root of the first industrial revolution is that Mr. watt improved the steam engine, so that mankind entered the era of industrial civilization from the era of farming.

In fact, the reason why Europe has been able to stand at the top of the pyramid of human society since then, while ancient China, which has been prosperous for thousands of years, has been sinking for nearly 200 years, has a great relationship with the use of power.

If the pigtail Dynasty could open its mind to the new technology from the west at this time, it would definitely surpass Europe in a very short time with thousands of years of Chinese culture.

But unfortunately, this decadent braided Dynasty is just like a lump in one's heart. In addition, the old woman in the future will be in power, and such a big China will be completely destroyed.

Now, looking at the two stone bears spinning tirelessly, a thought suddenly appeared in my heart: "if Lao Tzu comes to the braided Dynasty of this era, even if he becomes a common people, it is estimated that he can help Huaxia continue to stand on the top of the world! The guy Hongli is in a position at this time. It's a big deal to kill him... "

Then the stone bear was amused by his sudden unreasonable idea. It was strange enough that he accidentally crossed to the new world and became an aborigine. He wanted to dream of crossing again. It was a daydream.

Shaking his head, the stone bear gently pulled the reins. The tall horses at the crotch made a loud noise, turned their heads obediently, and began to trot along the path. Beside, another horse with a lot of luggage also followed.

The waterwheel is still successfully erected, a large number of Ferguson rifles are being made, the production of muskets and lead bullets has been completely completed, papermaking is in the stage of soaking raw materials, cement and glass have been successfully fired, Momo grass is taking some women to continue to make wine, sheep tail flower is taking more women to work in the field, because of the emergence of hydraulic stone mill, Uncle grey moose, who is in charge of salt making, also saved a lot

With the thorough integration of Daqingshan tribe, the population of gaoshu tribe has exceeded 400, and the more than 100 people have really made all the people of gaoshu tribe feel the benefits of population increase.

The new members of Daqingshan tribe are also rapidly changing to a qualified gaoshu tribe. They are also very satisfied with this kind of life, and each of them has a high spirit.

It can be said that the gaoshu tribe has entered a stage of rapid development at this time, everything is beginning to become better, and a better future is in the near future.

And all this makes stone bear proud.

Although gaoshu tribe is a little small, everything is developing in an orderly way according to its own plan. Although everything is difficult at the beginning, it can be said that it has already started a good and can't start any better!

As the creator of all this, the stone bear certainly has the right to be proud.

It seems that I feel the happy mood of the owner on my back, and the tall horse's pace is very light.

One man and two horses ran up the litterliver river for more than ten miles before crossing the turbulent river through a wooden bridge erected at a narrow part of the river. Then the stone bear continued to move westward along the faint path.

There is nothing important in the tribe for the time being, so Shi Xiong takes a break and goes to Xiaohe tribe to meet Baiyun.

Nearly two months have passed since we left last time. During this period, Shi Xiong was busy making paper, burning glass, testing guns, burning cement, and always instructing Lao Mu's family to build the two water tankers, so he had no time to see his lover.

Now everything is on the right track, stone bear can no longer stand nearly two months of Acacia, so set foot on the journey to the West.

One man and two horses is a model of being familiar with the road, so it took the stone bear only half a day to run more than 100 Li, until there was a river wider than the little river ahead, which stopped the stone bear's pace.

This river is also a tributary of the Tennessee River. In later generations, this river was called "little Tennessee River". In later generations, a total of five dams were built on the river, which originated in the depth of Dawu Mountain. Human use of the power of reinforced concrete completely bound this manic river.

But now, there is no dam on this river, only rolling water.

If you want to cross the river, you also need to swim up, and then in the depth of Dawu Mountain, where the river is narrow, there is also a wooden bridge. This wooden bridge was built by a small tribe who lived here for more than 200 years