Chapter 209

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
General Claire was able to become the supreme military officer of French Louisiana, and he had been in this position for nearly ten years. Naturally, he was not a simple person.

It's not too much to describe this viscount and major general of the French Empire as being crafty and cunning.

On the third day after arriving at Fort okron, general Claire almost knew the whole story, that is, all the people in the whole Fort okron, including Lieutenant Alphonse, who was the top military officer of the Garrison when major Chretien Armand was away, as well as several noble spokesmen, were cheated by a group of Aborigines.

Alphonse was really cheated, and in front of this usually arrogant Jos é fernan, he was simply frightened by the aborigines.

The matter can be identified as a "fraud", but the question is why the aborigines had the warrant written by major Chretien Armand and accompanied by Captain pieno, the adjutant of major Armand. General Clare is not sure.

Not to mention that the aborigines can even drive inland river armed transport ships

Of course, general Claire is not without speculation. In his experience, the only way for the aborigines to do all this is

But general Clare was very reluctant to believe his guess. After all, it was one hundred elite army veterans plus four fleets with 24 84 mm caliber guns.

So, before the exact evidence is found, Claire would rather believe that his guess is wrong.

Whether it's lieutenant Alphonse or those damned businessmen, general Claire has interrogated several times in recent days, but the answer given from them also makes Claire feel helpless.

Take this Lieutenant Alphonse as an example. Although he was stupid enough to give 10000 pounds of food to the aborigines, general Claire asked himself that if he were this young lieutenant in that case, he would be cheated.

Under such circumstances, the young lieutenant could only carry out such a military order. Obedience is the most important rule in the army. Under such circumstances, the young lieutenant has no other choice.

Not to mention the four armed carriers and the identity of the aboriginal leader.

That damned Aboriginal leader actually said that he was the chief of the chikmon tribe, and he also said things about New Orleans so accurately. Otherwise, the chief of the chikmon tribe was always with him, and general Claire thought that the chikmon tribe, who had been loyal to him, had defected.

If you know something about the chikmon tribe, even that cretian Armand doesn't know very well.

"Did the aboriginal tribes near New Orleans pretend to be the chichmuns?" It seems that this is the only way to explain why the aboriginal leader knew so well about New Orleans.

General Clare sighed as he looked at the loveless young lieutenant. If it doesn't happen, the young lieutenant may have a bright future and even grow into a senior officer like himself.

But once this happened

Now general Clare is waiting for evidence, evidence that can prove the conjecture he didn't want to admit. Although general Claire knew it was hard to find such evidence, he had to do it.

The most elite chikmen's troops are all out. This is the most elite chikmen's troops, not the so-called "chikmen's troops" brought by the aboriginal leader when he cheated. In this vast and desolate land, the real chikmon team is invincible.

"I hope they can find the evidence..." general Clare thought with some entanglement in his heart. When he was about to drive these guys out, he saw a tall and strong figure coming in from the door with two things in his hand.

This tall and strong guy is dressed like a new world aborigine. He is the chief of chikmon, blood shark.

Chikmon people live in this area of the estuary of the river all the year round. They usually fish and hunt, so they can often catch vicious sharks in the sea.

It is said that the blood shark once captured a four meter shark in the sea by himself in his first adult trial. When the bloody shark was transported to their tribe, it shocked the whole tribe. The chief of their tribe personally gave him the name of blood shark.

Blood shark's stride was very big and firm, and soon he came to general Claire. When he put the two round things he was holding on the table, everyone's pupils could not help shrinking.

It turned out to be two snow-white skeletons, one of which was relatively complete, but the other half of his face had been bitten by something. But even on the relatively complete skull, there are some very clear teeth marks

"Sir, this is what my soldiers found in a dense forest by the river about 20 kilometers away from the fortress. There are dozens of skeletons like this. Most importantly, most of the skeletons were in a mess, apparently attacked by hordes of wild animals. The most terrible thing is that there are some messy ropes around these bones, so these people should be tied to the trees before they die, and then groups of wild animals eat them. According to my analysis, those people should have been bitten to death by a group of four legged beaks, and then there came more than a group of wild wolves. In the end, these people will be eaten only by bones. "

General Clare's face changed when he heard this. The four legged mouth of the blood shark is a kind of beast that lives in the swamp near the mouth of the river. In European words, it is a crocodile.

Of course, in the language of the chekasa people, this ferocious beast is called "letic.".

Tribes and tribes are not the same, the language is not the same, for the crocodile this beast's name is naturally not the same.

But no matter how to call this beast, it can't describe its ferocity.

General Claire knew this kind of ferocious beast very well. Every year in New Orleans, people are attacked and killed by these ferocious guys.

"Are these people killed by crocodiles? He was still tied to a big tree and bitten to death. Damn, how much hatred it must be to do such inhuman things Clare's heart was cold.

The two skeletons on the table were facing general Clare, and the four empty holes in their eyes seemed to be telling their misery in silence.

All of a sudden, general Claire was attracted by the teeth of a skull.

Without fear, he reached out and picked up the skull, raised it in front of him and looked at it carefully.

This skull is the unfortunate man who has been bitten half of his cheekbones, but although half of his face has been bitten, the other half of his face is still intact. On this half of the complete skull, two large golden teeth are inlaid in the posterior alveolar.

Although the owner of the skeleton had lost half of his face, the two golden teeth made general Claire's pupils shrink again.

"This is from the old world!" At a glance, general Claire recognized the skull.

Although the new world is rich in resources and gold is often found in the Appalachian Mountains, the aborigines of the new world do not use gold to inlay their teeth. Only in the Far East and the old world, there will be such dentures made of gold.

Of course, people who can set gold teeth must have some wealth. Like Claire himself, the back teeth are inlaid with three gold teeth.

General Clare immediately turned his eyes to lieutenant Alphonse and asked in a deep voice, "Alphonse, do you know who has gold inlaid teeth in your barracks? Two gold teeth? "

After asking Alphonse, general Claire asked Fernand and oreno the same question, but the target was businessmen and civilians.

After a while, Fernand and oreno shook their heads. But after seeing the two gold teeth, Lieutenant Alphonse just thought about it and said thoughtfully, "Dear general, if I remember correctly, our major Armand has two gold teeth. And it's in the right back slot, one at the top and one at the bottom, all at the back... "

Hearing this, general Clare was in a good mood. "Alphonse, are you sure?"

"I'm sure, because I went with the major when he was inlaying his teeth, about two years ago. Moreover, our major's tooth condition is not optimistic. There are two bad teeth on the other side. At that time, the major also said that after the two teeth fell out, we would insert two gold teeth from this side. Oh, by the way, these two gold teeth were set from the fortress, and the tooth maker was Mr. boduan under Mr. Fernand

"Bring that Mr. boduan here at once!" General Claire immediately gave the order.

Before long, a man in his forties was brought here. He was the only dentist in the fortress, boduan.

"Yes, these two teeth are indeed inlaid by me, and in the five years since I came to the fortress, only two gold teeth have been inlaid in this position. One is Madame Charles, who has returned to France long ago, and the other is our major Armand."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, general Clare knew that his reluctant conjecture had been proved to be true. The lady of shire has returned home, so it's self-evident who the skull is.

"Check out all the aboriginal tribes along the river! Blood shark, your people cooperate with our soldiers. I must find out about this. I can't let our soldiers die in humiliation. I want to avenge them! "