Chapter 207

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
Stone bear's words let everyone present fall into a kind of emotion called "panic".

They did not dare and could not doubt what the guardian said. What the guardian said was "directed" by the supreme Sun God.

How can the supreme, omnipotent and great sun god be wrong?

If this happens in the future, then

Hongyun and Lilei dare not imagine what kind of scene it would be.

Looking at the look of panic, fear, shock and bewilderment mixed with these tribal leaders, Shi Xiong said: "therefore, in order to avoid our people being slaughtered by the vasichu, in order to avoid our compatriots being slaughtered by the vasichu, in order to avoid our descendants being slaughtered, we must strengthen our strength as soon as possible. Because only if our fists are hard enough, will those vasichus dare not fight us. Even when we are strong enough, we can even drive those vasichus out of this land or make them yield to our rule. Don't forget, we are the real masters of this land, not the vasichu from the old continent on the other side of the ocean

Stone bear's words called them back from their fear of the future.

Red cloud asked: "guardian, is that why you are in a hurry to take back Daqingshan tribe?"

"Yes! It's not just the big green hill tribe. We need to take back all the tribes that were separated from our gaoshu tribe. Moreover, when the strength of our tribe is strong enough, we will accept waier tribe, dashanqiu tribe and Honghe tribe! "

These words once again shocked these people. Waier tribe, dashanqiu tribe and Honghe tribe are all famous big tribes of the Cherokee people. They are extremely powerful, and the guardians intend to take them in. This

"It's not just these tribes. I want our gaoshu tribe to be the king of the Cherokee people. I want our Cherokee people to conquer the Iroquois in the north, the Sioux in the northwest, the Navajos in the West and the Crees in the south, and make our Cherokee people the supreme ruler of this land. Because only when we twist together into a rope, can we resist those damned vasichus, and can we drive them out of this land or make them completely surrender. "

This provocative remark directly made the high-level members of several tribes lose their blood.

If all that the guardian said could be realized, would not the gaoshu tribe become the supreme ruler of this large and ridiculous land?

Several people's eyes once again fell on the map drawn on the wall. The Cherokee people, who they thought occupied a large territory, now looked small and dazzling on this map

Li Lei Gan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked at the big foot and wolf's tail around him, and found that they had fallen into a kind of fanaticism. As for Hongyun, maybe the guardian should have said something like this to her, so Hongyun didn't seem so excited, but her eyes were still bright and frightening.

"Guardian, can this be done?" Li Lei knew that it was time for his tribal leader to express his attitude.

Of course, Li Lei is very clear in his heart that the guardian is a very strong person. If he doesn't agree, the guardian will leave himself behind and unite with others to do it. If you don't agree with the expansion, I'm afraid that you will be overthrown by the guardian immediately.

However, from the current point of view, although the guardian is extremely powerful, he always pays attention to the rules no matter what he does. It's like this matter concerning the future of the tribe. In fact, if the guardian wants to, he can directly cooperate with Hongyun to do it, but he still discusses with the tribal leader first as before.

Since we can't stop this, we should give our full support. What if the big man can do what he says?

Shi Xiong looks at Li Lei. From the tone of Li Lei's question, he knows that Li Lei doesn't seem to object to it, but there are still some worries.

This is human nature, and Shi Xiong can understand it, so he said with a smile: "chief, I don't know if this thing will succeed in the end, but I know one thing. As long as we keep working hard towards this goal, even if we can't reach it in the end, it will not be worse. But if we don't work hard, we won't be able to achieve this goal. "

After a pause, the stone Bear looked at these people sincerely and said, "why do I make steel? Why did you ask the vassichuns to come to Agust, the four of them? Why should Ferguson develop a new rifle? Why teach the people to tame the bison and use the greatest strength to open up wasteland? This is actually working hard for this goal. What I'm doing now is to lay the foundation for achieving this goal. As long as the foundation is laid, then we are qualified to fight for hegemony in this land. But our population is too small now. Even if I try hard, it will be greatly reduced because of the population. So, I need people, the more people the better. We need people to farm, people to mine, people to do all kinds of work, and a lot of soldiers to fight for us! "

"As far as I know, since our gaoshu tribe settled down here, there have been 16 small tribes separated from our gaoshu tribe in the past 200 years. Among them, the Maoniu tribe and pumpkin Bay tribe before me have been destroyed by the damned chekasa people, and now there are still 14 tribes. The population of these tribes ranges from 60 to 70 to 120. If we can take back all the remaining tribes, the population of gaoshu tribe will immediately surpass waier tribe and become the largest tribe in this area. Even compared with Wang Ting, the strength of gaoshu tribe is not inferior. "

"And don't forget, we have new muskets and grenades, and there will be more powerful and more advanced thermal weapons in the future. If all the members of our tribe are equipped with hot weapons, then our tribe will have the strength to sweep the whole chekasa people. In addition, we have the high priest kabulu. If we want to, we will become the new court of the Cherokee people. "

"So, in any way, we have to take back these tribes. We can not take it back at one time, but we can start from Daqingshan tribe. And once Daqingshan tribe returns, it will live better here than before, so other tribes will definitely prefer to return. Sacrifice, leader, the return of Daqingshan tribe is imperative