Chapter 182

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
Looking at the two faces that were destroyed by life, the stone bear was speechless.

Alchemists are still popular in Europe in this era. If they stay in Europe instead of being fooled into North America, it's estimated that with their level, they can't say they are rich, but it's absolutely no problem to have enough food and clothing or even a well-off life.

Although alchemy is called "unscientific existence" in later modern times, it still has a very strong market in Europe at this time of the 18th century.

In fact, even in 1775, lavassius expounded the oxidation theory of combustion with quantitative chemical experiments, created the era of quantitative chemistry, and created the rudiment of modern chemistry. But by the late 19th century, alchemy was very popular all over the world.

Until the end of the 19th century, alchemy, which had been popular in Europe for more than 800 years, was replaced by modern chemistry. However, even so, alchemy did not disappear. At least, many people in Europe and the United States were still studying alchemy before the stone bear soul wore on. However, alchemy at that time could not be called "science", but belonged to the category of "mysticism".

But in any case, in the middle of the 18th century, alchemy had a huge market in Europe and the new world. In fact, many well-known scientists in this era believe in alchemy and even come from alchemists.

For example, Isaac Newton, the most famous scientist in history, was actually an alchemist before he became a scientist.

No matter Jean Agust or William Henry Gates III, if they didn't come to the new world because of the wrong choice, they may not be able to make great achievements if they study hard in Europe.

In fact, in Europe where alchemy is popular, it is easy for alchemists to get rich as long as they can develop a new element.

The reason why alchemy is called alchemy is that its core purpose is to transform base metals into precious metals, mainly gold.

The ultimate goal of alchemists is to refine "philosopher's stone", also known as "sage's stone". This magical stone is said to turn stone into gold, turning all base metals into valuable silver and gold.

This kind of philosopher's stone is a kind of fantasy in medieval Europe. After all, it is not so easy to turn base metal into gold even in the 21st century.

Although in the 21st century, scientists have been able to transform base metals into precious metals in the laboratory by means of nuclear chemistry, the cost of this transformation is quite high, and the converted gold is not even as much as one tenth of the cost of the transformation.

Perhaps in the far future, with the continuous progress of science and technology, it will become a very common technology to transform base metals into gold. But at that time, it is estimated that the value of gold will not be much higher than that of base metals such as iron and lead.

These are afterwords, but in today's era, to find a way to change base metals into precious metals is the tireless pursuit of any alchemist.

Of course, in this process, countless alchemists failed. At the same time, they almost brought disaster to the rich family, but there were also rich people.

For example, the discoverer of white phosphorus, German brand Hanning, was an alchemist.

This brand Hanning is not only an alchemist, but also a businessman. Originally, he had a lot of wealth. However, since he became addicted to alchemy, his originally wealthy family has been tossed about.

In 1669, Mr. Hanning, a businessman and alchemist, had a whim. Because human urine had the same golden color as gold, he collected 50 barrels of human urine and heated it together with the same yellow sand. Because he thinks that urine with yellow color can be boiled together with sand to produce the legendary sage's stone.

As a result, the sage's stone has not been refined, and the gold has no shadow, but he unexpectedly got a substance like white wax, which can emit dazzling white light.

This substance is white phosphorus, a new element.

Although the legendary sage's stone was not refined, the discovery of white phosphorus also made Mr. brand Hanning a fortune.

This is a typical example of alchemists who found new elements inadvertently in the process of refining the sage's stone, and made a fortune by using this new element.

In the middle of the 18th century, comrade Mendeleev, who invented the periodic table, thought his grandfather was still playing with mud in the countryside. Therefore, this era is a good one for alchemists. As long as we find a new element with enough utilization value, we can get rich soon.

If Agust and brother Gai are lucky enough, maybe they can find a new element with enough value to become a rich man. But they didn't, so they are just a poor indentured slave now.

Although Shi Xiong knows the refining methods of many elements, he doesn't have the mood and energy to do these things. Although in this era, with more than 250 years of advanced knowledge, Shi Xiong can become a super rich man, but when a rich man, where can he have the pleasure of waking up and taking control of the world?

That's why stone bear plans to start collecting alchemists.

He didn't want to do these chemical experiments, but that doesn't mean the alchemists didn't want to do them.

For these alchemists, the discovery of a new way of refining elements can certainly make them rich, but the more important thing is that they can remain in history. This is a good thing for both fame and wealth. No alchemist can refuse it.

These two people are the pioneers of chemistry in the future of gaoshu tribe.

Stone bear will never let go of these two people, but stone bear is also very clear, just by virtue of coercion is unable to let two people completely return to their hearts, carrot and stick method will be better.

It's just that we can't give these two terrified alchemists a killing wand at this time. Otherwise, in their current state, I'm afraid they will have to beat these two guys to death before they have hit the wand. This is not what stone bear wants to see.

So, the best way to deal with these two guys now is Huairou.

Stone bear very indifferent from his arms took out two pieces of paper has been slightly yellow, gently pushed in front of the two people.

"These are the contracts you signed. I took them from Fernando. Now they belong to you. It's ok if you want to tear it up or burn it down. I won't stop you. "

These words and the two familiar contracts made them deeply moved. For a long time, brother Gai asked with trembling lips: "why?"

Stone bear shrugged his shoulders and said, "because I don't want you to continue to be slaves, I hope we can cooperate and communicate in a fair way. I don't want the indentured slave status to suppress your nature. I just hope you can make greater contributions in a fair environment. "

Let. Agust and cover elder brother, including Agust's wife beibella, was really moved by the stone bear's hand.

For them, this thin piece of paper is a shackle on their necks, which makes them live in a huge shadow all these years. It is a way to make them feel worse than killing them!

It's no exaggeration to say that these two alchemists have been thinking about how to terminate this contract all the time in the past few years.

So, when the sky suddenly fell such a huge meat pie, the feeling of happiness almost made them collapse.

Agust holds little Mary, brother Gai's daughter, and laughs, while brother Gai holds Agust's wife, beibella, and wails.

Eight year old little Mary is also completely confused. Her little head is not clear why the bearded "grandfather" will hold himself and laugh, while her father will hold the "grandmother" and cry.

Shi Xiong quietly walked out of the cabin with a smile on his face. At this time, it's unnecessary for him to stay here. The two families need a space to vent completely. Then, after they vent, they need time and space to think about the future.

Although it is very cold outside the cabin, the stone bear can feel the breath of spring in the strong northwest wind.

Originally, I thought that with the cold air going south, there would be another round of large-scale rainfall here, but I didn't expect that the dark clouds in the gloomy sky for most of the day would be completely blown away under the strong northwest wind.

There is a huge moon hanging in the sky. Although it is not a full moon, the bright moon dispels the darkness. Even without lighting, you can see the scene dozens of meters away with the help of the bright moonlight.

Four inland river armed transport ships were on their way overnight. It was hundreds of miles away from the tall tree tribe. No one wanted to stay too much in this unfamiliar place.

Stone bear stood in the bow of the ship, looking up at the bright moonlight, his heart was full of emotion for a moment.

When the bright moon turns into a big disk, it enters the "snow moon" (February). Although this month is snowy, countless lives are brewing under the snow.

When the snow moon has passed, the "worm month" (March), which represents the complete arrival of spring, will come.

"I've been in this world five months before I know it! Parents far away in another parallel universe, how are you? How are you, sister? "

Unknowingly, stone bear this big man is already full of tears.

No matter how strong the man is, no matter how strong the man is, there is always a small place in the bottom of my heart that is always reserved for my family. And every time I accidentally touch that soft place, no matter how strong and strong a man is, he will feel weak for a moment.

He closed his eyes tightly, lowered his head, and put his hands on his face in a disorderly way. Then he gave a long breath.

"It seems impossible to go back. Well, since time is irreversible, let me do something in this world! Maybe, well, maybe in the future of this world, there is a lucky person who has crossed the world just like Laozi, and happened to cross the world before Laozi! Then let Lao Tzu's reputation in this world spread to that world through that lucky one! "

The stone bear murmured in a low voice, and then he was amused by his unreasonable idea.

Looking up and laughing a few times, the soldiers of the two tribes came and asked in a low voice, which made the stone bear suddenly feel bored.

"It's OK. I'm ok. I just thought of something. You don't have to worry about me. Stay on duty. "

The two soldiers of the tribe looked at each other and bowed slightly in front of their chest with their left hands. Then they retreated silently.

For the young guardian, all the tribal soldiers who followed this time have already worshipped him. What the stone bear did in okron fortress and extorted so many things from the vasichu's hands made these soldiers admire.

And the things that vasichu was killed last night have been told by Gao Niu, Dajiao and others. The ruthlessness of the guardian also made these soldiers extremely awed.

Although the soldiers in the tribe don't know any tricks, their intuition tells them that the captured vasichu can't be put back, which will bring great danger to the tribe.

As a result, the guardian has long thought of this, through another way not to violate the promise, cleanly killed those vasichu.

Such a brave and ruthless guardian is a qualified leader!

This has become the consensus of all fighters after this operation.

He took out his pipe, pinched out a handful of tobacco leaves from the small cloth bag containing the broken tobacco leaves, put them into the pot, and then lit the tobacco leaves in the pot with a fire fold.

Take a hard breath, spicy smoke along the throat and trachea into the lungs, and then turn a circle in the lungs and spray out from the nose and mouth.

The smell of smoke made the stone bear calm down.

Another mouthful, the tobacco leaves in the pot have been completely burned.

Looking at the tobacco pot with a little spark, a strange idea suddenly came out.

"It's really non-smoking, and it's very troublesome. Do you want to get real cigarettes when you go back? In this era, if we can sell cigarettes to those vasichus, I'm afraid those vasichus will have to go crazy! "

Then the stone bear himself was dumbfounded by this sudden idea.

Although I think this idea is out of date, it has been hovering in my mind since it came out.

"Well, actually, it seems to be a very good thing to make cigarettes." In an instant, the stone bear's mind turned countless ideas, the advantages and disadvantages of cigarettes are also analyzed in a very short time.

"It's worth doing! Once it's made, it's more popular than salt in vasichu! "

Stone bear is very clear that in this era, the real sense of cigarette has not appeared, and that kind of thing will not be invented until more than 100 years later. However, in this era, in addition to using pipes, many cigarette users in Europe also use paper to roll tobacco leaves, which is the kind of hand-made cigarettes.

There is no doubt that cigarettes are attractive to smokers. Countless smokers in later generations have proved this