Chapter 163

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
Although it was very unpleasant on the day when he first came here, Li Lei, the leader of gaoshu tribe, or Lei Ying of Xiaohe tribe, reached an agreement on the relevant transaction under the strong promotion of Shi Xiong.

Gaoshu tribe has the salt and ironware that Xiaohe tribe needs most at present, while Xiaohe tribe has the saltpeter that the guardian adults need most at present. Therefore, the leaders of the two tribes focused on the trade of saltpeter, salt and ironware, and finally reached the trade standard of one bag of salt or one steel knife for five bags of saltpeter.

As for other transaction contents, they will follow this standard.

This standard is much higher than the trading price given by the franceans. The high-level of Lei Ying and Xiaohe tribe are very happy, but the high-level of gaoshu tribe doesn't matter.

Whether it's Lilei or Dajiao, or even Hongyun, they still don't understand the importance of niter. When they understand the importance of saltpeter, they will understand that today's trade is definitely a big light.

You know, in this era, the price of tinnitus in Europe is much higher than that of salt. As for iron, it can't be compared with tinnitus. Stone bear can use such a price to reach a deal with Xiaohe tribe, which is also a big light.

It's not that the stone bear doesn't want to take care of his future father-in-law. It's an indisputable fact that the Indians are short of salt and iron. In the Indian tribes of the North American continent, both the iron and salt are much more valuable than the saltpeter of the Xiaohe tribe.

Stone bear can give such a transaction price, Lei Ying is not only very happy, he also said that the price is too high.

You know, the iron knife in Lei Ying's hand was originally replaced by more than 20 bags of saltpeter from the hands of the French. It was more than 500 Jin of saltpeter.

Now we can exchange five bags of nitrates for a better steel knife, which Lei Ying didn't even dare to think about before he came here.

There is also salt, other ironware in gaoshu tribe, plough for sowing and reclaiming wasteland, and Lei Ying would like to trade them all.

To this, the stone bear also has no way.

These things in gaoshu tribe are not enough. They must not be traded.

However, in order to make up for the future father-in-law, Shi Xiong decided to have a good dinner for his father-in-law, brother-in-law and future daughter-in-law before they returned to Xiaohe tribe.

The guardian's private banquet is the future father-in-law, brother-in-law and the future guardian's wife, so the identity of accompanying guests should not be low.

As the biggest supporter of kabulu's sacrifice and guardian, Hongyun will naturally come to accompany the guests. Well, it's not known whether the girl is greedy for her own smell.

Gao Niu, as silly head's uncle, is stone bear's closest elder when his parents all die.

Kuaima, Lieutenant Ferguson, hard bone and rabbit's mouth, as the rock bear's iron brother-in-law, naturally want to accompany the rock hammer, the future brother-in-law of the rock bear.

There are ten people in a table. The tables and chairs are specially made by the stone bear's family. The old wood family was very happy with the guardian's order, because there was no such thing as tables and chairs in the Indian tribes of this era. The old wood family found that it was really good after they made the tables and chairs according to the drawings.

The most important thing is that the old wood family all know that once the guardian adults start to use the tables and chairs, it won't be long before the whole tribal family will use this kind of very comfortable furniture.

This kind of round table also has wooden chair, which naturally makes a group of people marvel. After sitting on it, they are even more comfortable.

Then, the stone bear incarnated as a chef, and began to show his craft for the first time after he came to this world.

Although before, after the peanut oil was just squeezed out, the stone bear had done several times of stir fry, but they were all home cooked. This time, he took charge of the spoon himself, which was the work of Zhenger 800.

In fact, there is nothing to be busy with. One is that it's winter and there are no green vegetables. The other is that there are almost no other condiments except salt in the Indian tribes of this era. The stone bear has the story of killing the dragon, but he can't find the dragon, so he has to kill the snake.

Moreover, some time-consuming dishes have already been prepared, and what he needs to do is just a few fried dishes.

In this era, we can't think about soy sauce and vinegar, let alone sugar. As for flour sauce, oil consumption and monosodium glutamate, it's better to dream

Fortunately, the stone bear collected a little honey, passion fruit and rosemary in the tribe, and also found more than a dozen already shriveled onions, which made do with a table of dishes.

Fried two sides of the bean curd, and then chopped beef a stir fry, a pot of bean curd on the collapse. This makes Lei Ying, Baiyun and shichui, who have never seen tofu, gape. Of course, the delicious dishes also make people at this table swallow.

Even Hongyun and Kuaima have never seen such tofu. They all know that tofu is a good thing. They are full and don't fart when they eat too much. So the tofu is always hot when it's just made, and it's taken away by these guys one by one. The stone bear can't make a tofu soup, let alone the pot of tofu.

Next to this pot of bean curd, there is also a big pottery pot full of bean curd, but this bean curd is different. The red and white are distinct, so people can't help but move their index fingers.

There is no shortage of pepper in the gaoshu tribe, so a pan of red pepper with white tofu is used to stir fry. Finally, some salt is sprinkled, and a pot of spicy tofu is made.

On the other side of the pot, there is also a big pot, which is a pot of bean curd. With a layer of red oil floating on the soup, the tender and white tofu is faintly visible, and the steaming steam, the appearance is naturally excellent.

It's impossible to eat tofu for a table of dishes, so there is no tofu for the rest of the dishes.

A pot of beef stewed with potatoes is a reservation of the gaoshu tribe since peanut oil was squeezed out. Now every family in gaoshu tribe has peanut oil. Although it's not much, it's OK to stew beef and potatoes occasionally.

Hot fried shredded potatoes are indispensable. Red pepper, yellow and white shredded potatoes, although there is no vinegar, but this original taste is actually very delicious.

Fried peanuts is a natural dish. For this reason, the stone bear also ruthlessly picked out more than a kilogram of peanuts from the preserved peanuts, fried and sprinkled with salt, a large wooden plate fried peanuts so fresh out of the oven.

And a big pot of beef stew. This kind of beef stew made by stone bear is not like the "pure beef stew" made by the tribe with white water and salt. The practice of stone bear is slightly different.

If you don't have big ingredients, you can use passion fruit instead. If you don't have Chinese prickly ash, you can use rosemary instead. At least it has a little spice. The flavor of stewed beef is not comparable to that of "pure stewed beef".

As for the main meal, it's a turkey that has been dismembered and then fried.

Turkey is a specialty of the American continent. It was domesticated by the Indians as early as 5000 BC. It was not until Columbus discovered the new world that this huge turkey became the food on the European table.

There are also turkeys in the gaoshu tribe. The stone bear asked for one, and the turkey, which weighs more than ten kilograms, became the staple food on the table

In addition to bean curd, other dishes are common on the table of North American Indians, but where have they ever seen such dishes?

They used to eat beef, which was stewed in white water and salt, or baked on a campfire, and potatoes were stewed or steamed. Although Turkey is cultivated in various tribes, the way to eat it is similar to beef.

So, when all the six dishes are on the table, Lei Ying's family is silly. Let alone eat them in their whole life, they never even think that the dishes they used to eat can be done like this.

These guys from gaoshu tribe, headed by Hongyun, are ready to move. Naturally, they have tasted the dishes made by stone bear for a long time, but they have never met so many dishes in such a concentration, so they naturally want to eat them. Otherwise, due to Lei Ying's face, these dishes would have been swept away by them.

Hongyun, of course, knew what it meant for the stone bear to invite him to this meal. Their goal was the beautiful little girl sitting in the middle.

Everyone can see the signs these days. After dinner in the evening, as long as it's OK, the guardian will take other people's little girls out for a walk. Even the little guy rabbit mouth knows what his boss means. Who else doesn't understand?

Naturally, Hongyun also hopes that his guardian can achieve good things with the girl whose name is only a word different from his own. As a past person, since the day when he clashed with the people of Xiaohe tribe, Hongyun has seen that there is something wrong between his guardian and the girl.

Originally, Hongyun was still a little dissatisfied with this. After all, Baiyun is a chekasa, and her guardian is a Cherokee "son of God". How can her guardian form a family with a chekasa?

Even if the little girl looks really attractive, even if the little girl's performance is perfect in all aspects, at the beginning, Hongyun still didn't approve of it.

Although Dali bear is the son of God and his own guardian, Hongyun has long regarded Dali bear as his own brother. Hongyun hopes that Dashi bear can find his partner in gaoshu tribe or other tribes separated from gaoshu tribe. Moreover, Hongyun has long been interested in several girls, such as grey swallow and Akasha.

However, his guardians are not interested in these nice girls. Sometimes Hongyun even worries about whether Dashi bear was damaged in the battle of longmaoniu tribe.

As a result, I didn't expect that this powerful bear, which makes the unmarried girls in the whole tribe yearn for, fell in love with people from other tribes. Moreover, it is a chekasa. Hongyun was very upset at the beginning.

But later, Hongyun found an opportunity to talk with Baiyun. As a result, this contact didn't matter. Hongyun immediately fell in love with the little girl.

The most important thing about a beautiful person is that she is quiet, which is really unmatched by other girls in the tribe. And from the contact with Baiyun, as the past person, Hongyun can obviously feel the girl's favor for Dali bear.

If the girl is not a chekasa, then everything is perfect. Unfortunately

This is the first time that red clouds and white clouds come into contact alone.

However, with these days when Hongyun has nothing to do, she talks and chats with Baiyun. At the beginning, Hongyun's feeling gradually disappears.

Although this beautiful little girl is a mortal enemy of the chekasa people, she comes from a secluded tribe after all. She has never been involved in any battle against the Cherokee people.

In fact, strictly speaking, gaoshu tribe is also a hermit tribe. At least since the establishment of gaoshu tribe, gaoshu tribe will fight back only when the chekasa people sneak on their heads. At other times, even if the red city alliance orders to recruit soldiers from all tribes to fight against the chekasa people, gaoshu tribe will not pay attention to this order.

Isn't the kabulu, the ancestor of his family, who led his people to leave the Cherokee royal court, just to escape?

If you do it yourself, it will be too hard to be strict with others.

So with these days of contact, red cloud has fully accepted the beautiful girl Baiyun.

Now, the guardians of their own family want to entertain the Baiyun family. How can Hongyun, who claims to be sister Dali Xiong's kabulu sacrifice, not support it?

Although Hongyun is also very greedy for the dishes made by dalixiong, Baiyun and his family have not started yet. Naturally, Hongyun can only watch the kids honestly.

It wasn't until Dali Xiong finished washing his hands and sat on the seat to greet everyone to eat together that everyone started.

It's just that Lei Ying and his family were embarrassed when they ate. Hongyun and his family all ate with a pair of sticks. But where did the three of them use this kind of tableware? They didn't know how to eat it for a while.

It was the stone bear that solved the problem for them. It doesn't matter if you can't use chopsticks, so use wooden spoon!

This kind of small wooden spoon is specially made of old wood by Shi Xiong to take care of Lei Ying's family who can't use chopsticks.

If it's really a dish that can't be scooped up with a spoon, grab it.

Anyway, before the gaoshu tribe used chopsticks, all the Indians in the new world of North America ate with their hands

Although there are only six dishes on this big table, there are a lot of other dishes except fried peanuts. I'm kidding. Can't you see that the utensils used to hold vegetables are pottery pots about the same size as the washbasins of later generations? A few pots full of dishes are absolutely enough for these people.

Unfortunately, this group of people's appetite is beyond the stone bear's expectation.

Even so many dishes are not enough for them.

In fact, in this era, there was a general lack of oil and water in the intestines and stomach of North American Indians. Although almost every meal of the Indians has meat, don't forget that at this time, the Indians eat a big pot of rice!

A bison is hunted, slaughtered and stewed, and the whole tribe is divided equally.

Even if a cow weighs a thousand catties, how many catties of meat is there besides peeling off its skin, bones and viscera? It would be nice to have half. A few hundred or even a thousand of them are enough to eat?

So, when these individual stir fry are put in front of them, the hungry dead reincarnated gluttons appear.

Not only red clouds, but also white clouds.

The most important thing is that the dishes made by stone bear are really delicious. Especially for the three members of Baiyun family, who have never eaten a small stove, how can they resist such temptation?