Chapter 149

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
The sharp skinning knife moves dexterously in the stone bear's big hand, and a bloody sheep's skin is peeled off quickly.

Thanks to the body's skillful hunting and handling skills, the stone bear is not worried about starving himself in the wild.

However, no matter in the past or in this life, the stone bear is a carnivore to the letter. It can't be said that a meal without meat is not pleasant, but if you go into the wilderness like this and don't eat meat for two days, it's really greedy for the stone bear.

If you are in the tribe, the viscera will be left by the stone bear. After all, the mutton is also a delicious food. But here, there is no condition to do sheep miscellaneous, so the stone bear can only give up those sheep miscellaneous helplessly.

The bonfire burned quickly. When the wood was red and the fire went down, the leg of the sheep on the iron spear was put on the two branches next to the bonfire by the stone bear.

When we talk about the starting point bonfire, we have to mention another preparatory work that the stone bear did before starting, that is to make a fire fold.

The fire in the tribe is kept in the fire pool, which can be ignited at any time. But if you go out to the wilderness, there is no fire pool to ignite, only flint and dry reed velvet collected in autumn can be used to ignite.

For this way of igniting fire, Shi Xiong was not suitable, so he straightened out the orifices used by Chinese ancestors while making the strong bow.

It can be called one of the black technologies in ancient China.

In ancient China, this thing is comparable to a modern lighter. It looks like a very humble bamboo tube. As long as you open the cover and blow in suddenly, the flames will come out immediately. When not in use, just close the lid and the fire will go out immediately.

However, although the flame of the fold is extinguished, the combustibles in the bamboo tube are still smoldering. If you need to start a fire next time, open the lid and blow, the flame will come out immediately.

Moreover, this kind of origami, which is comparable to modern lighters, was invented as early as 577 A.D. in the northern and Southern Dynasties. It is said that it was invented by a palace maid. At that time, the army needed to go out to fight frequently, and making fire was a big problem. If there was no fire, the whole army would have to eat raw rice and lettuce. At this time, the maid in waiting invented this kind of origami. It can make the whole army eat hot food.

After that, it would be much easier for the ancient Chinese army and the common people to start a fire again.

However, with the appearance of "foreign fire" and lighters, the origami, which had been popular in China for thousands of years, gradually disappeared. After all, they are not as easy to carry as lighters or matches, and they are expensive to make, especially the high-end ones used by big families.

In ancient China, most of the orifices used by ordinary people were made of rough native paper. They were rolled into a compact paper roll and put it into a small bamboo tube. Just set it on fire, blow it out, and then close the lid, leaving a little gap to leave a little spark in the bamboo tube. And then when it's needed, it can burn again with a little blow.

This kind of fire fold is easy to make and the cost is not high, but the time of the fire in the fire fold is limited.

There is also a kind of high-end origami, which is specially used by the rich and the rich. The fire in this kind of origami can be kept for a long time, but because of the materials, the cost of making this kind of origami is very high, and ordinary people can't afford to use it at all.

In order to make this kind of high-grade folding, we first have to put the sweet potato vine into the water to soak it, and then take it out and hammer it flat. Then add cotton, reed velvet, continue to soak, and then beat.

After these things are hammered, they are put out in the sun. Fortunately, although it was cold in those two days, the sun was good, so it was easy to dry.

After drying, these things are added with flammable spices such as sodium nitrate, rosin and sulfur, and finally twisted into ropes and stuffed into bamboo tubes.

Point and then close the lid. When you open the lid, you don't need to blow at all. Just shake it and the fire will come out.

This kind of high-grade origami is much longer than those of low-grade origami, and it only needs a flash to ignite the fire. After all, the sulfur, sodium nitrate, rosin and other things added in this high-grade folding fold are extremely flammable. As long as there is a little oxygen, it can burn immediately.

The stone bear has seen a lot of orifices. In his museum, there are some orifices used by several wealthy families in the Song Dynasty. One of them was used by a prince.

As a cultural protection expert, Shi Xiong naturally knows how to make and use the origami, so before going out, he started to make some origami.

Since we want to do it, we must do that kind of high-end folding. The tribe itself has reed velvet collected in autumn and rosin collected from the trunks of long leaved pine trees in the mountains. The best rosin is produced from Pinus sylvestris, while a large number of Pinus sylvestris grow in the southeast of the new world. We don't know how many Pinus sylvestris grow on Dawu Mountain alone.

Rosin is very useful in the tribe, so there is a lot of rosin in the tribe.

As for nitrates and sulfur, a large quantity of them were seized from the French this time. It is enough to make gunpowder, let alone pyrotechnics.

And sweet potato vines, there are many of them, and they are all dried in the sun. It's enough to pick them up. The only thing missing is cotton, but it's hard for the stone bear.

Lieutenant Ferguson has a cotton padded jacket, so Shi Xiong directly changed a beaver fur coat for Lieutenant Ferguson's broken cotton padded jacket. After taking it apart, there was enough cotton inside

As for the bamboo tube used for folding, there are many bamboo tubes on Dawu Mountain, which are enough.

Speaking of bamboo, there was no bamboo in Dawu Mountain, but after the Cherokee moved south and contacted the Pueblo people, they introduced some bamboo from Pueblo people, so there was bamboo in Dawu Mountain.

However, in order to prevent the bamboo tube from being damaged by the smoldering fire, the stone bear rolled the thin iron sheet into a barrel and lined it in the bamboo tube, and then inserted the made fire rope into it, and a fire fold was made.

It shocked the whole tribe immediately after it was made. Even Lieutenant Ferguson was shocked by this kind of "spontaneous combustion" with one wave. You know, at this time, although Brandt, a German, had extracted white phosphorus from his urine and made the most primitive white phosphorus match with white phosphorus stained with sulfur, this kind of match did not spread because it was too dangerous and could spontaneously ignite at a little higher temperature, which burned a lot of people.

As for the real safety match, it will take almost 100 years before it is developed by the Swedish Lundstrom.

So in Europe of this era, this kind of thing that can "catch fire" by itself is absolutely rare