Chapter 143

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
Looking at the French soldiers on the four inland river armed transport ships, one by one, they threw their guns on the ground, and then they were tied by the clansmen in line. The stone bear and Lilei all showed a smile on their faces.

In order to ensure that there were no French soldiers left in the cabin, stone bear sent dozens of soldiers to search, and the search work lasted until sunrise. Captain Constantine did not lie. He did persuade all the French soldiers.

The low temperature in the early hours of the morning has made these surrendering French soldiers suffer a lot. Their clothes are not thick. If the stone bear had not been kind enough to light several bonfires, they might have been able to freeze to death.

After confirming that all the Frenchmen came out, Shi Xiong, Li Lei and a group of tribal leaders boarded the four ships and began to inspect them one by one. Then, they found a lot of good things in the warehouse

Cotton cloth and grain are the most. They don't care about the salt rock bears with strange taste. At present, the best salt in North America and even in Europe comes from the gaoshu tribe. Who cares about the low-grade salt that has been detoxified?

In the cargo hold of a ship, stone bear found two 121mm caliber wallier guns and corresponding ammunition.

This kind of 121mm wallier gun can't be compared with the 84mm wallier gun mounted on the ship's side deck.

The 84 mm wallier gun erected on the ship's side deck has a caliber of only 84 mm, which is the smallest caliber used by the French navy in this era.

That's right. Strictly speaking, this kind of valerian artillery belongs to the category of naval gun. It's heavy and has a long range. It's usually placed on windsurfing warships.

Each of the four inland river armed transport ships is also equipped with six 84 mm wallier guns. This kind of gun made of iron is 2.4 meters long and can fire 4 French pounds, which is about 4.4 pounds. The overall weight of the gun is about 650 kg.

This kind of 84 mm gun can not only launch a single projectile, but also a grape bullet, which is the so-called 䉈 bullet. It's just that when a projectile is launched, its range is far less than that of a projectile. However, when the shell is fired, its lethality to the infantry at close range is incomparable.

The reason why this kind of inland river armed transport ships dare to collide on the Mississippi River is that they can fire shells.

The 121 mm gun found in the cabin of the ship is an upgraded version of the 84 mm gun. This kind of artillery is usually set up in the sail warship, and the target of this kind of artillery is usually the enemy's sail warship.

The 121mm wallier gun is also made of iron, with a length of 3.1 meters. It can launch a projectile of 12 French pounds, with an overall weight of 1510 kg.

Who knows what the French thought, they even sent this kind of naval gun to the military fortress in the north through this kind of armed transport ship. Maybe there is more military pressure there. A certain military fortress needs this kind of naval gun with a range of 1800 meters to deter the enemy.

But Shi Xiong knows that although the range of this kind of naval gun is as high as 1800 meters, the effective range is not very far. The caliber of this kind of projectile is almost a quarter of an inch smaller than the caliber of the barrel. If it can hit the target within 200 meters, it will be burning incense.

In fact, this is almost the case with artillery in this era.

In this era, the gap between the gun barrel and the projectile is too large, so it is easy to be exposed, that is, the clearance is too large. The typical clearance can even be easily inserted into a chopstick, which is about a quarter of an inch.

Such a huge gap is bound to be a great waste of gunpowder gas energy.

In this era, when the artillery was firing, the shells bumped forward in the barrel under the impetus of high temperature and high pressure gunpowder gas. It was a bit like dancing samba. It was not certain which side to jump when they came out of the muzzle, so the accuracy was not high. Although the heavy cannon could hit several kilometers in theory, the actual combat distance of the naval gun was only about 200 meters.

Therefore, although the caliber of these two guns is not small, their power in actual combat is really not very good.

Stone bear, who is used to watching all kinds of war movies or documentaries of later generations, naturally will not pay attention to this kind of artillery.

But in Li Lei's eyes, this kind of gun is the treasure of the town!

In this era, not to mention artillery, even muskets, the whole Indian tribe in North America has a very small number. Anyway, as far as Li Lei knows, in the whole Cherokee race, there are only a few muskets in the headquarters of the royal court and the red city alliance, which are obtained by a group of despicable guys who have been posing as Powhatans for several times.

In fact, the European colonists of this era were very tough. If they met an irresistible enemy, they would often destroy their muskets before they died, knowing that they would not be spared.

These wasichu people knew very well that if the dominant Indian Aborigines were allowed to obtain a large number of muskets, their families would not want to establish themselves in the new world. Therefore, knowing that they would die, these wasichu people would not leave muskets to the Indians.

Of course, the situation encountered by Captain Constantine is different. After all, as long as they surrender, they can save their lives. This is the most important thing for them, so they will surrender happily.

Even the four armed transport ships and the materials on them can't be preserved. Who cares about the guns.

Taking into account the battle at gaoshu pass yesterday, the gaoshu tribe now has about 100 muskets. Of course, a lot of ammunition has been found in the cargo holds of the four ships. These ammunition were originally provided for the military fortresses in the north, but now they are all cheap for the gaoshu tribe.

"If we put these two guns in the north and east of the tribe, then dismantle the guns from the four ships and put them together, and finally our soldiers hold the guns, then our tribe will be as solid as gold. I'm afraid that such firepower configuration can't even compare with the military fortresses of vasichu! " Li Lei said with his brother big foot.

Bigfoot also nodded with a smile.

The harvest this time was far beyond their expectation. The materials carried by the four ships alone were enough to make the gaoshu tribe make a windfall, not to mention the weapons and ammunition seized this time.

In addition to weapons, there were more than 1500 pounds of black powder, more than 2000 pounds of purified nitre and more than 500 pounds of purified sulfur

Obviously, the main raw materials for making black powder were also sent to those military fortresses, but they were all sent to the gaoshu tribe for nothing.

Compared with the finished gunpowder, Shi Xiong pays more attention to these nitrates and sulfu