Chapter 126

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
Just sit down of the red cloud also suddenly stood up, her face also become dignified incomparable.

"It's the call for help from the people!" Li Lei just listened to it for a few seconds and said with a very ugly face.

"Is someone in danger?" Although Shi Xiong doesn't understand the meaning of this kind of horn sound, the faces of Li Lei and Hong Yun also make him realize that things are not good.

The horn made of buffalo horn is very important. Whether it's attack or retreat or other things, it can be expressed by simple horn sound. However, each tribe has a different way of using the horn, so the stone bear can't understand what the horn sound means.

In the old longhaired cattle tribe, one long horn and three short horns represented retreat.

But it's clear that in the gaoshu tribe, the sound of a long horn and three short horns is a call for help.

Hongyun asked anxiously: "Lilei, which team is in danger? And what are the dangers of this season that can put ten soldiers in danger? Are they large wolves

Although it's winter now, the soldiers of gaoshu tribe who are catching bison don't stop. And with the capture of bison more and more skilled, the original team of 20 people is now divided into a team of 10 people, and the previous three teams are now divided into six.

But the people who can go out and catch bison are the most elite soldiers in the tribe. The soldiers in a team of ten still have iron spears, iron knives and bows and arrows with iron arrows in their hands. Even if they encounter a black bear who has been awakened from hibernation, they can easily hunt and kill it.

Throughout the winter in the wilderness, if it can cause danger to this team of ten elite soldiers, it is only a large group of wolves.

Wolves are very dangerous in winter, especially in groups.

The cold winter makes it hard for these ferocious predators to find prey, so the hungry wolves will immediately become the most dangerous animals in this land.

If the wolf pack is big enough, for example, there are more than 30 wild wolves, then the wolf pack will dare to attack the herd of bison. And the team of ten had to retreat in front of such a pack of wolves.

Li Lei shakes his head. He is the leader of the gaoshu tribe. At the same time, he was once the most powerful soldier of the gaoshu tribe. He is very experienced in this situation.

"It should not be the wolves. The teams we sent out to capture bison are not too far away from each other, in order to prevent one team from being in danger, and other teams can earn money for rescue. But just now, the bugle sounded several times in succession, and two times were not the same bugle. Therefore, at least 20 people of our people are gathered together. If so many elite soldiers gather together, they won't be afraid of large wolves. Even if there are many wild wolves in the wolves, they can retreat calmly, instead of blowing this kind of urgent call for help

Li Lei's face is dignified and abnormal, "they may have met the enemy!"

Li Lei's words immediately let the memory of silly head rush up.

"Chief, are you talking about the chekasa?" Asked the stone bear.

"I don't know yet. Maybe it's Yuchi. Those guys have never given up since we drove them further south. They are even more familiar with this area than us. They may also attack our hunting team

"What are you waiting for? Let's go, let's go to the rescue right away Stone bear said, grabbing the animal skin clothes, at the same time, the knife back on the back, right hand lift the heavy iron spear, will go out.

"Guardian, you can't go alone now! If you go by yourself, you're looking for death! We need to gather as many fighters as we can Li Lei drinks the stone bear.

At this time, the outside of the house has become noisy, and countless shouts have broken the peace of gaoshu tribe.

The stone bear opened the door, and the cold air mixed with some tiny snow particles rushed towards him - it was going to snow.

There are already dozens of men gathering with weapons outside. Once the call for help is sounded, the people in the tribe, especially the soldiers, need to put down their work and gather at the first time no matter what they are doing.

When Li Lei saw the situation outside, he clenched his fists and gave a low drink: "let's go! Let's go and join our soldiers in the rescue

When Shi Xiong, Li Lei and Hong Yun came to the place where the soldiers gathered, more and more people were coming here. There were many strong women holding weapons. Stone bear saw Momo grass and sheep tail flower in this group of women.

It's no big deal that the women of the North American Indians can hold up half the sky.

In the Indian tribes of North America, strong women were always soldiers. In the former matriarchal society, women were even more powerful.

There were thirty or forty women with big arms and round waists who came to us in a fierce manner. Most of them had an anxious look on their faces. It was obvious that among the soldiers who went out to catch bison today were their men and even their children.

The buzzing discussion is very noisy. Li Lei has to raise his voice and yell. People just focus on Li Lei.

At the sight of Li Lei's side, there was a strong guardian, and everyone breathed a sigh.

In this era of cold weapons, a strong soldier with a physique and a brown bear is often the backbone of a tribe. Especially in the battlefield, the influence of this strong soldier is even greater than that of the tribal leader.

Bigfoot and Gao Niu also ran over with weapons. Li Lei asked in a low voice, "who led the team to catch bison today?"

"It's wolf tail. He led the team to capture bison these two days." Bigfoot simply replied, "in addition to spears, tree roots and eagle feathers, they went out with them."

"Where did the horn sound from? Whose horn is it? " Li Lei continued to ask.

There are many soldiers in the tribe, but not many of them can take the horn. In addition to Qu Kui, the team leader is qualified to take the horn. Wolf tail is the Qu Kui of tribal soldiers. Spear, tree root and eagle feather are all soldiers of small team leader level.

The sound of the horn in each person's hand is slightly different, which is difficult for outsiders to distinguish, but as a member of the same family, it is easy to distinguish whose horn is blowing.

"It's the trumpet of the spear and the feather. The direction is from the northeast! " Answered Bigfoot.

Li Lei nodded and said in a loud voice: "all the soldiers are with me. The women are behind me. They are going to the northeast. Those who have horses ride, and those who don't! Quick action, our brother is waiting for us to rescue

"Ho ho..." all the people drank together!

PS: bow to thank "taigudun road" 500 reward.