Chapter 115

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
"How are the villagers at that time..." whenever the fourth grandfather talked about what happened in the past in his spare time, he would smoke a pot with a cigarette bag and sigh.

"At that time, when the villagers came to extract oil, they dried and screened the raw materials at home, which saved us a lot of work. At that time, when the villagers took the oil to the oil mill, they would weigh the raw materials and record them in the account. After pressing, they could divide the oil according to the proportion. And the villagers with less raw materials simply don't squeeze oil, but exchange a few Jin of oil and go. "

The fourth grandfather's words are well remembered by the stone bear. Those villagers were really good at that time. After all, they had to extract oil. The preparatory work was rather tedious. Just screening and drying is a hard work.

But these jobs were all done in advance by the villagers. In those years, they saved a lot of time and energy for the workers of the oil press.

Shi Xiong clearly remembers that the fourth grandfather's oil press contained more oil than the one he had ordered. Although the oil press is thick, it is much shorter, so the oil cake compartment can only hold 360 Jin of oil at most. The fourth grandfather's oil press was able to hold 450 Jin of oil.

The most important thing is that when the villagers come to the oil press, they will help themselves as long as they can. Some can burn fire to prepare firewood, some can help to push and grind the crushed materials, some can help to steam the powder, some can help to press the plate, and some can help to press. Anyway, none of the villagers who came to the oil press shop were idle.

At that time, the villagers were really like a family. It's not like in the next 20 years, even the feelings between the villagers have become weak

"Oh, there's more and more oil."

"The oil is so clear. It's much clearer than the oil made from fat meat."

"The oil should be delicious."

"You only know how to eat. You didn't hear the guardian say that this oil is used for cooking. But what is cooking? Is it delicious... "

The sound of Wu Yang's comments brought the stone bear back from his memory.

He can't help but sigh a long time.

The fourth grandfather passed away long ago, but he also inexplicably passed through this era. His parents and younger sister will never see him again

Shaking his head, he put aside the worries in his mind. The stone bear went to the oil press and squatted down, carefully looking at the first basin of oil he squeezed in this era.

This basin of oil is called "touzheyou" according to the name of my hometown.

However, because the first pressed oil is pressed by steaming powder particles to raise the temperature, the first pressed oil has heavy water content, turbid quality, poor appearance and easy to accumulate oil. However, it is very fragrant when it is used to fry vegetables and tofu.

In fact, it's not only the first oil, but also the second oil. The reason is very simple. The fourth grandfather said that for the oil squeezed by wood, it's better not to contact with metal objects. The oil squeezed in that way is called a fragrance. But the metal ring is used when pressing the plate, even if it is the best metal, once it comes into contact with the oil, the oil will not taste pure.

Fourth grandfather also said that when wood pressing was used in some southern provinces, the pressing plate was made of bamboo strips instead of iron rings. This kind of oil cake made of bamboo plate, the oil squeezed out is more fragrant.

But in this era, in this backward Indian tribe, it's very good to extract vegetable oil. As for the taste, let's put it first.

After Kuaima smashed the second wooden wedge into the extrusion chamber completely, more and more oil leaked down the oil dripping hole. It didn't take long for Kuaima to pick up two big pottery pots, which contained 60-70 Jin of oil.

When the oil no longer drips, the squeezing process is complete.

However, the rest of the oil cake can be pressed again, but it still needs to do some preliminary work.

The wooden wedges squeeze the wooden blocks in the extrusion chamber very tightly, but it doesn't matter. At the other end of the extrusion chamber, Shi Xiong holds a hammer in one hand and a slender wooden wedge in the other. He aims at the wooden wedges that he smashed in at the beginning, and smashes them with a hammer a few times, and the two wooden wedges will be smashed out easily.

After all the wood blocks in the extrusion chamber were taken out, the twelve oil cakes in the oil depot had been completely squeezed together, and it was difficult to break them off by hand. At this time, the hammer and the slender wooden wedge in the stone bear's hand were useful again.

Aim at the gap between the two oil cakes, hit a few hammers gently, these squeezed oil cakes will be separated.

Then uncover the dried grass wrapped outside the oil cake, take out the oil in it, continue to put it into the stone mill and grind it again, so as to crush the remaining oil more thoroughly.

After grinding, it will continue to steam again. This is the second steaming in the process of "one frying and two steaming".

After steaming, the oil will be pressed again, but this time it will be tighter than the first one, not only with a mallet, but also with feet.

Finally, the oil is pressed into twelve oil cakes again and pressed again for the second time.

As the two wooden wedges were smashed into the squeeze chamber again, the onlookers were surprised to find that the oil began to drip down again.

The oil dropped this time is the second pressing oil. Compared with the first oil, the second oil is clearer and tastes better.

The amount of second pressing oil is less than that of first pressing oil, but there are also 50 or 60 Jin.

The total yield of peanut oil is less than 130 Jin, and the oil yield reaches 35%!

The oil yield is already very high, especially when the wood press technology is used, the oil yield can reach 35%, which is already very high. Don't forget, the peanut used for oil extraction this time is not the kind of peanut specially cultivated for oil extraction in later generations, whose oil extraction rate is as high as 45%.

Whether it is as like as two peas or two, then filter it out and filter out the impurities. Then peanut oil almost identical to the later generations.

At this time, the ethnic group was allowed to step forward and watch the fresh peanut oil up close.

Peanut oil with strong flavor naturally attracts people's sigh.

At this time, even if the oil extraction is over, although the oil extraction rate of peanut kernel is very high, it is generally finished after two times of extraction. You can't squeeze much more oil.

But you can't throw the peanut meal left over from the oil extraction. It's also a good thing.

It's just like the soybean meal left by soybean oil extraction in later generations. Whether it's used as fertilizer or as fodder to feed livestock, it's an excellent material.

The same is true of the peanut meal left after the oil is pressed. If it is used to go up to the ground, the effect is no worse than that of later chemical fertilizers. And mixed in the fodder to feed cattle, can let the tribe tame bison eat happily.