Chapter 91

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
The tribe has a golden hair and blue eyes of vasichu, which makes people feel very curious.

For vasichu, although the people of gaoshu tribe have seen it many times, it is the first time for them to have such close contact.

In particular, vasichu combed his hair carefully every day and wore the red "red shrimp uniform", which made the tribe people, especially the children, more interested.

So, in the first few days of his stay, Lieutenant Ferguson was the giant panda of the tribe

However, Ferguson is indeed a gentleman. Even if he is surrounded by such a strong crowd, he still doesn't think he is disobedient. He laughs and greets everyone he meets every day, whether it's children or women and children. Although the words are illogical, that kind of sincere look can really be felt by people.

So, in a few days, Lieutenant Ferguson completely changed from a "giant panda" to a beaver or a bison, which is the most common of his people

Yes, with his natural affinity, Lieutenant Ferguson and the people of the high tree tribe became one in just a few days. Even because this guy is so fussy that he wears his red army uniform all day long - in fact, Ferguson has no other clothes to change now - people even nickname him big red.

When the rabbit mouth told the nickname to the stone bear, the stone bear laughed and had a stomachache.

However, the stone bear is very happy that this guy can get together with the clan so quickly.

This "little brother" is worth cultivating. Although this guy is four years older than himself, when the idea of "training celebrities" burst out in the heart of Shi Xiong, he can't suppress it any more.

So, Shi Xiong really doesn't mind letting his younger brother vasichu see how he makes steel, how he makes coke, how he makes salt

Of course, it has a direct relationship with Lieutenant Ferguson's sincere vow that "he will never let out what he saw".

This shows that the little brother knows numbers well and has a gentlemanly manner.

Not to mention, stone bear doesn't believe that this guy will really spread these technologies. After all, this guy didn't even shoot Mr. watsonton with his back to him in the battlefield, which is enough to prove that he is really a gentleman.

Today's gentlemen are not like the so-called gentlemen who sell dog meat with sheep's head. The gentlemen of this era really have their own gentleman rules. They can even use their own blood and life to maintain this "gentleman rule"!

In fact, even in terms of ten thousand steps back, what happened to Ferguson's spread of these technologies in the future?

These things are nothing to the stone bear. Even if they are spread out, what's the matter?

As early as 2000 years ago, Huaxia put forward a famous military theory called "long-range and short-range attack", which Shi Xiong agreed with very much.

Therefore, in the plan that stone bear has carefully considered for a long time, the British people in the future can not be regarded as their own enemies. At most, they can be regarded as the objects of limited cooperation. Although the British fleet is very competitive now, after all, the British mainland is separated from the North American continent by an Atlantic Ocean. And no matter how powerful the fleet is, you can't expect the fleet to go to land to play bull, can you?

As for the British army, let alone that

After that, the biggest enemy of the stone bear and its people did not come from Europe, but from vasichu, who now lives in the 13 colonies.

Although the later generations of the United States are very powerful, from now on, until the end of the 18th century, the wasichu who lived in those 13 colonies was not strong, even if they won the independent war and established the United States of America.

As the saying goes, "while you are sick, you will die." the stone bear is not a virgin whore, so if we don't take advantage of the weakest time in America, do we have to wait until this rogue country is strong?

Stone bear is not a fool.

So when the United States alone, the British are not enemies. Moreover, some technologies were selectively leaked to the British high-level through Lieutenant Ferguson, so as to increase the strength of the British army, so as to minimize the geographical disadvantage brought by the Atlantic Ocean to the British people. Maybe that independent war can be fought for a few more years, and more blood will be released to both sides!

The most important reason is that if the stone bear wants to develop the gaoshu tribe in a short time, and then March to the central and western regions, the southern regions and the five Great Lakes region, it cannot do without the resources and human support of the European continent.

Stone bear doesn't think it can accomplish such a feat by itself.

A fence with three piles, a hero needs three people to help!

It's undeniable that the aborigines living in North America are so backward that they can't operate some slightly more advanced things, let alone develop those more advanced things.

Without human resources, it is equivalent to a building without foundation. The attic in the air has always been a fantasy.

Therefore, the stone bear now needs resources from Europe, especially human resources.

Stone bear's mind is full of countless technologies from the era of the big bang of science and technology in previous generations. Just one of them is enough to change the current social form. But again, those technologies have been accumulated little by little from the most basic sciences.

For example, stone bear knows the formula and preparation method of smokeless powder, but now you ask a group of Indians to prepare smokeless powder for you? That's not a joke!

Apart from the thirteen colonies in the whole North American continent, those Indian compatriots can't even make the most basic nitric acid and sulfuric acid. Do you expect them to make nitrocellulose? Then nitrocellulose is added to diphenylamine to soak ether, and finally smokeless powder is obtained?

It's more difficult for the takashu tribe to unify the entire Cherokee tribe in a year!

In Europe, at least, we have the conditions to make smokeless powder, even those strong drugs. What Europeans lack now is technology.

It's like at this point in 1764, Europeans had made picric acid. Unfortunately, in this era, Europeans only use picric acid to make dyes. They don't know that once it contacts with metal for a long time, it can become a potent drug several times more powerful than TNT!

So, for these technologies, stone bear really doesn't care. What he is most concerned about now is how to find more down-to-earth scientists in Europe and get more necessary raw materials and tools from Europe.

Without these, all dreams are just one dream, which can never be realized.

The stone bear is in urgent need of a bridge, a bridge between the tall tree tribe and the European continent. Now, both major Hank and lieutenant Ferguson, who are wandering in front of him all day, have the conditions to become this bridge