Chapter 84

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
Knowing how shameless and ferocious these colonists, who were made up of prisoners, indentured slaves, bankrupts, and the bottom people who could not survive in the British mainland, the stone bear did not relax his guard because he saw the two officers ecstatic with salt. On the contrary, the stone bear has been paying close attention to them.

Thanks to what they knew about the virtues of the North American colonists in their previous lives, the stone bears hesitated at first whether to trade salt with these vasichus, because the stone bears knew very well that once they found out that the small gaoshu tribe could produce refined salt, they would most likely rely on their hot weapons and horses, Against the high tree tribe.

However, the stone bear is in urgent need of some things from Europe, such as tools, raw materials and even talents. Because the stone bear knows very well that with his own people and existing resources, if he wants to develop the gaoshu tribe in a short time, it's like a fool talking in his sleep.

Therefore, it is necessary to borrow from these colonists and even the European continent, at least at this stage.

But Europeans are not fools. If they want to bring out some sensitive things or even talents, they must have something to move them.

Of course, gold and precious stones can do this. In terms of European greed, if the number of gold and precious stones is small, these guys may look down on them. But if the number is large, it will inevitably lead to the covet of these colonists.

In fact, before the founding of the United States, there was no good man among the colonists from Europe. Robbery and massacre are common to them. This is not a Europe with strict system and stratum. This is the lawless new continent of North America!

If you want to survive or even get rich here, you can't be black hearted or ruthless.

Here, if you don't want to be the prey of others, you must become a hunter yourself.

Therefore, it's better not to take out too much gold and gems. Otherwise, with the beating of these colonists, they will have a great possibility to attack the gaoshu tribe.

So after thinking about it, stone bear decided to take out salt.

They are in great demand. Although they are not as valuable as gold and precious stones, they have a larger market than gold and precious stones. The most important thing is that salt needs to be made by people. Even if the colonists come to grab it, unless they capture all the salt makers in gaoshu tribe, otherwise they will not get a steady stream of salt.

It's as if the pamangis in the East had been living in the settlements of European colonists, but they were still free. The vasichus didn't know how to make salt, so they had to ask the pamangis who could make salt.

Now, they have a better way to make salt than the pamanki people, and they can produce more refined salt with higher quality and quantity. As long as these colonists understand the meaning of small streams, they will not rush to fight against the high number tribes. On the contrary, if their leaders realize the importance of the high number tribes, they will even send troops to protect the high number tribes.

At least, before the outbreak of the independent war, the British would do that if they wanted to get more refined salt.

Shi Xiong knew that his guess should be more accurate, but he didn't dare to take it lightly. Who knows if these two officers will go away as soon as their brains are hot? They were twenty elite soldiers with front mounted flint guns in their hands. They had to defend themselves.

Sure enough, after seeing the unusual look in the eyes of major Hank and lieutenant Ferguson, Shi Xiong said with a smile: "major hank, if I were you, I would suppress those damned greed that just appeared in my heart. I hope you can know that this is the territory of gaoshu tribe, around your camp, There are no less than a hundred soldiers. And they all have this in their hands. "

With that, the stone bear pulled out a small axe from his back, a small iron axe.

The small axe doesn't look big, it's only about a foot long, but the chilly blade is telling us how sharp it is.

"This is a kind of combat weapon specially used for throwing. We call it flying axe! When the Mongols came to Europe hundreds of years ago, your ancestors saw the power of this flying axe, and you should also remember the power of the yellow peril. One or two of these flying axes may not be powerful, but if you throw dozens or even hundreds of them at the same time, you two should be very clear about the power. "

Then the stone bear turned and lifted the curtain of the tent, weighed the flying axe in his hand, and suddenly swung his arm. The flying axe in his hand broke the air barrier in an instant and made a dull whistling sound. The next moment, on the trunk of a big tree more than 30 meters away, the axe of the flying axe fell into the trunk.

The faces of major Hank and lieutenant Ferguson changed.

Not worth mentioning, as like as two peas in the face, the bear slowly turned around and smiled, as if he had just done a very small thing, and then left his back again.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to say just now that one of our tribe's soldiers carries two flying axes, and of course, they can throw iron spears and bows and arrows farther away..."

After a pause, the stone Bear looked at the two ugly officers in front of him and continued to say with a smile: "what you soldiers are holding are all the front suits that were shaped in 1730 in Britain, so they fire muskets. You call them brown Beth standard rifles. The caliber is. 76 inches (about 19 millimetres), and they fire lead balls with a diameter of. 71 inches (about 18 millimetres), The best effective range will not exceed 90 meters, the loading speed will not exceed three shots per minute, and the rifle still has about 30% miss rate. The most important thing is that there are only 20 of you. Even if you use a platoon gun, how many such flying axes can you deal with? Oh, by the way, what about the more powerful iron spears and bows and arrows in the hands of our tribal soldiers? "

The two of them were pale. As officers, they knew very well what the strong barbarian had just said. But how could this guy know the characteristics and shortcomings of these guns?

Stone bear's face is a board, some ferocious say: "so, I advise you, had better put away that damned shouldn't have greedy.". I hope you're here to make a fortune, not just to grab it. If you two want to make a fortune, I will give you an excellent opportunity, that is, the refined salt. I will give you the refined salt produced by our tribe as an agent. Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to mention the production capacity of refined salt in our tribe. If our tribe makes full use of it, it can produce about 30000 pounds of refined salt a month. I wonder if this amount of refined salt will make you both rich? "

Shi Xiong's military deterrence and his words full of temptation and perplexity made the two officers look blue and white. It's obvious that they are now fighting between heaven and man.

They are very satisfied with their performance. To deal with this kind of people, we have to add carrots and sticks, scare them, and then give them some benefits. As long as they can clearly realize the benefits of this matter, then this matter is completely settled.