Chapter 75

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
"More than 200 years ago, the kabulu sacrifice was unwilling to trade with vasichu because it foresaw vasichu's massacre of the people, and voluntarily resigned from the position of high priest Cherokee and brought the people here. So why can we trade with vasichu now?" Standing under a tree outside the meeting hall and watching the busy people move a lot of things from their homes, Shi Xiong asks Hongyun in a low voice.

Hongyun shook his head and said: "I'm not very clear about the specific situation inside, but when I was a child, I heard my mother say that after our Cherokee moved to the south near Monongahela, we defeated the Powhatans who were there, forced them to move eastward, and we occupied a large area near Monongahela. When we settled down, we had vasichu's expeditions coming to our tribe, claiming to be franceans. At that time, the kabulu priest was palpitating at the arrival of these vasichus, so she used her skills. As a result, she vaguely felt the vasichus' massacre of our people, so she asked the chief not to be kind to those Frenchmen. But the Frenchmen brought precious ironware, cotton cloth, beautiful green crystal cups and delicious drinks, which confused the chief's mind. So the chief did not agree to the request of kabulu's sacrifice, and my ancestor led his people out of the Cherokee court. "

"Frenchmen?" The stone bear shook his head slightly, looked at the two vasichu who were talking with leader Li Lei under another tree in the distance, and immediately guessed the reason why the gaoshu tribe could trade with these European colonists.

"Is it a change?" Stone bear cold not Ding of asked a, red cloud listen of a Leng, don't understand his meaning.

"I mean, are the vasichus who have been trading with our tribe since then not the franceans whom the ancestor of kabulu worshiped met? Instead of being English? And these English people are more kind to us, so the tribe will trade with them? "

Red cloud surprised of stare big eyes, "how do you know?"

"I guess I'm right." Stone bear smile, noncommittal said.

In fact, from the clothes worn by the vasichus, the stone bear can tell that these people are not the same group as the Frenchmen whom the ancestor of kabulu worshiped at that time saw.

In about 200 years, the Cherokees migrated to the area near Monongahela, which is the junction of Kentucky, Virginia, Tennessee and North Carolina. It was the territory of the Powhatans before the arrival of the Cherokees, and the Powhatans were indeed the most powerful force in this area before the arrival of the Cherokees.

However, at that time, although the Powhatans had more than 10000 people, they were still not rivals against the Cherokee people who had more than 30000 people. The Powhatans and the Cherokees lost several battles, and the Powhatans didn't want to cause more casualties, so they took the initiative to leave Monongahela and moved eastward to the eastern part of Virginia, where they won over a group of local tribes, established a Powhatan alliance with more than 20000 people, and controlled the coastal areas of Virginia and eastern Maryland.

Stone bear knew the history of the North American Indians, so he knew that when the Cherokees defeated the Powhatans, it was about the middle of the 16th century, and it was about 200 years from now. At that time, except for the Spanish who conquered central and South America and established colonies in Florida, Georgia, Alabama and the Gulf coast of Texas, no other European countries in the central and northern parts of the North American continent established colonies, only the Portuguese, the British, the French, the Dutch, the French, the French, the French, the French, the French, the French, the French, the French, the French, the French, the French, the French, the French, the French, the French, the French, the Dutch, the French, the French, the French, the French German and other European expeditions in North Central North America.

The Frenchmen whom the ancestor of kabulu met at Cherokee court at that time were an expedition.

Unfortunately, although the prophecy of kabulu's sacrifice to his ancestors was very accurate, he made a mistake.

It is an undoubted fact that the North American Indians were slaughtered by the vasichus in Europe. Unfortunately, it was not the first franceans she met, but the descendants of the British who slaughtered the Indians.

Of course, it can't be said that the prophecy of kabulu was wrong. In her eyes, the European colonists were all the same. They were all called vasichu!

Perhaps because the kabulu ancestor had foreseen the massacre of the vasichus, and the French expedition had come from the great French Empire, the whole gaoshu tribe complied with the kabulu ancestor's last words and prohibited trading with the French.

But the problem is that the European colonists were not only French, but also English, Portuguese, Dutch, German

Therefore, when the English came into contact with the gaoshu tribe, they reported that they were English and the enemy of the French. Then the gaoshu tribe opened its mind and began to trade with the English. This trade lasted for decades.

In fact, when the English first set foot on the North American continent, their attitude towards the Indians was really more amiable. If their descendants had not slaughtered more than two million North American Indians, it would be hard to imagine that these Englishmen who first set foot on the North American continent would have such cruel descendants.

From the end of the 15th century to the beginning of the 17th century, with the development of British overseas trade and primitive capital accumulation, British capitalism developed rapidly. After the defeat of Spain in 1588, Britain successively defeated the Netherlands, and launched a fierce struggle for hegemony with France in the world. All these accelerated the pace of British colonization in North America.

In 1606, King James I of England authorized two joint-stock companies, London company (also known as Virginia company) and Plymouth Company (later merged with the Massachusetts Bay Company), which were composed of big merchants and land aristocrats, to grant them the privilege of developing the North American colonies by way of a charter. It is a comprehensive organization integrating overseas commerce, smuggling, piracy and slave trade.

In May 1607, the London company sent the first batch of immigrants to North America and established Jamestown on the North Bank of the James River. These immigrants included speculators, bankrupt gentlemen, white indentured slaves, etc. Jamestown, which was built in the early days, was just a wilderness of wild grass. The immigrants built a church, a fort and a few huts here, and then began their new life in North America. But the nightmare of the first British immigrants has just begun.

Due to plague, smallpox and yellow fever, the mortality rate of immigrants is very high. According to research, only 32 of the first immigrants survived.

Since then, in order to survive and develop, white indentured slaves increased day by day, and Jamestown gradually developed into a colony of Virginia.

After the outbreak of the British bourgeois revolution, many royalists and landlords also moved to Virginia, and most of them became local new nobles and big planters. Among them are the Washington family, the Madison family, the Monroe family. Well, these families were the former presidents of the United States.

At this time, the Englishmen who had just immigrated to the new world of North America could not be tough at all. Although the Englishmen who had just arrived in the new world of North America were not good people, and the first group of immigrants who had just arrived also killed many people in the first battle between Britain and Powhatan, so the Englishmen at this time were actually very tragic