Chapter 43

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
Wolf tail is a man in his thirties. The main reason why he has such a name is that he met a lone wolf when he first participated in tribal hunting when he was 12 years old.

Everyone knows that the lone wolf driven out by the wolves is the most terrible killer in the whole wilderness, but wolf tail, who was only 12 years old, unfortunately met such a lone wolf.

There is a life and death battle between man and wolf. In fact, before seeing the wolf's tail, none of the soldiers in the tribe believed that the wolf's tail could survive under the wolf's teeth.

But wolf tail is so cruel!

At that time, the lone wolf was biting the tail of the wolf, but the strength of the wolf's tail also came up. He broke the wolf's neck with his arms, and broke the wolf into a bow. At the same time, he bit the root of the wolf's tail.

In the end, the lone wolf was killed by the tribal soldiers, and a large piece of meat was missing from the tail of the wolf, but he also bit down the tail of the lone wolf

This kind of ruthlessness is really rare, so when the tribal leaders of the previous generation named his clan, they named him after the wolf tail he bit off.

With a fierce force, wolf tail soon became famous in gaoshu tribe and became one of the leaders of the tribe soldiers. Because he and Lilei have been friends since childhood, when Lilei was nearly slapped to death by a black bear some time ago, wolf tail acted as the guard of LiLei without hesitation.

In fact, Li Lei, who felt that he was about to die at that time, even had the idea of teaching wolf tail the position of tribal leader.

Wolf tail usually does not like to talk, a cold and half tattooed face makes people shudder.

But this guy is really a good soldier, and he has a high prestige among tribal soldiers, which can be seen from his quick gathering of 20 strong people.

While the stone bear took advantage of this gap, let the cross saw prepare a "Ya" shaped thick branch, at least as thick as a person's thigh, in addition, from the hands of the people to a few fishing nets.

The success of quyuanli has made hengsaw worship stone bear to the extreme. In his opinion, such a "complex and exquisite" wooden ware can be made in his own hands and his father's hands, because of the guidance of the guardian.

Therefore, the requirements of the guardian adults will not be discounted at all.

With these things, the stone bear and a group of soldiers set out on horseback.

Originally, the stone bear intended to go to bison mountain to catch bison, but not far away from the tribe, they found a group of small bison herd with about 20 heads in the roadside wilderness.

These cow demon king's relatives are leisurely eating the dead grass in the wilderness. Although the grass is the favorite of cattle, in this season, even the withered grass is a rare food in the recipes of these cattle.

Fortunately, there was no bull in this small herd, only a dozen cows and seven or eight calves. At the time of mating season, the males usually live alone in groups, while the females live with their calves. It's not until mating season that bison and bison live together for a while.

"We need to target the cows. As for the calves, let's not attack them. Niuduzi is of little use to us for the time being. " The stone bear and a group of soldiers stood more than 100 meters away from the bison and said that at this distance, the bison would not be alert to the stone bear and their bipedal monsters.

"Remember, try to go to the cows far away from the herd! I don't want to make these bison give us a big trample. It will kill us. Therefore, all people must pay attention to, do not provoke cattle

"Also, when you find a single cow, you should prepare for the ambush as soon as possible. Our fishing net is not strong. One net can't hold it. So we should set two more nets. Be sure to net the bison thoroughly! Other soldiers drive out other bison on horseback, mainly to intimidate. Don't fight with them. It's enough to scare them to a distance. I will lead ten soldiers to capture bison. Wolf tail, once we successfully net a bison, then your ten soldiers will immediately go to scare the bison. Don't give the bison a chance to rescue! "

Wolf's tail nodded, then turned his head and read out a series of names. The soldiers who read the names immediately rode with wolf's tail and ran to one side.

Stone bear took five of the remaining soldiers, took the fishing net from the horse's back, and then quietly touched a cow far away from the cattle. As for the remaining five soldiers, they held their horses in place and listened to the guardian's further orders.

If you want to tame bison, it's best to start with calf. But the calf had no way to pull the plow, and it would take a long time to start working, so the stone bear aimed at the female bison this time.

Compared with the male bison, the female Bison's temper is much calmer, and the female bison is not as strong as the male bison, so it is easier to deal with. The most important thing is that once a female bison can be captured, it will not take long for the female bison to work in the field after she is equipped with a sharp tool for cattle training.

This single female bison may have a companion nearby, or it has not encountered any danger since it was born to such a large population, so the female Bison's vigilance is very low. Although those withered and yellow weeds are not as delicious as green grass, they can always fill their stomachs. Only by eating more weeds during the day can they ruminate comfortably and digest the food they eat during the day carefully at night.

Therefore, the cow was lured by weeds and left the herd unconsciously.

Of course, it's not too far away from the herd. It's only forty or fifty meters. But in the eyes of the stone bear, this distance is enough for them to successfully capture the bison.

When approaching the cow, the cow raised her head alertly, and several people immediately squatted down and hid in the grass that was mostly human tall.

When the bison continued to eat grass, the stone bear gave orders to the other three soldiers in a low voice. The three soldiers bent over to the other side of the bison with a fishing net. After the three soldiers arrived at the position, the stone bear stretched out his right hand, five fingers open, and then waved. The wolf's tail, who had been waiting behind, immediately yelled and rode with the other ten soldiers into the gap between the single cow and the herd.

The huge sound caused the wild cattle to start a commotion, and the single cow stopped eating. She shook her head and wanted to return to the herd.

But it's too late. Wolf tail they yelled, with a very short time to insert into the empty space between the single cow and the herd, which made the herd begin to move to the distance, and the single cow hesitated for a moment, and then prepared to return to the herd in a circle.

But when the cow began to run in circles, a fishing net suddenly came in front of the grass and caught the bison directly. Then, the second fishing net was covered