Chapter 25

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
The East Cherokee people live in the largest tribe among the Indian tribes in North America, which is closest to the thirteen colonies in North America. Even many Cherokee people live in the colonies now.

Therefore, East Cherokee was one of the earliest Indian races to contact with European and American colonists.

As recorded in historical records, those vasichus who just came to North America got the enthusiasm and friendship of the North American Aborigines. Those vasichus who just came to North America knew nothing about this vast land. It was under the leadership of these enthusiastic Indians that the vasichus from Europe finally established their foothold on the east coast of the North American continent and founded 13 colonies.

Of course, the Indian's enthusiasm and friendship also brought back a lot of "rare" things, such as iron, horses, cotton

The East Cherokees were the largest tribe in Europe, but even then they didn't have much iron in their hands.

Those European colonists were very smart. When they got a firm foothold in North America and found out the details of these aborigines, they knew what they could and could not exchange with them.

Steel weapons and thermal weapons are usually strictly prohibited on the trade lists of the British, French, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese and German. After all, these European colonists are also very clear that the number of indigenous people in North America is far more than that of them. If these indigenous people have a large number of steel weapons and even thermal weapons, there will be no place for them to stand on the North American continent.

Therefore, most of the eastern Cherokee soldiers are still armed with bone weapons or stone weapons.

It's like the bone spear in the stone bear's hand. The spearhead is made of the thigh bone of a whole bison. Moreover, in order to give full play to his strength, the stone bear put some counterweights on the body of the bone spear, which made his bone spear nearly twice as heavy as that of ordinary Cherokee soldiers.

The weight of this bone spear is 15.6 Jin, which is nearly ten times heavier than the weight of the men's standard javelin in the future Olympic Games.

But even so, thanks to the huge power contained in this body, when practicing bone spear throwing, the stone bear can throw the heavyweight bone spear as far as more than 100 meters! Only at this distance, the bone spear thrown out has no accurate head.

But even so, this distance still scared many soldiers of gaoshu tribe.

With the sharpened and frightening spearhead of this bone spear, and the weight of this bone spear itself, if it can hit the key prey within 50 meters, even an adult male bison of more than 2000 kg will be killed by one spear.

Now, the stone bear is carrying this heavyweight bone spear, with the help of the cover of weeds, quietly approaching the group of red deer.

About 60 meters away from the red deer group, the deer, who was always on guard, raised his head again alertly. The stone bear knew that he couldn't get any closer.

Standing up straight from the grass, the sharp bone spear was raised. Then the stone bear took a deep breath and looked at the deer that weighed at least 1000 Jin.

After running a few steps in the grass, he crossed a distance of more than ten meters in just a few seconds. The running stone bear opened his right arm holding the spear and twisted his body at the same time. When the sprint reached the highest speed, he let out a dull drink, stepping on the ground, turning around and waving his arm!

The strange force contained in the body erupts instantly, and the bone spear that has gained huge kinetic energy leaves the hand instantly. The target is the deer more than 40 meters away.

When the stone bear began to run up, the alert deer made a restless cry. The red deer who followed him raised their heads, and the two little red deer even started to run. When the sound of the stone bear was full of murderous cheers, the deer seemed to have been greatly shocked, and ran.

But its reaction is a little late!

The straight bone spear pierced the air in an instant and made a low whistling sound, like a white lightning. In less than a second, it flew over a distance of more than 40 meters, and then hit the deer's side neck fiercely, steadily and accurately.

The huge kinetic energy carried by the bone spear, when the spear tip touches the neck of the deer, starts to transform into a huge puncture force in a few milliseconds. Although the deer's thick neck is very powerful, it still can't resist the sharp spear tip.

More than one meter long spearhead made of bison thigh bone is like a hot cheese knife. It easily breaks the skin of the deer's side neck, and then continuously breaks the muscles and blood vessels in a few milliseconds. It runs through the deer's whole neck in an irresistible manner!

However, the huge kinetic energy carried in the bone spear was still not fully released. Therefore, driven by the bone spear, the deer, who had just run two steps, heavily tilted to one side until the huge bone spear directly plunged into the ground.

This bone spear, which weighs 15.6 Jin, just after flying over a distance of more than 40 meters, rigidly nailed the huge red deer, which weighs more than 1000 Jin, to the ground!

The fast horse, the hard bone and the rabbit's mouth, who saw this scene with their own eyes, subconsciously covered their necks.

The guardian of kabulu sacrifice is really powerful. It's a huge red deer. At ordinary times, if the soldiers of the tribe want to hunt this kind of large prey, there are no five or six people who can never do it.

Red deer, especially the giant horns on the head of male red deer, are not for fun. The frightened red deer can easily pierce the body of any animal, including the black bear dominating the mountain forest and the gray wolf dominating the wilderness, with the giant horns weighing more than 10 kg.

Therefore, even black bears and gray wolves are not willing to easily provoke adult male red deer.

But it was such a big guy with great deterrent power that he was nailed to the ground with a spear from the guardian.

If the guardian's spear is stuck on a person, tut tut... There is no need to think about the consequences!

The rest of the red deer immediately scattered in a crowd, and disappeared in just a few seconds. On the wilderness where they just leisurely ate, only the head deer that was still twitching was left.

A few people excitedly ran past, this is a big harvest.

The red deer weighing more than 1000 Jin is enough for all the people in the tribe to eat for several days.

Standing in front of the twitching red deer, the stone bear could not help feeling a little distressed.

It is estimated that the spear directly pierced the main artery of the red deer. Although there was a bone spear blocking the blood, it still flowed all over the ground.

Deer blood is a serious tonic. It's a pity that it's so wasted