Chapter 21

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
"Big bear, when I was planting corn with sheep tail flower that day, I used to say that this kind of farming method was very backward. You said that you were instructed by the supreme Sun God. Then, what kind of farming method was instructed by the sun god?" Hongyun, oh no, it's time to call her kabulu. He tilted his head and asked the stone bear.

Kabulu sacrifice lived in the big wooden house that originally belonged to her mother. This wooden house, second only to the assembly hall, was the exclusive room for kabulu sacrifice.

There was no one else in the room. She was the second guardian of kabulu's sacrifice. She had not been selected among the people, so now she was alone with the stone bear.

Stone bear is not polite, directly said: "first of all, the season of cultivation is not right. Now it's going to winter, this season of sowing corn, corn can only be the end of death. The harsh winter will freeze the corn seeds to death. Don't you even know this common sense? "

"But the Pueblo who teach us how to grow corn, they can grow corn in Beaver month. We used to grow corn at this time. Although the yield is much less than that in June, we can still produce some corn. "

Stone bear helplessly covered his forehead, this problem he really can't explain to the new kabulu.

Do you want to tell her that the latitude of Texas where the Pueblo people live is much lower than that of Tennessee, especially in the southwest corner of Texas where some Pueblo people live, which is close to the Tropic of cancer and the Gulf of Mexico, so the climate there is much warmer than that of Tennessee. It's OK to plant corn in November, but that doesn't mean you can plant corn in Tennessee this month.

But the problem is, once you say those things, the kabulu sacrifice with a strong desire for knowledge can definitely ask you how miserable you are.

So the stone bear said directly, "the supreme Sun God said that we Cherokee people are different from Pueblo people. We can only grow corn in strawberry month."

This immediately silenced cabulus.

But then she quickly told the truth that the stone bear had to face, "although the yield of corn we planted in Beaver month is very low, it can also supplement the food of the tribe. If we give up planting corn in beaver's month and just rely on planting corn in strawberry's month, that's not enough for our tribe. What shall we do? "

Stone bear Leng for a while, then said with a smile: "that's why I said your planting method is wrong."

After a pause, the stone bear continued: "apart from the wrong season, your farming methods are also very, very wrong. First of all, if you want to have a high yield of crops, you must first plough the farmland. When you plant corn, you don't even plough it. How can mother earth's * * supplement the corn? Therefore, it is necessary to plough the farmland before planting

"Secondly, after plowing, we have to plant seeds, that is, to bury the seeds in the soil, instead of throwing the corn seeds directly into the ground as you do. Aren't you afraid that the birds in the sky will eat all the seeds you throw down?"

I'm afraid that most of the corn seeds they sow are eaten by birds every year

"Then, after the seeds are planted, they need to be watered, fertilized and weeded, so as to ensure that Mother Earth's crops are all supplied to these corn. When the harvest season comes, those heavy corn will bear the most full grains. You can't grow it like this. The output is far behind

"What's the difference?" Kabulu asked curiously.

"How much corn can you produce when you grow the most corn?" Asked the stone bear.

Hongyun hesitated a little and said, "if it's corn planted in strawberry month, when it's harvested in harvest month (September) or hunter month (October), one side can produce up to five bags of corn."

This result once again makes the stone bear feel a little reluctant to look directly at it.

Among the Cherokee units of measurement, there are no English units, let alone metric units. Their units of measurement are very simple. For example, this square plot refers to a square plot of about 80 meters by 80 meters, about 640 square meters of later generations, slightly smaller than one mu of later generations.

As for a bag of corn kernels, it's even simpler, because the Cherokees measure grain production based on the capacity of a bag. I've seen that kind of pocket stone bear before. It's not big. It's about half as small as the noodle bag of later generations. If it's full, it can hold about 20 jin of corn.

That is to say, according to Hongyun, the yield of corn planted by Cherokee people is about 100 Jin per mu!

This yield ratio is compared with that of the later corn experimental fields which often yield more than one ton. Even compared with the later fields with an average yield of more than one thousand jin per mu, this yield is also appalling.

Corn is different from wheat. Corn is a high-yield crop, which is recognized by the world. If you plant corn in the future, you will be embarrassed to tell others if your acre is less than 1000 Jin.

But in this era, in the Indian, if the yield can exceed 100 Jin per mu, it will be a good harvest.

Fortunately, there is a lot of wasteland around gaoshu tribe, and there is enough land for these people to toss about. If the Takagi tribe had been in Japan, they would have starved to death.

Seeing the constipation on the stone bear's face, Hongyu seemed to feel a little embarrassed. She said, "vigorously bear, if you follow the planting method instructed by the supreme Sun God, how many corn grains can you produce in one field?"

The stone bear lowered his head and thought for a while, and said, "the corn grain produced by one side should be at least 25 bags to 30 bags. If the fertilizer can keep up, it's not impossible for one side to produce 50 bags."

"How is that possible?" Red cloud incredible looking at the stone bear said.

"Then you don't believe in the supreme Sun God?" Stone bear said with a smile, red cloud suddenly did not speak.

"Well, I won't tease you. Since you mentioned it today, I'll show you the instructions of the sun god. But now we don't grow corn. We're going to grow a crop called winter wheat, so that when strawberry month comes next year, winter wheat will just mature, and after harvest, we can continue to grow corn. "

The words of the stone bear brightened red cloud's eyes.