Now people are killed by Li Cheng. Chen Yang will never carry the pot for him.

So hang up the phone, Chen Yang and cat farewell, straight to the hospital.

When Chen Hai was found by Chen Kai, he was already dead, so after he was sent to the hospital, he put him in the morgue and waited for treatment.

When Chen Yang came, the inside and outside were already full of Chen's family. When they saw Chen Yang, their heavy expressions showed some strange looks.

As Chen Mingjun said, now it is estimated that everyone thinks that he killed Chen Hai.

The crowd took the initiative to give Chen Yang a way, now for the new heir, cold at the same time, a little awe, I did not expect his easygoing appearance, the means should be so fierce.

He just became the successor tonight. Can't wait to get rid of Chen Hai that night?

After all, it's a family. No matter who's right or wrong, now Chen Hai is dead. He's a weak side. It's hard to avoid some sympathy. That's why he feels cold.

But in fact, everyone knows that this is a rich family, in the face of absolute interests, there is no family.

"Here we are."

Chen Mingjun saw Chen Yang and took the initiative to meet him. At any time, he would stand by his son's side.

Chen Yang nodded and looked at Chen Hai, who was lying on the bed and covered with white cloth. At this time, his parents lay beside him, crying loudly.

Chen Kai knelt on the ground, a look of remorse, crying: "blame me, brother, blame me."

"If I didn't take you to the bar, you wouldn't have an accident -"

speaking of this, he turned to see Chen Yang, stood up abruptly and said with red eyes, "Chen Yang, you dare to come."

"Are you here to show off? What face do you have when you kill Haige? "

"I'll take revenge on him and kill you

When Chen Kai finished, he rushed to Chen Yang angrily. Chen Mingxiang couldn't even pull him.

Chen Mingjun frowned. As a father, he subconsciously wanted to protect Chen Yang.

But he just moved, Chen Yang has taken a step forward, a very strong kick to kick Chen Kai out.


Chen Kai hit the ground hard and gave a wail, looking miserable.

Worried, Chen Mingxiang stepped forward to hold him, then glared at Chen Yang and said, "brother, are you going to let your son come here? Don't you think it's too chilling? "

"Chen Yang, you return my son!"

Chen Hai's mother also wants to rush over. Chen Mingjun frowns and asks the bodyguard to stop her.

"Chen Yang, you've become the heir. Do you want to be a killer?" Chen Minghui said sadly, "you are brothers at least. Why do you want to be so extraordinary?"

"Are you so cold-blooded? Even his own brother? "

"Oh." Chen Yang said with a sneer: "don't give me some understanding and pretend to be confused. Why didn't I say these words when I was in a car accident?"

"When Chen Hai and Li Cheng conspired against me, did you ever stop them? I've been tied up in Shencheng for four days. Can you treat me as a relative? "

Chen Ming Hui was speechless when he said this. Yes, we all had no basis, but we knew it well.

Chen Yang then said, "but the most important thing is that I didn't kill Chen Hai. It has nothing to do with me."

"What did you say? Who else could it be if you didn't kill it? " Chen Kai said angrily, "don't quibble there."

"Which of your eyes saw me kill him? Is there any evidence? " Chen Yang looked at him coldly.

"What more evidence? Who but you will kill Haige Chen Kaiyi said: "Chen Yang, I thought you were a man, but I didn't expect you to be a coward who dare to do it and dare not admit it."

Chen Yang snorted and said with a smile: "now you are so excited to put the excrement basin on my head. You have such a bad intention. Can't you kill Chen Hai?"

"You -- you are so bloody. Haige and I grew up together. How can you know our brother's feelings? How can I harm him?" Chen Kai did not expect that he would dare to blame himself.

"Chen Yang, don't talk nonsense. How can Xiao Kai harm his brother?" Chen Mingxiang said calmly, "brother, don't you say something now?"

Chen Mingjun said with no expression: "I believe Chen Yang, there is someone else who died of Xiaohai. Someone wants to take the opportunity to blame Chen Yang and let us fight in the Chen family."

"Big brother, you are still partial to him!" Chen Minghui gritted his teeth and said that he agreed with Chen Kai's words.

"I'm Chen Yang. Before, he and Li Cheng conspired against me. Even if I killed him, it's natural. I don't have to deny it. But now it's Li Cheng. If you really want revenge, go to find Li Cheng. "

"I say so much, believe it or not."

With that, Chen Yang glanced at Chen Kai and went out.

Chen Mingjun sighed and took people away.

Coming out of the hospital, Chen Yang recalled Chen Kai's expression and reaction just now and always felt that something was wrong.

Too late to think, Chen Mingjun came out and said, "can I take my car back?"Chen Yang hesitates, nods, throws the car key to the bodyguard, and gets on Chen Minghui's exclusive RV.

The car ran smoothly. Chen Mingjun poured a glass of wine for Chen Yang himself and said, "so many things have happened. Are you ok?"

"Nothing." Chen Yang smiles and takes a sip of the wine.

"Chen Minghui, have you ever thought about what to do with them?"

Chen Mingjun stopped and said, "it's a family after all. Now that Chen Hai is dead, I've taken back their power. I won't give them any real power in the future."

"If they want to stay in the Chen family, they will continue to stay, and I won't stop them if they want to leave. What do you think?"

Chen Yang can understand that some things can be stopped when they are suitable. When Chen Hai is dead, it's good to set an example to others. They are all a family with the same blood. It's hard for Chen Mingjun to explain to his people.

"You're the owner of the house. You don't have to ask for my advice."

"Well? Ha ha - "

Chen Mingjun couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

"I wind up the message."

Chen Yang took out his mobile phone and sent a short message to the old cat: "Chen Kai is still in the hospital, keep an eye on him!"


when Shen Weichen came home, he drank half a bottle of wine, and then the gas in his heart dissipated. However, when he was lying in bed, he lost sleep, and his mind could not help thinking about Chen Yang.

I can't help laughing when I think of the way he tore off the note and drank the coffee in the coffee shop tonight.

"If he is jealous -"

"Hey, wait, no -"

SHEN Weichen rubbed his face and said, "how can I have such an idea?"

"God, I miss him so much."

"Do I like him? How can it be? He's not my type - "

SHEN Weichen turns over and over in frustration, but his mind is full of Chen Yang's shadow. Thinking of playing chess with him almost every day this month, I seem to remember everything very clearly.

"My God, vichen, no, I really like him ---"
