Chapter 8:8. Morning Talk

Alexander POV

We were having breakfast and talking over coffee. She ended up staying at my place, because we exhausted ourselves from our sex activities.

"Adriana, you're mine now. I'm a very jealous and possessive man. You and I will be exclusive. I will end the sugar baby contract and pay the penalty. But I want you." I said to Adriana, while stroking her hair.

She's a very beautiful woman, this feeling the pull that I had towards her since the we first met and the amazing sex that we had, I just couldn't let her go.

"I'm not built for relationship Alexander. I'm so sorry, I'm not the one for you." She got up and start to get dress, then she was looking for her purse. She was leaving me.

What the fuck? No body ever leaves me! Not after I fuck them thoroughly.

She was about to open my door, when I stopped her and slammed the door in her face.

I was so upset. So fucking angry, that she would leave me.

Am I that despicable, that disposable to her?

I was making her cry.


What the fuck is wrong with her.

She was shaking, she was sobbing. She was hugging her knees and slumped down to the floor. She felt cold, so very cold.

"Fuck Addie! What's going on with you. Talk to me!" It was like she didn't even hear me. Her eyes were teary. She started rocking her body and kept on sobbing, she just couldn't seem to stop.

"Drew." That was all she said.

Then I finally called him, asking him about Adriana. About why she was fucking crying her eyes out and just said his name. But there was no explanation, Drew just hang up on me, saying he was on his way to my place.

What the fuck is going on here??

It felt like hours, until Drew finally came for her.

"Oh shit! Adriana baby. It's Drew. I'm here. It's okay sshh..." She relaxed in his arms instantly.

"What the fuck did you do to her Alex?" He was shouting at me.

"What are you to her Drew?" I was clenching my jaw, I was furious. Jealous as hell. I never had so much rage in one go.

"I'm her ex lover, when we're still in college. She have post traumatic stress disorder. Now, I'm not going to ask you again. What the fuck did you do to her?"

I finally relaxed, but then palmed my face and run my fingers trough my hair frustratedly. "I fucking slammed the door right in front of her face. Fuck! I didn't know. And I was so fucking upset with her. Damn it Drew! Why didn't you tell me?"

"Shit! The sound must've triggered her memories. Just give me your strongest drink. I'll filled you in later, and give us some privacy." I gave him a bottle of whiskey, and left them as I pace back and forth on the balcony.

Fuck! This shouldn't be that hard. We were so compatible last night.

"Alex, we need to talk. She's resting on the sofa. She's good for now." Drew joined me on the balcony.

"You gave me her card man, why is she still calling your name? She's fucking mine." I was back to fuming again. I finished my drink, and look Drew in the eyes.

"She had a post traumatic disorder. It started because her alcoholic mother killed her father,and then she had to shot her own mother, because she loved her father more. This episode occurred one time when I was still with her, It happen when we heard a car crash so loud it triggered her memory. She was crying so hard, I couldn't stop her. Until I decided to call an ambulance and got her to an emergency unit. That was when she was diagnosed with a post traumatic disorder." 

Drew sat on the balcony chair and looked at me. "That's why she won't do relationship, I was never her anything, it was always casual between us. The business that she run, it was her father's. She kept it because of his memories. Days before she also told me, that she was helping the girls for better future. She's a good person Alex. She's just damage."

"Fucking hell Drew, I know. I usually hightailed myself in this situation. But with her I just don't know. She had this thing, that made me want her too fucking much for my own good. You know me Drew, you know I don't do complications."

"Just take a step back Alex, give her some space." Drew was getting up, and walking to the living room to checked on her. But she was still sleeping.

"Look, I left my work in haste and I really need to get back to my meeting. Just call me if she need anything more. And Alex, patient with her. I know how you like everything done your way. But if you want her, you need to listen to her. Good luck man." Drew left my place after he check on her one last time.

She was still sleeping, the feelings must've drained her. I decided to move her back to my bed room, and spooned her in her sleep. She unconsciously moved her body facing mine, and snuggled in closer to my chest. I pulled her closer and embraced her in my arms.

Shit! I need to do something about this, I needed her to be mine. She was bringing out my feelings of protectiveness towards her. I wanted her to be okay, I wanted her to be safe in my arms.

"Alex, what? Where is Drew?" She asked groggily.

"Drew had just left, he told me everything. It's okay Addie. I got you. I'll take care of you. Just be mine." I whispered my words softly in her ear.

"No, Alex. I'm damage. I don't do relationship."

"Sshh...let's not talk about relationship okay? Just be mine? And I'll take care of you. I'm taking your damage self for me only. We're not planning any happy ever after. Just let me take care of you. It's like me being your daddy, in your business terms. How's that?" I was bargaining with her.

Hell, I'm taking all I can get here.

"But I don't want your money." She didn't say no.

Hell yes!

"No money would be exchange. I'm talking about me taking care of your other needs, but exclusivity would be entailed. As I said before, I'm a very jealous and possessive man." I was kissing her neck, pulling her closer to me.

"Alex, I don't know I've never done this before."

"Me too, so... why not? Just ditched you office boy toy, and I can take care of you. That's all the commitment I'm asking here. No long-term just like you sugar daddy deals." I was nibbling on her ear, my hand was under her shirt caressing her body.

She was moaning in no time.

I'm getting a yes out of this.

I can do this.

"Alexander, you play dirty."

"Adriana, you like my dirty play."

She rested her head back to my chest, as I kissed the top of her head.