Chapter 3339

So they might as well exchange it in advance.

First, you can improve your strength, and there is a little more support on the battlefield. Second, if you improve your strength, you may earn more war achievements faster.

Of course, the most sought after are actually the healing pills.

If conditions permit, Zhao Fang would rather distribute these pills directly to the soldiers, but the current situation is not allowed at all.

Millions of Allied soldiers, and even reinforcements from various immortal countries, have come. Even if Guiyuan Xianzong fully supplies them, it is impossible to have so many healing pills.

Therefore, Zhao Fang simply handed out these healing pills in the form of War Merit exchange.

These pills can either turn flesh into bones, or break an arm to regenerate, or quickly restore immortal power, etc.

In short, any one is by no means comparable to those ordinary pills in the army.

But it is also the object of the soldiers.

In particular, some life-saving pills for first aid are hot objects.

Some soldiers, even at the expense of a lot of war achievements, have to get a self-defense.

In this way, the morale of the Terran coalition and the soaring achievements have been solved.

Of course, the most important thing is that in this way, the coalition soldiers will no longer question Guiyuan Xianzong as for Zhao Fang.

They believe that as long as they have accumulated enough fighting achievements, they can join Guiyuan Xianzong.

Zhao Fang's delay in announcing the number of military exploits required to join Guiyuan Xianzong also caused some people's dissatisfaction at the beginning, but now it has been solved. After all, for those dissatisfied people, even if they don't know how many military exploits it takes to join Guiyuan Xianzong, after all, they can still see the real benefits in front of them.

Whether it's pills or magic weapons, I'm afraid they can't even think of the benefits if they change them to ordinary times. Now, they can exchange them at will. As long as they have fighting skills and they have enough fighting skills, they can exchange them directly. It's unimaginable outside.

Morale was mobilized, which made the morale of these coalition soldiers soar a lot.

Zhao Fang had no choice but to apply to zongmen for more pills and magic weapons again.

However, fortunately, Guiyuan Xianzong has decided to fully support Zhao Fang, so he did not refuse, and even opened more than a dozen internal skills of Guiyuan Xianzong.

However, although these skills are allowed to be exchanged by soldiers, they can only be used by themselves and can never be taught to others. Even, they are carried out in the way of direct topping.

The morale of the soldiers soared as soon as the skill was opened.

There are good news in the army. Even a soldier with the most terrible qualification has rapidly improved his cultivation by exchanging pills and skills in a short time. Now, he has touched the door of Xianjun.

Only one step away is to break through the cultivation of Xianjun.

At this time, it happened to be the soldier of the moon wheel fairy country.

An ordinary soldier who can't be in an ordinary taxi!

It doesn't matter whether any immortal soldier, or casual monk, or sect disciple, wants to be a strong man, he has to go through countless fighting crises.

Now, the achievements of the famous soldier have been widely spread and become an idol in the eyes of everyone.

Countless people are also looking forward to such a day.

Fight, fight constantly, hunt the devil's head in exchange for war merit.

Exchange, exchange again and again, and constantly exchange war achievements for pills, magic weapons, and even martial arts.

Then go into battle at once.

Zhao Fang did this, but it seemed to change the taste on the battlefield.

Today's battlefield of the moon wheel fairy kingdom has almost become a new place for trial.

Even many scattered practitioners from the surrounding immortal kingdom came here spontaneously.

Their purpose is very simple. They hope to kill the demon clan in exchange for war merit, and then in exchange for the good things of Guiyuan Xianzong.

Of course, in this way, it is inevitable that the consumption of Guiyuan Xianzong will be extremely huge.

Moreover, such consumption can not be supplemented at all.

In fact, some people in Guiyuan Xianzong are dissatisfied.

After all, what constantly supports the front line actually belongs to those disciples.

But the heads of the twelve halls of Guiyuan Xianzong, even most of the elders, ignored these people.

Because they know very well that although it seems that Guiyuan Xianzong has lost a lot, in fact, he has got a lot.

One is the influence of Guiyuan Xianzong.

Even at this time, in the outside world, many people have regarded this time to resist the demon clan as the credit of Guiyuan Xianzong.

Guiyuan immortal sect is the holy land of the human race. Say it's their responsibility? Although this is true, over the past tens of thousands of years, I don't know how many sects have also tried to challenge the authority of Guiyuan Xianzong and want to become a human holy land and receive offerings from various immortal countries.

Guiyuan immortal sect, which is very prosperous on the surface, is known only by the high-level. In fact, many immortal countries have continuously reduced their offerings, even not directly.

The fundamental reason is that Guiyuan Xianzong did nothing at all.

However, their suspicions are not groundless. Over the past hundreds of thousands of years, it has been almost peaceful. Although wars break out between immortal countries from time to time, and there will be battles among foreign nationalities from time to time, they are small in scope, and the scope of influence is only a few immortal countries at most.

In this way, the influence that can be produced is naturally limited.

But this time is different. This time is the demon invasion.

The invasion of the demon clan is not even a matter of the Terran clan.

However, Guiyuan Xianzong stood up at this time.

Guiyuan Xianzong walked around the world and led the Xianguo coalition to resist the demon clan, which was also the full support of the whole clan.

Then the reputation is naturally loud. Even some small aliens have taken the initiative to contact Guiyuan Xianzong. It is obvious that they want to be protected by Guiyuan Xianzong.

As for the Terrans, many immortal countries that were originally free have been completely invested under the Guiyuan immortal sect at this time.

Because the reality is in front of us. Facing the invasion of the demon clan, only Guiyuan Xianzong stood up and completely blocked the demon clan!

The demon clan is cruel and powerful. Without Guiyuan Xianzong, it is difficult to imagine who will become the next fairy kingdom like the moon wheel fairy kingdom?

The actual benefits and benefits may not be seen by Guiyuan Xianzong. However, the long-term benefits and benefits have actually appeared.

In this way, Guiyuan Xianzong naturally constantly supports Zhao Fang's actions. It can be said that no matter what Zhao Fang wants, Guiyuan Xianzong will consider it as long as he puts forward it.

Moreover, as long as it is not too much, it will be satisfied.

Reinforcements or resources.

In short, as long as Zhao Fang can stop the demon family and annihilate the demon family, Guiyuan Xianzong will fully support it.