Chapter 3156

His companion was obviously interested.

After all, it's about cultivation. I'm afraid no one will care.

The wolf demon looked excited and continued to say, "I didn't lie to you. It's true. When we went to practice, everyone gave us a pill. The officer who took us in said that the Lord ordered that we were too weak to be soldiers, so we were authorized to practice there. Under normal circumstances, we need military skills to go in."

"We took the pill and went in, but before we entered, the abundant immortal power shocked me. Seriously, at that time, all of us had no time to think about other things and began to practice directly. Then we didn't know who took the pill first, and then others took it with us."

"In one day's cultivation, at least half of our group of 300 people have greatly improved their strength!"

"However, after the cultivation, we have to learn the array. Anyway, it's messy and delayed for six days. According to the officer, the cultivation of Qingzhuo army is like that. There is a reincarnation every seven days, and there is an opportunity to improve our strength every seven days. You don't know. At that time, we wanted to go back right away, because we're not stupid. If other people knew it You can't take advantage of the benefits in! "

"Sure enough, after I went back, I volunteered to train in the second round, and others scolded me as a fool. When waiting for the third round, it was great. As long as people who had been there were rushing to go, but the Terran general in charge of us said that the LORD had issued a new order, saying that since we were not willing to practice, the queen ant only needed one person in each battalion "That's it!"

"God, in the third round, we even dueled secretly with Terran officers behind our backs in the camp. I finally got the chance!"

"It's just a pity that I have only three opportunities, three days, three days. With the magic pill of the Terran, I broke through!"

The wolf demon's regret on his face seemed to say that he wished he could stay in the Terran all the time.

His companions were confused. Of course, they didn't question the man's words. After all, they grew up together as best friends and knew that the wolf demon couldn't lie.

"Why did you only go three times? What's the matter? According to the truth, you won three opportunities. Shouldn't you be stronger and stronger? Did you lose the fourth duel in the camp?"

The wolf demon looked helpless: "didn't you lose? I blame the Terran general. I may win if I'm not a Terran general!"

"What's the matter? The Terran general is making trouble for you? I knew it. The Terran has no good intentions."

"No, don't get me wrong. It's a military doctor's inspection. The Terran army has regulations. Every half month, a military doctor will inspect the barracks, mainly to prevent soldiers from being injured and not being treated in time."

"I was hurt in the first two duels, but that little injury was nothing to us demon clan, but the military doctor found it out... You don't know, how I begged the Terran general at that time was useless. He said that the Lord's order could not be violated. He said that if there was an injury, he was not responsible for the officers and soldiers. I had to be cured before I could return to the barracks, and then I was picked up by the military doctor Let's go. "

"You don't know. The military doctor is really hateful. I'm all right, but he has to say that I still have scars. I'm not allowed to leave. It's delayed me for five days! Five days! Five days! Five days! How can I beat others when I go back..."


"This, this is all true?"

Another wolf demon was stupid. All he heard had too much impact on him, whether it was the mysterious cultivation, the pill, or the human general's attention to the lives of soldiers.

And so on, for him, it was like a dream.

You know, in the demon family, the big demon even feeds on the small demon. When did the big demon manage the life and death of the small demon? Even if they are of the same family, the cruel competition takes place all the time.

Although they are used to all this, in their eyes, the failure of competition is also their lack of strength, but when they hear that the Terran is so beautiful, they can't believe their ears.

Moreover, only three days of practice can break through, and this is just like the simultaneous interpreting of the legendary things, which also shocked them greatly.

But the strength of his companions is the best proof, which we can't but believe.

Moreover, this time, hundreds of thousands of people were captured, and there is no possibility of lying.

If one person tells lies, can't everyone tell lies?

The wolf demon left foolishly, but the doubt in his heart made him toss and turn, even thinking all the time. Naturally, he couldn't help telling others.

spread from mouth to mouth.

This news naturally spread on a large scale, and also provoked a different taste in the hearts of countless demon families.

Of course, it is impossible for them to know that all this is actually arranged in advance.

What military medical examination? However, it is deliberately to delay the demon clan who gets cheap in front for a few days and give other demon clan opportunities. Even the so-called seven day round of training is also for this purpose.

Everything is just for more demon families to be attracted by the tree of the world.

As for the change of orders, it is actually to limit the number of people going to the tree of the world!

Zhao Fang can pay for this plan, but it is impossible to leave the cultivation of the whole world tree to the demon people.

After all, Zhao Fang didn't fully grasp the layout of the demon people.

Ethnic interests or personal interests, Zhao Fang is not sure how the demon people will choose.

An adventure, a gamble, but it's worth it. After all, once successful, what Zhao Fang can harvest may be the whole demon fairy country!

Rumors are fermenting, but because of the loose management of the demon fairy country and the mutual resistance of the internal ethnic groups, they have not been found in a short time.

When the big demon of the demon family fairy country knew it, it had been half a month since the first batch of demon families were put back!

In the past half a month, the news even spread not only at the border, but also back to the demon family!

When the green scale King found all this and began to stop it, it was already late.

Even, because of improper handling, but also because of the complaints of demon soldiers!

When the green scale King first knew the news, he instinctively felt that there must be a conspiracy. It was the Terran who exercised soul control over some soldiers.

So without saying a word, he directly arrested a large number of demon soldiers.

Then they executed these demon soldiers directly.

In order to prove that what he said is true, let the demon soldiers believe that all this is a human conspiracy.