Chapter 3034

Sometimes it's so simple to talk to other people. Just like the purple fire glass family, the Blackstone family also says what they have, and there is no fraud.

Zhao Fang nodded. After a short time of contact, Zhao Fang almost knew the habits of this family. As for whether Zhao Fang's guess was right or wrong, although it can't be verified now, Zhao Fang is willing to believe it.

The reason is simple, because he was going to enter the Jedi and find the Queen's crown for them.

Now, without hesitation, Zhao Fang turned directly and walked towards the giant beast.

The immortal stone in this Jedi was brought by the black stone family?

Whether it's true or false, Zhao Fang doesn't care. There are some things to understand later.

Now for Zhao Fang, he only needs to pay attention to the top ten guards among the Jedi!

Zhao Fang can see that the Blackstone family really can't get back their Queen's crown.

Not to mention the nine guards behind, it's only the first one. I'm afraid they can only stare.

The reason is very simple. The Blackstone clan seems to have no immortal power fluctuation at all. It seems that their fighting means are only flesh!

Even with Jue Xian stone armor, it seems that they can't help the guard at all.

Of course, with Jue Xian stone armor, they can restrain most people outside, but in the face of this guard, they are powerless!

As for why Zhao Fang can do it?

In fact, perhaps there is no certainty in the hearts of the Blackstone family. They just want Zhao Fang to have a try because they have no way.

Of course, I was afraid that many people came before, and maybe someone reached a similar deal with them, but it was obvious that they all failed.

Choosing Zhao Fang is only interested in Zhao Fang's accomplishments.

After all, the Blackstone family has contact with the outside world. They can know the news from the outside world. In addition, they have special means to see that Zhao Fang is the best in Qingzhuo fairy country. Therefore, they will put all their eggs in one basket!

Of course, the fact is true. If Zhao Fang can't break this Jedi, I'm afraid no one can do it. At least, no one can do it within the scope of Qingzhuo fairy kingdom.

Zhao Fang hardly hesitated. Turning around, he strode towards the guard.

From the previous conversation, Zhao Fang also knows that these guards are actually made by the Blackstone family. Zhao Fang doesn't know why they are like this, but Zhao Fang knows that since they are still guards made by the Blackstone family, they can't be as flexible as real monsters.

And Zhao Fang believes that these guards must have an energy core!

This is the common ground of all human creations. These ten guards are actually similar to puppets. The simplest, direct and most effective way to defeat these guards is to destroy their energy core.

The only pity is that the Blackstone clan can't provide Zhao Fang with any useful information about the energy core of these guards.

Zhao Fang can only find it by himself, but he knows it in the battle.

Zhao Fang didn't sacrifice any magic weapon. After all, the guard was made of black stone. I'm afraid any magic weapon will not work for him.

The most direct and effective way, in fact, is just Zhao Fang's fist!


Zhao Fang suddenly stepped on the ground. Then, the whole man rushed towards the guard like lightning.

Before, Zhao Fang thought he was a monster and had some fear. Now I know that since he is a guard made by the Blackstone family, Zhao Fang doesn't have so much fear!

It's strange that this guy doesn't attack himself. It turns out that he is a guard himself. He will react only when Zhao Fang enters the range of his guard!

However, Zhao Fang underestimated the guard's means.

Yes, he can't use magic, but the Blackstone clan also has its own special abilities. For example, the guard they built also has special attack means!

When Zhao Fang rushed towards the guard, the guard opened his eyes again, because Zhao Fang didn't mean to stop this time, but the guard immediately showed an attack posture.

I saw him stamp his feet suddenly, but I saw countless spikes on his body!

Then he stamped his foot again, and the countless spikes rushed towards Zhao Fang!

Like having some kind of ejection mechanism, these spikes have extremely fast speed.

Of course, this speed is not enough in Zhao's eyes.

Zhao Fang's figure dodged quickly and directly dodged all the attacks.

However, the next scene surprised Zhao Fang, because all the flying spikes turned back quickly.

The real killing moves are only shown at this time. When they pop up, these spikes seem messy, but when they reflect back, they find that all the spikes have a certain law. In the process of urgent or slow rebound, they seem to have formed a prison, as if they want to trap Zhao Fang!

Zhao Fang's mouth tilted slightly. If this means is used to deal with ordinary strong people, it is absolutely enough.

After all, the particularity of Jue Xian stone makes the general attack methods ineffective to him, and it is difficult for anyone to break the prison built by Jue Xian stone with the power of body alone.

But Zhao Fang is different. Zhao Fang's physical strength has already surpassed the peak of ordinary Xuanxian!

Moreover, for Zhao Fang, he is not really unable to dodge!

Zhao Fang's thoughts moved, but there were lights at his feet. It was a special means of the reincarnation magic skill, which was not very useful.

It's just that Zhao Fang's speed is improving a little in a short time.

But at this time, it is enough!

Zhao Fang's speed was very fast, but now he can just dodge the guard's prison attack!

In an instant, Zhao Fang turned into a virtual shadow, and several dodges were close to the guard!

Suddenly, Zhao Fang swung his fist and smashed down at the giant beast!


There was a loud noise!

But as a result, it made Zhao Fang frown, because Zhao Fang's almost full punch only made the giant beast shake slightly. As for the place hit by Zhao Fang, only a few black stones fell!

No, this guy should have the power of array!

Zhao Fang suddenly reacted, because if it was really just an ordinary Jue Xian stone without array blessing, Zhao Fang's fist could not be just so powerful.

Zhao Fang looked up, but suddenly saw the guard's eyes!

Just like two pearls, it looks so dazzling in the dark world.