Chapter 2906

"Damn boy, if you surrender now, maybe I can reward you with a whole body!"

An elder shouted at Zhao Fang loudly. Maybe Zhao Fang couldn't fly in his eyes.

And in fact, it is.

At this time, Zhao Fang was completely surrounded. The only way he wanted to break out of the siege was to kill him.

Zhao let go and held the real dragon sword, but there was no fear in his eyes.

"Why don't you surrender now? Maybe I can consider not killing you."

Zhao Fang's plain voice came.

There is a little panic surrounded.

As soon as the faces of the elders of the corpse King's Hall changed, one of them said, "talk to him and kill him!"

With that, he rushed towards Zhao Fang without hesitation.

The man offered a small colored flag in his hand. The flag was long in the wind, but in an instant, it turned into a huge flag of more than 30 meters.

The flag was covered with clouds and embroidered with many patterns, but at this time, these patterns seemed to live. They were waving their teeth and claws to get rid of the shackles of the flag.

"Hum, boy, let you see the power of our town fairy flag!"

The elder of the corpse King Hall said and waved it suddenly.

In an instant, dozens of things like a whirlwind flew out of the flag.

But it's not just a whirlwind!

Because these whirlwinds, even in the form of adults or animals, are frantically rushing towards Zhao Fang.

Suddenly, four powerful hurricanes appeared around Zhao Fang.

These hurricanes rotate wildly from the moment they appear.

Because of the interaction of the four hurricanes, Zhao Fang, trapped in the middle, has a sense of tearing.

Where did Zhao Fang dare to hesitate, the Eastern Emperor phagocytized Tiangong launched without hesitation.

For a moment, Zhao Fang's body was covered with layers of dragon scales.

At the same time, Zhao Fang urged Xianli to form a Xianli barrier around him to block the impact of those hurricanes.

However, how could the Zhenxian flag of the elder of the corpse king hall only have such a little power.

At this time, I saw another light in the Zhenxian flag directly injected into those wind-shaped beasts.

The silent roar seemed to sound just the sound of the wind.

In an instant, animal shadows and human shadows disappeared in an instant and turned into tornadoes.

The tornadoes moved quickly towards the four tornadoes.

Then they quickly fuse together.

In an instant, with Zhao Fang as the center, a tornado with a diameter of 100 meters was formed.

Of course, if it's really a tornado, Zhao Fang doesn't have to worry at all.

In fact, when the tornado was completely completed, Zhao Fang knew its real power.

At this time, around Zhao Fang, the tornado is spinning wildly.

However, the tornado is not one layer, but three layers!

And the middle layer rotates reversely.

Clearly, this tornado is the special means of the elder of the corpse king hall!

Besides, that doesn't count.

With the crazy rotation of tornadoes.

On top of Zhao Fang's head, red and black clouds quickly condensed!

There seems to be a great force gathering in this cloud.

Suddenly, a thunder fell from the sky.

The power of Tianlei is extremely terrible. It can even automatically lock Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang's idea was to gather immortal power into a shield to block the attack of thunder that day.

However, there are more and more thunder in the sky, and the power is also greater and greater. It seems that if Zhao Fang is not completely destroyed, the thunder will not dissipate at all!

Outside, the elder of the corpse king hall holding the Zhenxian flag was very proud.

"Ha ha, boy, don't worry about dying. You're trapped by the immortal flag of our town. You can't escape!"

Zhao Fang frowned slightly. On that day, Lei's power became stronger and stronger.

But for Zhao Fang, the danger is not just thunder.

You know, at this time, Zhao Fang was facing the pursuit of the twelfth Hall of the whole corpse king hall.

The longer he delays here, more disciples of the corpse king hall will come after him.

Once the twelve hall masters of the corpse king hall even need only a few powerful elders to arrive, Zhao Fang will be in danger.

Therefore, Zhao Fang's heart is very clear that he must break out at the fastest speed.

This tornado doesn't need to kill Zhao Fang, just delay Zhao Fang.

Then Zhao Fang will also fall into an irreparable situation.

What should I do?

Zhao Fang looked at the tornado and Tianlei and began to think quickly in his heart.

Obviously, Lei Yun's power is incomparable. If Zhao Fang wants to crack it, whether he can succeed or not, even if he succeeds, he must pay a great loss.

However, the wind wall of the tornado has a very fast speed, resulting in a repulsive force. It is not easy to break through for so long.

At least, even if Zhao Fang can succeed, it will take a lot of time.

However, Zhao Fang had no time to spend with them.

Suddenly, Zhao Fang looked underground!

Normally, this means of siege should be surrounded on all sides, but Zhao Fang was unaware of any danger underground!

Is there no danger underground, or is it a trap deliberately arranged by the enemy?

Zhao Fang was uncertain for a moment.

He's not sure.

But time does not wait. He must choose a way to break through as soon as possible.

"No matter how much, try this underground first!"

Zhao Fang's thought moved, which was the cohesion of immortal power, and attacked the underground.

However, to Zhao Fang's surprise, he was underground and was not affected at all.

A moment later, he opened a tunnel and came out through the wind wall.

"This, how is this possible!"

The elder of the corpse King's hall was stunned. He had suppressed many people with Zhenxian flag before, but no one escaped.

In fact, the elder also clearly knows where the loophole of the fairy flag in his town is.

But once trapped by their own Zhenxian flag, the continuous thunder is enough to make the trapped people panic, so there is no chance to analyze it carefully.

Zhao Fang was not affected at all.

Is it difficult that he is not afraid at all? Or is his psychological quality so good?


But he didn't know that in Zhao Fang's eyes, they were just walking experience.

How could Zhao Fang really fear them.

Don't mention the elders of the corpse King's hall. Even if the Lord of the corpse King's Hall shot himself, it's one thing whether Zhao Fang can fight or not, but it's certain that he will never be afraid.

A clear mind can naturally find the best solution.

Once Zhao Fang rushed out of the tornado, he rushed to the elder of the corpse king hall without hesitation.

Zhao Fang knew very well that if he didn't break through the encirclement of these people, he couldn't leave at all.