Chapter 2456

Xuanfeng alliance.

"Lord Shi, it's bad. I found a large number of demonic figures coming towards our Xuanfeng alliance!"

Shi Xin, who stayed behind the Xuanfeng alliance and was responsible for rebuilding the defensive immortal array, was still directing the aftermath of the war, so an alliance scout came to report.

"What? The devil will make a comeback?"

Shi Xin's eyebrows almost twisted into a pimple, his face was gloomy and said, "Damn it, why is this time when the alliance leader is away and the defense immortal array has been broken? The alliance has no barrier. What shall we take to meet the enemy?"

Just as Shi Xin was about to issue an order to let the alliance friars retreat by themselves.

"Lord Shi, the demon Xiu didn't come to attack us. They were scattered and fled here. Our scouts fought head-on with the demon Xiu and captured one!"

With that, four or five alliance friars, escorting a shaggy, pale demon monk, came to Shi Xin with a proud face.


Shi Xin squinted and looked at the captured demon Xiu. Unexpectedly, he was a three-star demon general.

This kind of strength, in demon cultivation, belongs to the middle and lower levels.

"Tell me what happened to Fukuoka Moyuan. Who drove you away?"

With Shi Xin's strength of returning to virtual jiuzhong, interrogating a three-star Magic general is entirely a cow knife for killing chickens.


He got all the answers.

However, after hearing what happened in Fukuoka Moyuan, Shi Xin was silent.

His eyes were bright and uncertain, and he expressed great doubt: "a green faced man killed seven in and seven out in the magic cultivation, and Shengsheng scattered the whole magic cultivation army? How can there be such a strong man here!"

But then.

When the as like as two peas, the monks of the union captured many magical practices and tried to make identical statements, they could not believe that Shi Xin did not believe them.

In particular, there is an eight star demon general.

The eight star devil general is the most hated by the alliance friars in the devil cultivation camp, except for a few nine star devil generals such as mogore.

When he was caught, he was seriously injured. Without much resistance, he was captured by Shi Xin with Xianbao.

"Is it Zhao Fang?"

The eight star demons will belong to the high level of Fukuoka Moyuan and know more than ordinary demons.

When he was told the truth, Shi Xin felt that his brain was not enough!

"Is there any mistake? That guy is just a double who can fight back to emptiness, that is, the little doll. When will there be another fierce and invincible green faced man? Also, why hasn't the alliance leader come back?"

Shi Xin felt an unprecedented panic.

Zhao Fang's brutal style of playing cards against common sense made him feel a great crisis.

For fear that Zhao Fang would remember the scene of hating him and come to settle accounts with himself.

In such fear, Shi Xin waited for two days. Instead of waiting, Zhao Fang waited for the news from the alliance headquarters.

"Xuangu's soul lamp in the hands of the seventh giant in the alliance headquarters is broken!"

When she heard the news, Shi Xin was a little confused.

Xuangu is dead?

Died out of nowhere?

The seventh giant was very angry. After learning what happened to Xuanfeng alliance, he came forward in person and was already on the way to Xuanfeng alliance.

The fifth day.

A blue bird warship, straddling the void, appeared thousands of miles away from the Xuanfeng alliance.

Across ten thousand miles, Shi Xin in Xuanfeng alliance felt the strong ferocious smell of the warship.

"Shi Xin, come out and see me!"

A voice like an indifferent God echoed over the Xuanfeng alliance.

After hearing this, all the alliance friars changed their faces. They didn't know why, so they were vigilant.

Only xuanqiu Ming, who was still hiding in his cave for rest, cried with great joy, "Grandpa, you're finally here!"

Shi Xin takes Xuan Qiuming, who is almost well injured, and Qi Dongyue to the bird warship a hundred miles away.

When I saw the man with white hair and silver armour standing on the fence of the warship, standing with his hands down and overlooking all directions, my heart could not help trembling and gave birth to an inexplicable panic.

"Xuanfeng alliance Shi Xin, meet the seventh giant!"

Shi Xin crawled on the ground and didn't dare to look at the man with white hair and silver armor.

Even Xuan Qiuming bowed his head respectfully. He didn't dare to speak casually without the permission of the white haired man.

"Tell us in detail what happened in Xuanfeng alliance these days!"

The man with white hair and silver armour didn't look at the three of them. He was still holding his hands and looked at the long and comfortable sea of clouds indifferently.


Shi Xin respectfully took the order, and then talked about it. He didn't dare to hide half of it and described it truthfully.


His knowledge is limited.

Most of them were only obtained from the trial of the demon general. Even he couldn't guarantee the authenticity.

"Is it related to Zhao Fang?"

"The kid around him has the strength to integrate the Tao environment?"

The white haired silver armour man's face was indifferent, but the corners of his lips raised a sarcastic smile, "the road to harmony is difficult. Even if the devil Wuji breaks through the devil handsome, it is just the weakest harmony state, and it still can't show the real power of harmony state!"

"It's foolish of you to make such a rash assertion when you haven't seen the harmonious state!"

The man with white hair and silver armour had a indifferent voice, but his words made Shi Xin tremble, and the sweat on his forehead was like rain.

"Look up and look at this seat!"

The man with white hair and silver armour said, slowly turning his head. Under the bright sun, he showed a young, noble and proud face.

The man's eyes are purple, like hiding two deep flames.

Shi Xin looked up and saw the eyes of the white haired and silver armored man. His eyes were like being burned by a fire. He closed his eyes in pain, but his soul was still affected by the fire. Immediately his face was pale and his soul was hurt!

"Lord xuanxiao, spare your life!"

Shi Xin immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

Xuanxiao, Xuangu's father, xuanqiu Ming's grandfather.

It is also the headquarters of the alliance, the seventh giant, and a real leader in the world.

"Xuangu, as the leader of the alliance, went deep into danger. As a subordinate, you didn't advise him, which led to his death. What do you think we should do with you?"

Xuanxiao's voice is still indifferent.

But Shi Xin's ghosts are scared.

"Spare your life, my Lord! For the sake of me following the leader of Xuangu Alliance for many years, let me commit crimes and perform meritorious deeds! I know the specific location of Fukuoka Moyuan. I am willing to take you to catch the real murderer who entrapped Xuangu!"

Shi Xin understands xuanxiao's temperament.

I know he doesn't like to hear people explain. He didn't explain much. He just begged for mercy.

Xuanxiao's face was expressionless.

After a while, he said slowly, "lead the way!"

Hear that.

Shi Xin was obviously relieved. Only then did she find that all her clothes were wet, as if they had just been fished out of the water.

But in the face of xuanxiao, the moody big man, he can't help being careless. After all, he is the most grumpy and difficult one among the seven giants.

Once, there was an eight fold alliance friar who hated his magic and was slapped to death by him.

Shi Xin doesn't want to be killed like this. How oppressive is that?