Chapter 2439

After the greeting.

Qi Dongyue asked, "what's the matter? Why did xiheng Taoist friend invite us to come?"

"You're the last to come. I'm afraid you don't know. The news has been spread all over the top of the League!"

A big black faced man said in an urn.

"What news?" Qi Dongyue looked at the black faced man.

"It's said that a group of mysterious people have destroyed more than 50 evil caves in a month. Countless evil practitioners have died in their hands!"

"This alerted a giant in the headquarters and specially summoned him to let Lord xiheng find out the identity of the other party. If there is no problem, he will be invited to the alliance headquarters..."

After listening, Qi Dongyue was stunned.

According to the information provided by the black faced man, the group of mysterious people they said were roughly the same as the strong man Qi Dongsheng provided to himself.

"Are they the same group?"

"They can continue to fight incessantly and destroy more than 50 demon caves in a month. The fighting power of those people is stronger than I thought. More than one of them may return to the virtual world."

Many thoughts flashed through Qi Dongyue's mind.

"Among the giants, two have made it clear that they want to contact this group of people and then solicit them for their own use. They just sent the strong ones and never met that group of people."

"But according to our speculation, if those guys continue to kill, the target of their last battle is likely to be the abyss of Fukuoka."

Hearing the speech, Qidong Yue Meng raised his head, as if he had just reacted, "Magic Cave 97, the abyss of Fukuoka?"

"Make no mistake, but there is a quasi devil handsome who returns to the virtual place."

Return to the void, a heavy demon cultivation, and become a star demon general.

Return to the empty nine heavy, that is, the nine star demon general.

Go up and reach the state of harmony, that's magic handsome!

Half step and half way, is a quasi devil handsome.

It is enough to sweep a large area of eight or nine monks returning to the virtual world.

"We don't even know the identity of those guys. How can we judge their behavior?"

"However, according to their previous straight-line attack, if they continue to kill, they will eventually reach the abyss of Fukuoka!"

Just talking.

An old voice sounded in their ears: "come in and decide who will go to the abyss of Fukuoka to contact the mysterious strong."


Qi Dongyue instantly recognized each other's identity.


Boundless void.

The warship is like a giant beast, moving forward slowly.

"Lord, over the past month, we have slaughtered more than 50 magic caves. We are getting closer and closer to the goal of 100 magic caves!"

Guan Yu said in disbelief.

With his strength alone, naturally, he can't pull out so many demon caves in such a short time.

He looked at the red boy standing on the side of the ship with complex eyes.

Zhao Fang frowned slightly and was not satisfied with the data.

"Too slow!"

"If we continue like this, it will take at least three months to complete the task of 100 demon caves. At that time, we will only be one month away from Yin Chunhua's task. The time is too hasty!"

"This battle must be ended within two months!"

Think so.

Zhao Fang also looked at red boy.

He is the key factor for Zhao Fang to turn the war around.

"Red boy has been slacking off recently. Do you need to teach him a lesson?"

Zhao Fang thought and finally shook his head. "Blindly high pressure will only backfire."

"Red boy, come here!"

Zhao fangchong waved to Hong er.

The red boy came over listlessly, "why?"

"A little present for you!"

Zhao Fang smiled and took out a small car, which looked like a riprap machine.

The whole body is flowing with cyan light, with bursts of vigorous earthy yellow. The color fluctuates and dissipates.

With Zhao Fang's urging.

The cyan car immediately spits out a yellow dragon and crashes into the nearby mountain. In the roar, the mountain collapses into ruins!


Red boy's eyes lit up: "what's this?"

"Tuhe cart!" Zhao Fang said mysteriously.

"At first glance, it's OK, but it's not really useful. What do you want to do?" the red boy glanced at Zhao Fang.

"I still have four such cars, collectively referred to as five driving cars. The five elements are one, which can release three flavors and true fire!"


Red boy shook his head flatly. "No one can copy my Sanwei real fire. A few broken cars can also release Sanwei real fire? I don't believe it unless you show it to me!"

With that, a trace of cunning flashed in the red boy's eyes.

Where would Zhao Fang be fooled? He said faintly, "if you can step on and destroy 40 Magic caves in ten days, I'll give you another 'Shuiyuan car', which can release Shuiyuan bullets. Each blow is not inferior to the ordinary nine empty returns!"

"Who knows if what you said is true or false?" the red boy doubted.

"Don't believe it? All right."

Zhao Fang didn't say much, so he had to put away the tuhe car.

"What are you doing? Don't you mean to give it to me?" the red boy stopped immediately.

"You don't believe it. Why should I beg for it?" Zhao Fang smiled.

"I believe the head office." the red boy grabbed the tuhe car and played with it for a while. "The combination of five cars can really stimulate three tastes and real fire?"

Based on his knowledge, he also noticed that the car was not vulgar, much like a set of immortal treasures.

Even if you can't activate Sanwei real fire, it's also a good choice if you collect it all.

"Of course!" Zhao Fang raised his lips slightly.

He said to himself, "I knew you would be moved. This is the fifth driving car in the original book. It cost 1.5 million Xianyuan points to buy this tuhe car."

It hurts to think about it.

That's one-third of the wealth he plundered recently. As a result, the immortal treasure he bought was still enjoyed by others.

Everything is for the task!

I can't bear it!

Zhao Fang warned himself.

Of course, on the one hand, it also means "red boy".

As long as he has ten more points of loyalty to himself, he doesn't need so much trouble now.

A set of five cars, worth tens of millions of Xianyuan points, looks very expensive.

However, it is a very cost-effective business to subdue a strong man with nine ways.

"I promised to destroy 40 Magic caves in ten days. Remember what you promised me!"

The red boy raised the earth River car in his hand.

"I can't forget!"

Zhao Fang smiled lightly and said to himself, "those who have fighting spirit are different. Who else would be able to destroy 40 Grottoes in ten days? "

"Time is pressing, let's start now!"

With a wave of the red boy's hand, a red immortal force enveloped the whole warship.

In an instant.

The surface of the warship seemed to ignite a layer of flame.

"What are you going to do?" Zhao Fang was surprised.

"The warship is too slow. At its speed, who knows how long it will take to destroy the forty evil grottoes. I wrap the warship with the strength of the Taoist realm and move it greatly. It will be much faster!"

The red child looked ahead and explained without looking back.