Chapter 2305

"What's going on?"

The terrible smell of the underworld was too abrupt, which made the monks who had just relaxed reappear the color of fear on their faces.

"Gaga, do you think this will suppress the king?"

The drill bit pierced the divine light, and a sharp sound came out, and youdousheng rushed out.

Zhao Fang's body shook, his face was like white paper, and a blood stain flowed from the corners of his lips.

"Sure enough!"

He was not surprised.

In his current state, there is a big gap between him and Huashen Qizhong. If he forcibly brushes into the divine light, he will only be eaten back.

Zhao Fang also thought about this, but he had no choice but to gamble.

Because this is the only way to threaten youdou!

It turned out that he lost the bet!

It's not that the divine light is too weak, but that there is a big gap between his cultivation and youdou.

If he is in the spirit realm, he can definitely take the service of youdou.

"Boy, you really surprised me. Who the hell are you?" youdou didn't hurry to start.

Zhao fangminrui noticed that the breath of youdou was much weaker than before.

It shows that the divine light has weakened some of his strength.

"The man who killed you!"

Zhao Fang smiled coldly. The black magic light came and wanted to repeat the old technique.

"It's useless." youdou sneered.

Having said that, I dare not let the divine light shine on me again.

In order to get out of the red light, he used a lot of strength. If he was brushed in, he was not sure he could rush out again.

"It's time to end!"

Youdou held up his scepter, "come back, my soldiers!"

The Hades soldiers seemed to have a premonition of something. They raised their heads and roared. Their bodies burst open, turned into black fog and floated into youdou's body.

Youdou's weak breath was nourishing. In a twinkling of an eye, it recovered to its peak and impacted to a higher level with a more brave attitude.

Turn God into eight.

Change God nine times.

The great consummation of God.

Half step back empty.

Cultivation stopped soaring, and the breath stopped on the threshold of half step back to emptiness.

The youdou at this moment is full of flame, and no one can stop it!

Zhao Fang smiled bitterly. "Shit, there's still this move. It's special. You still play wool."

He was not sure to deal with the seven heavy changes of God, let alone half step back to emptiness.

The other monks were desperate.

I thought I was saved. Seeing the dawn of hope, I didn't expect to fall into boundless hell in a twinkling of an eye.

"Ha ha, all die!"

The dark fog in your pocket dispersed widely. However, the friars swallowed by the black fog only had time to make a scream, and the breath dissipated.

Those breath, originally like lights, at the moment, it was like being swept by a strong wind, and the lights went out one after another. However, they died in a few seconds.

Zhao Fang clenched his fist and his eyes were full of hardness and killing intention.

Although he was not familiar with these people, they were all human beings. Seeing them slaughtered by youdou, Zhao Fang could not help feeling empathy and the sorrow of the rabbit's death.

"Don't worry, it will be your turn soon!"

Youdou sneered. After killing the monks, his black fog rolled to the sword, waiting for the existence of a group of infants in the later stage of transformation.

Some monks are unwilling to die and surrender to youdou, but youdou ignores them and kills them directly.

Sword Xiu clenched the handle of the sword with one hand, even without his lower body.

He looked at the fairy sword and said, "you are a fairy sword. How can you be willing to die like this? Lend me strength. Even if you die, you will shine!"

Buzzing ~

The Qipin immortal sword radiated a startling light. It seemed to be touched by Jianxiu's words. The sharp edge of the sword was so terrible that it cut off the black fog that wanted to kill Jianxiu and others.


Jianxiu took the sword and entered the black fog, but soon, there was a sad sword sound. Jianxiu was blown out, and his body was completely broken. Only one sword baby survived, but it was also fragmented and could crack at any time.

As for the seven grade immortal sword, it was also covered with cracks. Its spirit was greatly reduced. Obviously, it was also seriously damaged!

"The soul of ghost sword is really unusual. You almost got it. But this time, you won't have a chance!"

Youdou showed his figure and was obviously much more embarrassed than before. He raised his hand with a cold killing intention, shrouded sword Xiu and Zhao Fang, and wanted to kill everyone.


To everyone's surprise.

Youdou's fierce and decisive blow was easily taken by a small hand when he was close to Zhao Fang.

The owner of the little hand is a girl with a lovely little face.


"Have you recovered?"

Zhao Fang was surprised, but soon frowned. Xiaoyou's breath at the moment is still very weak.

Xiaoyou turned back and smiled at Zhao Fang with a lovely smile. "Thank you for protecting the Dharma for me and recovering some. However, this guy is a little annoying and always bothers me!"

When she looked at youdou again, the lovely smile on her face disappeared and became cold.

Even youdou, who was stared at by her, couldn't help but feel a sense of terror.

What made him more upset was that in the face of the little girl, he had a feeling of being suppressed, just like the inferior wanted to resist the superior.

It seems that the other party has more noble blood than him.

Thinking of the Youming flower that Xiaoyou was hiding, youdou flashed a light in his mind, exclaimed and said, "are you Youming?"

"The nether world?"

Zhao Fang didn't understand the meaning behind these two words, but he could keenly perceive that the lawless youdou had a rare fear in the face of Xiaoyou.

That's not his illusion.

With Xiaoyou's hand, youdou's fear became more and more obvious.

"Why is the nether world here?"

Youdou kept asking, like a hundred thousand why, full of incomprehension.

Xiaoyou didn't answer him. He waved at will. After annihilating youdou's previous attack, he said carelessly, "are you cutting yourself or waiting for me!"

"Don't deceive people too much. Even if you were a ghost, now you are just a wisp of ghost. You are very weak. Are you sure to take me?"

You dou is very angry and laughs back.

Having said that, he opened the distance between him and Xiaoyou with a face of fear.

"Frog at the bottom of the well!" Xiaoyou said indifferently.

Without waiting for youdou's anger, Xiaoyou makes a cross chop at will. Youdou doesn't even have a chance to respond. He is directly hit by the cross chop. His hard recovered body almost tends to collapse again.

You dou's face showed fear and was completely frightened.

Seeing that Xiaoyou wanted to do it again, without hesitation, he turned around and ran away.

"Black prison, seal!"

Xiaoyou said slowly.

The dark Qi originally belonged to youdou, but at this moment, he obeyed Xiaoyou's instructions and turned into black chains to trap youdou and couldn't move.

"You Ming, forgive me. I don't know Mount Tai. I hope you Ming will forgive me. From now on, you dou tribe, may you obey your orders!"

Few people can treat death like home in the face of life and death.

The more overhaul walkers, the more afraid of death.

Xiaoyou's two random moves made youdou clearly realize that the gap between himself and Youming is not what he can compete with when he is promoted to half a step back to emptiness.