Chapter 355

Huozhou, lava ancient land.

This is an area completely formed by red lava.

Within hundreds of thousands of miles, it is densely covered with lava and magma, full of hot atmosphere.

This breath is mixed with a trace of fire poison. If a martial artist who doesn't repair fire comes here, it won't take too long, he will be hurt by fire poison.

Even those who practice fire come here, it is dangerous.

Because the fire poison is too overbearing.

It is densely covered in hundreds of thousands of miles. Once you step here, you will be continuously impacted by the fire poison scattered in tens of thousands of miles.

This kind of impact can only be overcome by a great supernatural monk or a fire treasure.

Ordinary people will die!

This is the ancient place of lava, the nightmare place of fire state friars, and the gathering place of fire family.

Ancient lava can be divided into inner and outer layers.

There are countless volcanoes in the ancient lava land in the outer layer. Among the volcanoes, more or less, the huozu people are entrenched.

Like the wood clan, the eyebrows of these fire clan people are all with flame patterns.

From four to seven flames.

In the inner layer, there is a huge flame mountain.

On the cliffs around Flame Mountain, there are countless dense caves like honeycomb.

In each cave, there are fire people practicing here.

The spirit of heaven and earth here is extremely violent and tyrannical. It is extremely difficult to tame, and it carries a trace of fire poison. For external friars, once they step here and wait for themselves, they will be poisoned in addition to being burned.

There is no other way.

However, this is regarded as a nightmare forbidden place for the outside world, but for the fire family, there is no obstacle to their survival. On the contrary, it makes them feel like a fish in water!

The fire clan is a natural alien. It is good at controlling fire. Like the wood clan, it is an original clan.

The necessary condition for their survival is fire!

The fire clan has no protection clan array. The unique flame group within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles is their best natural array.

It is precisely because of their existence.

For thousands of years, the fire clan has rarely been found. Even those who know where the fire clan is, they dare not touch it lightly.

At this moment, the outer layer of the fire family.

Several fire clan people with five or six flame marks on their eyebrows are practicing in the ancient lava land.

Their cultivation methods are also very special.

Swallow the fire!

As they swallow the flame every time, their breath will vaguely improve a lot.

Of course, this swallowing is not unlimited.

For example, at present, these Huo people with five or six flame marks on their eyebrows will swallow them six or seven times and reach saturation.

If they swallow it again, even if they are fire people, they can't bear it.

Surprisingly, the fire clan only swallowed fire and never gave feedback.

But the ancient flame of lava has never decreased.

be like.

Once swallowed, there will be a pair of invisible hands playing in it to restore the richness of the flame to normal again.

It is this strange present that gives the fire family the foundation to survive for thousands of years!


Just when the eight or nine fire clan teenagers were swallowing fire and practicing, there was a sudden sound of breaking the sky in the hot and twisted sky in the distance.

The boy who was swallowing the fire was stunned.

Look back.

"Yan Tai, did you hear that?"

A fire clan teenager with a strong body, a tiger head, a fierce face and six flame marks on his forehead asked, looking at his side, not much different from his appearance, and with six flame marks in the center of his eyebrows.

"Yes, it's not an illusion."

The fire clan boy called Yantai flashed a flash of fire in his calm eyes.

This fire is extremely hot, which also contains expectation and war spirit!

"No one has broken into the ancient lava land for a long time, and the bones of labor and capital are about to fall apart. Unexpectedly, someone took the initiative to bring it to the door today. When brothers get up, let them see the hospitality of our fire family, and let them know how our fire family is' enthusiastic like fire '."

Yan Hu, the fire clan youth who spoke first, cheered and the fire clan youth behind him immediately responded.


The nine flames quickly flashed away and rushed to the position where the broken sound came from.


"You are invaded by 'fire poison', and your combat effectiveness decreases by 5%. The state lasts for two days."

Zhao Fanggang stepped into this hot lava ancient land and received such a prompt.

Suddenly not calm.

"I'll go, fire poison intrusion? I said how I feel like I'm on fire. It's very uncomfortable. However, this state of affairs has dropped too much. It has directly lost 5% of its combat power. "

"There is a fire elixir in the system mall. The price is reasonable and children and old people are not deceived. It is a necessary thing for you to travel at home and go out for exploration."

Hearing this, Zhao Fang became angry.

"The price is fair. Your sister, when I'm blind and a broken pill, you sell a million supreme coins. Why don't you rob it?"

"This is robbing, the legendary looting."

"System, can you be a little cheaper?"

"He who is near is red, and he who is near is black."

"I'll go to your uncle!"

While swearing, Zhao Fang suddenly seemed to feel something. He stepped down and looked ahead.


He smiled faintly at the corners of his mouth. "I'm lucky. People give pillows when I'm sleepy. I was thinking, where can I find the earth fire in such a large lava ancient land? I didn't expect that someone would come to the door as a guide in the twinkling of an eye."

"Well, I certainly can't live up to this kindness."

While talking to himself, Zhao Fang moved and quickly swept forward.

Not long.

The two teams met unexpectedly.

Zhao Fang saw the legendary fire clan.

The fire clan teenagers also saw the human who didn't know what to do and dared to break into the ancient lava land.


To the surprise of both sides.

Each other is a teenager!

But this surprise was quickly replaced by a strong smile in a flash.

Zhao laughed because he finally found the fire clan. With these people to lead the way, he will soon complete this uncomfortable trip to the fire clan.

Of course, the premise is that he can find the "core fire".

The fire clan youth is happy that the human in front of them seems young, but their strength is obviously not comparable to that of ordinary human beings.

Even if he had entered the central area of the outer city, he did not show the appearance of being poisoned and half dead like an ordinary martial artist.

It's alive and kicking.

"This human should be able to play for a long time!" the Huo teenagers looked at each other and saw the meaning in each other's eyes. They were quite excited.

At this time, the human teenager who was regarded as the chopping board fish opened his mouth.

"Hey, man, borrow a fire!"