Blood splashed everywhere, and it seemed as if there was a blood rain in the sky.

The scholar with a sword came out of the blood rain, and his voice was like a breeze in every corner of the world.

Looking at this scene, the Situo practitioners present felt inexplicably frightened.

"What happened just now? With the strength of Lord Lin Qing, that sword was enough to kill the boy." a Xituo practitioner said inconceivably. He was a member of the burly man. He followed the burly man for decades and was very puzzled about the strength of the burly man.

In the distance, many sword alliance practitioners were also stunned. Obviously, they didn't expect that this seemingly weak scholar killed Lin Qing.

The old man looked at the scholar who came with the sword and his eyebrows seemed to twist together. With a wave of his big hand, the feather sword that had been split by force turned into a streamer and shot away at the scholar. At the same time, there was a sharp sword sound in the feather sword: Keng... Keng

Many practitioners' eyes suddenly shrink at this moment. In their sight, the feather sword carrying the terrible sword idea splits in vain, turns into thousands of feather swords, and shoots away at the scholar. Each feather sword is haunted with an extremely terrible smell, and the whole world seems to be torn into countless pieces.

It looks like a sword rain from heaven and earth.

"Is this the heaven and earth net of swordsmanship in the rotten Hall of Xituo? As soon as I saw it today, it was as weak as my domain Master said."

The shrill sound of the sword roared from the sky and the earth. The scholar raised his head and thousands of sword lights were reflected in his eyes, but he could not set off any waves in those eyes.

At the same time, the scholar quickly raised his hand, just like waving pen and ink. The sword in his hand crossed the void, and the ripples of sword meaning spread in the void.

Only heard the sound of Keng Keng, thousands of feather swords had roared, but at the moment when these feather swords touched the scholar within a few meters, these feather swords seemed to enter the mire, the speed became slow in vain, and the sword body shook violently, just like thousands of invisible hands holding these feather Swords.

The scholar looked at these feather swords calmly, and the sword in his hand finally stopped. He continued to walk forward to meet the roaring feather swords. His left hand raised, and the clothes raised bursts of clear wind, which blew across the heaven and earth in front.

Shua... Shua... Shua

The feather sword from the sky and the earth is like fallen leaves. It is blown by the breeze and scattered in this piece of heaven and earth.

The practitioner of sidha who witnessed this scene was shocked to the extreme,

The scholar came out with his sword and looked at the stunned old man not far away. The sword in his hand stabbed out again with a touch of bright sword light. This touch of sword light was like the first dawn of dawn, tearing open the night under the sky. Similarly, there were small cracks spreading out in the void where the sword passed.

The old man was shocked in his heart, and there was a surge of horror in his eyes. This horror was not only because of the sword in front of him, but also because of the cultivation fluctuation that permeated the scholar in front of him. The fluctuation was not the Tao base state, but the king Tao state.

In other words, the scholar in front of him is the king's realm of Taoism. He has been hiding his clumsiness from beginning to end, making them mistakenly think that he is only the realm of Taoism.

"Die for me..."

At this moment, the old man also felt a chill in his heart. With a wave of his big hand, hundreds of feather swords suddenly appeared in the void. These feather swords were sacrificed and refined by his blood essence, which contained extremely terrible energy. When his Zhenyuan poured away towards these feather swords, the more than 100 feather swords burst into fiery light and quickly shot away at the scholar.


There are only more than a hundred feather swords, but they are more powerful than before.

But the amazing scene appeared again. When these feather swords were still a few meters away from the scholar, the speed changed slowly again. The sword in the scholar's hand cut through the nothingness and knocked these feather swords apart together, and the cold sword light reflected into the old man's eyes again.

In an instant, the old man had a creepy feeling. Before he could react, an ethereal sword shadow suddenly came, as if it had directly torn the sky and fell on him.

"Ah!" the old man screamed. The sword shadow contained a terrible sword meaning. He had never seen such a fierce sword meaning. He was covered with blood. A very eye-catching blood mark spread from his forehead to his lower body. The blood burst out. His whole body split in two. He could not die anymore.

The world around was quiet. Both the practitioners of Xituo and the practitioners of jianmeng stared at the scene.

Those sword alliance practitioners soon had a look of ecstasy on their faces. In contrast, those Xituo practitioners were terrified. The impact of this scene on them was far better than before. After all, the strength of the old man was much higher than Lin Qing. Most importantly, the old man died in the hands of a scholar.

For a time, many practitioners of Xituo had already played a retreat drum in their hearts. The two practitioners of the king's realm on the side of Xituo had already died, so they were the opponents of these people.

Within the Taoist array, the old man named Xiao Zheng was relieved.

"Is this the strength of the true legend of the sword domain? No wonder I underestimated you when I got such a high evaluation from the leader of the alliance." Xiao array glanced at the fallen body and immediately looked up at the bloody scholar in the void. His eyes showed a shock. He had only put all his eggs in one basket, but fortunately, he bet right.

"Seven cliffs, I've asked for some interest for you." the scholar murmured softly. He turned and looked at those Xituo practitioners in the distance. His eyes were cold, and his body was like a ghost. He crossed hundreds of meters and rushed to those people. The Blazing Sword light burst out. The sword Qi was vertical and horizontal, and the terrible sword meaning was like the Milky way falling for nine days.

Like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, these Sutra practitioners, who are the opponents of scholars, were torn apart by the sword intention just one face to face.

Almost without any hesitation, these Sutra practitioners did not dare to fight with scholars and fled around one after another. However, as soon as they stepped on their front feet, they found that their whole body was out of control and stagnated in the void. Even the real yuan in their body was as if the heaven and earth were still.


Like a tidal wave of fear, they struggled desperately. Soon they found that the body recovered its perception and the truth in the body flowed again.

But all this was late, although there was only one or two interest before and after.

This interest or two is enough for scholars.

The sword light was like a rainbow, and the heads flew high, and the blood waves rushed to the sky.

In the distance, practitioners from the sword alliance and the sword region also joined the war, and the killing sounded again and resounded through the sky.

However, compared with before, sword domain and sword alliance have completely occupied an overwhelming advantage.

Just then, a sword flew from the end of heaven and earth