The vast land is extremely dark.

Rainbow like streamers ripped away from the sky. At a glance, there was a dark shadow, roaring like locusts from the sky, and the sharp breaking wind was heard all the time. Most of these people looked at the rear in horror, as if there was something very terrible chasing them.

At the front of the team, Su Bai looked very dignified. Just now, he clearly felt the terrible breath sweeping away from the distant sky. The world was shaking. Even if it was far away, Su Bai could feel the terrible pressure, which made people feel suffocated.

"The demon emperor broke the seal and came out... So many of us gathered together. With the strength of the demon emperor, we can definitely feel it. It's only a matter of time before we can catch up." Hongling Liu frowned and looked dignified. With her strength, we can naturally detect the terrible smell rolling in the distant sky.

"Separate." Su Bai suddenly stopped, turned around and looked at the Liu family members who were chasing after him, and said in a deep voice: "everyone, I don't need to say more about the current situation. The demon emperor has broken the seal. If we want to escape from heaven, we have to disperse. At least there is a glimmer of vitality..."

Hearing the speech, most people's faces changed slightly. It was only tens of thousands of feet away from the family land. At the speed of a strong emperor in the Taoist realm, they could reach it with a few interest. There was almost no hesitation. When Su Bai's voice just fell, the people dispersed in a crowd and plundered in all directions.

"Alas..." Su Bai suddenly sighed in his heart. It was the best choice to escape separately, but it was only for them. The strength of those Liu people was far inferior to them. With some injuries, their speed was naturally inferior to them. In this case, those people were more likely to be caught up by the demon emperor.

"Let's go!" Su Bai whispered. Even if he didn't dare to delay here for too long, Kunpeng's wind wings agglomerated behind him, just like the wings of the sky, about ten feet long. His dark wings showed sharp edges, like a sharp sword out of the scabbard. With one step, Su Bai turned into a streamer and swept away in the distance.

Hongling and others immediately raised their steps to keep up, with dignified expressions.

Su Bai and his party were very fast, but in just a few seconds, they had plundered thousands of feet.

When trying to escape, Su Bai's eyes also looked towards the rear from time to time. At the end of the world, the terrible Qi rolled in, like a huge bloody curtain falling down, and bursts of terrible breath swept out. The people watching were frightened.

In the rolling evil spirit, a tiny figure swept across the sky at an amazing speed, and the endless breath of death came out. It didn't walk. When it passed, the body of the Liu family exploded with a bang, turned into blood mist, and even the bones directly turned into ashes, just like a demon God walking in the world, Life dies.

Su Bai stared at the tiny figure, his heart sank suddenly, and he couldn't help feeling a chill, because he noticed that a cold and terrible breath was tearing away and locked his body. He was stared at by the demon emperor.

The faces of Hongling and others changed dramatically. The feeling of being stared at by ancient beasts made them feel frightened.

"Not so unlucky. The demon emperor stared at us?" Cao Feng twitched slightly at the corners of his mouth, and his back was soaked with cold sweat.

Hongling's shallow eyebrow was slightly frowned, and a little helpless color appeared on her pretty face. She said, "what should I do? If there is no accident, it should come all the time."

"Can this guy feel the breath of the demon emperor's heart and stare at me?"

Su Bai felt the terrible smell of getting closer and closer in the rear, and his face became more and more dignified. At his speed, there might be some opportunities to escape safely, but Cao Feng and others were slower. If they went on like this, they would be caught up sooner or later. Thinking of this, Su Bai suddenly stopped and faced the people: "The demon emperor's heart is on me. Nine times out of ten that guy is coming for me. You go first and I'll attract its attention."

Hearing the speech, everyone was surprised, especially Cao Feng and others. They were demons at the level of emperor Daojing. Even ordinary practitioners of emperor Daojing did not dare to easily provoke them. In the face of such a terrible existence, if Su Bai wanted to lead away the demons alone, he was doomed to nine deaths and extremely dangerous.

Cao Feng's eyes showed a decisive color and said in a deep voice, "no, Lord, you'd better go first and let me attract its attention."

"Don't give me any fucking nonsense. If you don't leave, you'll all die here." Su baileng shouted. He took out the iron sword. The fierce sword was intended to tear apart the world around him. In an instant, it turned into a sword storm between Su Baitian and the people. The sword was vertical and horizontal, dense and cut the sky like a natural moat.

Hongling, Qin Shuang and Qin Bubai were a little silent. They were all the accomplishments of huangdaojing, so they knew more about the gap between huangdaojing and huangdaojing. Even they didn't dare to provoke easily, because they knew that it was the same as dying.

Seeing that they were still motionless, Su Bai sighed and said, "don't worry, I dare to stay and attract its attention. Naturally, I'm sure to get rid of it. If you don't go anymore, it will drag me down."

"You are the most evil genius I have ever seen. People like you are destined to move the existence of Dongxuan. You can't die here. Take care."

Qin Bubai was relieved when he heard what he said. If someone else said such words, he would scoff, but Su Bai said it, the weight would be different. After all, Su Bai has created too many miracles all the way. Maybe he can really do it.

"Take care." Hongling and Qin Shuang said in unison, turned and left, and Qin Bubai followed.

Seeing that Cao Feng and others were still motionless, Su Bai frowned and said coldly, "don't go quickly. You are the mainstay of the sect in the future. If you want to die here today, how can I explain to the priest Zu."

"Lord, you must come back alive." Cao Feng bit his teeth and choked in his voice. Finally, he turned around ruthlessly and went straight after Hongling and others. Mo Yanfeng and others also said take care and followed.

Su Bai was left alone in the void. Looking at the blood and evil spirit surging from the heaven and earth in the distance, the iron sword in Su Bai's hand slowly raised, and a rainbow like sword light tore out of the void, carrying a terrible sword storm to the heaven and earth in the distance. At the same time, Su Bai suddenly turned around and swept away to the northwest.

Soon, an earth shaking roar was raised crazily from the rear heaven and earth. Then, a terrible breath surged towards the direction of Su Bai's escape like a tide.

"Did you escape?" staring at the fleeing figure in the void in the distance, the demon emperor Junlang's face showed a playful color, and immediately raised his step to chase Su Bai.

Aware of the terrible smell of the rear getting closer and closer, Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that he guessed right. The guy stared at himself from the beginning