The bronze gate, like the pillar of heaven, lies between heaven and earth, and the blood curtain surging on it falls.

Looking at the falling blood curtain, Su Bai's eyes showed a strange look. Vaguely, he felt a sense of blood connection on the blood curtain, especially the smell on the blood curtain, which made him very familiar with: "the smell of Kunpeng..."

"This blood curtain is the seal... No matter how terrible the attack is, it can't break the seal..." Xu Qian looked helpless and felt helpless about the seal in front of her.

For Xu Qian's words, Su Bai just nodded subconsciously. He stared at the bronze gate. He felt that the feeling of blood connection was becoming more and more prosperous, and even he noticed that a dark involvement was spreading from the palace. This feeling made Su Bai involuntarily raise his hand and press his hand towards the bronze gate.


Xu Qian's face changed dramatically in vain, but she had witnessed the horror of the bronze gate. Previously, situ ye and Bai Xingdao wanted to break the bronze gate with their physical strength. However, at the moment when their physical bodies touched the bronze gate, there was a powerful force in the whole bronze gate and hit them hard.

But just as Xu Qian blurted out her words, Su Bai's right hand seemed to fall on the bronze gate.


The whole bronze gate trembled in vain, and the blood curtain surging on it burst out scarlet light. Su Bai immediately saw that in this blood curtain, extremely complex lines condensed rapidly.

"What's the matter?" Xu Qian's eyes showed a stunned look. Her beautiful eyes stared at the bronze gate in front of her. At the moment when these lines appeared, they swam towards all corners of the bronze gate. Then, the bronze gate, which was silent for some time, finally gave out a buzzing sound. Soon, the dusty bronze gate also slowly cracked a gap.

"What's the matter?" a cold touch swept from the bronze gate. Su Bai looked up at the bronze gate.

A cold breath surged out through the gap, and the gap continued to grow until about half a meter.

Su Bai stood in front of the bronze gate. He was not in a hurry to enter, but looked at the palace behind the bronze gate through this gap. It was dark and deep, as if he could swallow everything, including light.

"Do you want to go in?" Xu Qian swallowed her saliva, looked away from the bronze gate and turned her head to Su Bai.

Su Bai stopped and said with a smile, "why don't you go in? You only need one step to get Kunpeng's treasure. How can you give up."

"But this palace is really weird. Why we couldn't open the bronze gate before, but now you can open it automatically just by pressing it." Xu Qian frowned. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. She stared at the crack with an especially dignified look. Vaguely, she seemed to hear the whistling sound inside. It was sad and creepy.

"Maybe I know why the bronze gate opened automatically." Su Bai stared at his right hand with a look of meditation in his eyes. The breath flowing on the bronze gate made him very familiar, and even the blood curtain on it made him feel connected by blood.

Xu Qian couldn't wait to ask, "what's the reason?"

"Kunpeng's painstaking efforts..."

Su Bai murmured softly, "I have refined Kunpeng's hard work, and that drop of Kunpeng's hard work has been integrated into my flesh, so there is some Kunpeng's breath in my body. Maybe it is this breath in my body that resonates with the bronze gate, making the bronze gate open automatically."

"Kunpeng's hard work? Although Kunpeng's hard work is only the third grade blood essence, the energy contained in Kunpeng's blood essence is extremely violent. Even if it is the third grade blood essence, its energy is no less powerful than the fourth grade blood essence. No wonder your body will be so strong."

Xu Qian looked stunned and immediately showed a relieved look. Now only Su Bai explained the reason why the bronze gate opened in front of her, "fortunately, Xu wennanzi picked you up, otherwise even if I had the honor to come here, it would be difficult to enter the bronze gate..."

"Oh... I don't know what's going on with that nun now. Once the news of Kunpeng's treasure spread, more and more practitioners will come here. It can be said that good and bad people are mixed. I hope Xu Yong's hiding place will not be found by other practitioners."

Su Bai looked at the bronze gate in front of him again, with a decisive look in his eyes, and said cleanly, "go in!"

After that, Su Bai took the lead in walking towards the bronze gate. When he was about to enter the bronze gate, a terrible tearing force appeared without warning and dragged his body into the bronze gate.

Xu Qian nodded her head and took a light step, following Su's defeat. However, at the moment when Xu Qian was about to touch the bronze gate, a terrible force came out and shook her body out directly.

"Poof!" even though Xu Qian was on guard in advance, when she withstood the impact of force, the blood gas in her body still couldn't bear it, and her blood splashed out.

Stop the body, Xu Qian wiped the blood on the corner of her mouth, and showed a helpless smile: "it's a mistake... This seal still exists, but it only allows you Ximen with Kunpeng breath to pass..."


Su Bai was surprised by the sudden tearing force, but he didn't panic too much.

The tearing force didn't last too long, and soon dissipated. Su Bai opened his eyes and saw a huge blood red corridor, with mysterious lines carved on both sides of the corridor, silent and showing a taste of vicissitudes of life.

"This should be the inside of the palace..." Su Bai looked at the corridor carefully, but his eyebrows suddenly wrinkled. He suddenly turned around and saw the bronze gate behind him slowly closed.

Ka... Ka... Ka

The loud noise echoed in the corridor, especially harsh.

"Xu Qian!" Su Bai's face changed dramatically and he was about to stop the bronze gate from closing. However, when he pressed down the bronze gate with both hands, the bronze gate was already closed.

"Strange... Xu Qian obviously followed me into the bronze gate. Why didn't you see her?"

The vigorous Qi gathered from Su Bai's hands. He tried to reopen the bronze gate. However, this time, the bronze gate was like a vast mountain. He had no choice but to give up, "Before I entered the bronze gate, I didn't notice the fluctuation of sword array, that is to say, the bronze gate should not be Dao sword array, but directly connect to the palace... If Xu Qian followed me, she should appear here..."

"In other words, Xu Qian, she didn't enter the bronze gate." Su Bai's frown widened. Like Xu Qian, he probably understood why Xu Qian couldn't enter the bronze gate.

"Situ ye and Bai Xingdao are still in this world and will come back at any time..."

"If she meets these two people alone, the situation may not be optimistic, but she should also see why I can enter the bronze gate, and she can't and will not wait for me in front of the bronze gate." Su Bai murmured to himself. He looked at the bronze gate in front of him again. The bronze gate on this side was still covered with bronze rust, circuitous lines and mysterious fluctuations. He tried again and still couldn't open the bronze gate.

Obviously, the road outside the palace was blocked.

Su Bai looked around. It seemed that there was only the corridor in front of him. "We've all come here. Even if there are dragons, lakes and tigers in front of us, we have to break in..."

"Su Bai took out his iron sword, tightened his whole body in vain and walked forward carefully.

"I hope Kunpeng hasn't arranged too many prohibitions in this palace. Otherwise, it's really difficult to get out of this palace today."

Moving forward seemed to be Su's only choice.

Su Bai's slightly heavy footsteps echoed in the empty corridor. Fortunately, there was no danger in the corridor. At least Su Bai didn't see it when he came to the end of the corridor. After su Bai walked out of the bloody corridor, his eyes widened in vain. Then, Su Bai's face appeared with a thick color of shock, "this is..."