The endless darkness echoed with a gurgling sound, creepy.

With eyes like stars, Su Bai stood still.

The mysterious fluctuation disappeared. Su Bai frowned slightly, and his feet seemed to be blue slate. However, standing on it, Su Bai noticed a cold surge through his feet and palms. The gloomy darkness swallowed up everything. Su Bai looked up and could only see the bodies lying a few meters away.

The dead passage was secluded and terrible, but Su Bai's slightly wrung eyebrows stretched out. "According to younger martial brother Yang Xiu, they had never encountered this corpse tide when they passed the sword tomb in the past, but such a change has taken place today."

"The sect divided the tomb of the swordsman into class a tasks, which also means that the sect had sent people to enter the tomb of the swordsman a few days ago. Otherwise, how can we know the danger of the sword tomb and evaluate the task level."

"If the two are connected, the change of today's sword tomb should have something to do with the zongmen."

With his eyes burning, Su Bai stared at the dark passage in front of him. "The task of the sword hall is mainly to train the disciples, and the task issued will never be to let the disciples die." thinking of this, Su Bai was inexplicably relieved, the Qingfeng ancient sword was raised slightly, and Su Bai took a step forward gently.

Although Su Bai tried his best to control his strength, at the moment when his front foot landed, there was a click at his feet.


In the dark passage, clusters of strange ghost fires appeared out of thin air, dispelling the previous darkness.

Under the reflection of the ghost fire, Su Bai immediately observed the passage. It was like a corridor, about several feet wide and several feet high. Now he was standing on an ancient altar, surrounded by scattered broken bones. A few feet away, there are several corpses. These corpses rotted all over, exuded corpse water, and the smell filled every corner of the corridor.

He raised his hand and gently pressed it on the altar. Su Bai observed carefully: "this is indeed a sword array, but this sword array should be one-way transmission."

"There is no way back, so we can only move forward." Su Bai murmured softly, and walked forward. Especially when he walked towards these corpses, Su Bai was more careful. The rotten corpses had climbed out of the corridor before, and Su Bai didn't dare to relax.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

In the eyes of the corpse, scarlet light appeared in vain, and the faint claws burst up.

Su Bai's heart was always alert. At the moment when these corpses burst, Su Bai swept out like a light Hong, avoided the sweeping claws, and the Qingfeng ancient sword in his hand turned gently, like tearing open the air, and quickly fell out.


The shrill and shrill scream suddenly sounded, and the smelly corpse water splashed all over the ground.

The sharp claws of these corpses were extremely sharp, but they occupied the advantage of speed, but Su Bai was not afraid. Destroy the withered and pull skillfully to completely crush the corpses, step by step along the whole channel, and the more into the corridor, the more terrible the strength of these corpses will be. However, Su also noticed that the degree of decay of these corpses gradually decreased. Even in the end, Su Bai noticed several complete bodies.

These bodies had obviously experienced a bloody battle, with shocking blood marks all over them. Compared with rotten corpses, there is a very thick smell on these corpses. Su Bai's eyes narrowed slightly and carefully observed the corpses. The sharp Qingfeng ancient sword disappeared into the corpse in an instant, and the sonorous body suddenly sounded. The corpse was as hard as gold and iron.

"These corpses obviously existed for a long time. The surroundings seemed closed, but there was air circulation. According to normal conditions, the corpses should rot, but the corpses in front of them were as intact as before." Su Bai lowered his body and noticed the sword gas flashing on the surface of the corpses. "These corpses should be very strong, otherwise there would be no sword gas left in his body after death."

"Maybe it was because of the existence of these sword Qi that the corpse could be as complete as before." Su Bai murmured softly. He was about to move on, but Yu Guang in the corner of his eyes noticed some twisted sword marks beside the corpse's head, which were like an earthworm. However, Su Bai saw that these twisted sword marks were some handwriting. It was obvious that the dead man engraved them on the stone slab with his fingers before he died.

Su Bai raised his palm and the fierce wind swept out.

The dust was flying, and the dense handwriting became clear:

Bai Tong, when you see these handwriting, I should have died. We think of this sword tomb too simply. After all, the other party is one of the guests of the former sword alliance. The test arranged here is by no means what you and I can imagine. Even if I can only break into here with my strength, your strength is equal to mine. I advise you to stay away from this sword tomb as soon as possible.

However, with your temperament, I know you will never give up, but will continue to move forward and get the inheritance of this sword tomb.

As far as I know, the sword tomb is divided into two layers. One is the outer tomb and the other is the inner tomb. The inner tomb is full of a terrible poison gas. Once you have a wound on your body, the poison gas will be integrated into your blood. After a moment, your blood and flesh will rot incomparably until you finally become that ghost. According to some predecessors, Xu Changqing, the owner of the sword tomb, laid three tests in the inner tomb. One of them is probably those ghosts. If you see these handwriting, you should have experienced the second test, and the other test is in the corridor.

There is a door at the end of the corridor. You should be able to enter the main room of the inner tomb through that door. However, there is a grave keeper in front of the door. No, it should be a terrible body. This should be the second test. As for the third test, it should be behind the door.

It's ridiculous to think that countless geniuses in the barren Yazhou gathered here to pass the three examinations of the sword tomb and inherit Xu Changqing's mantle. In the end, they all died here.


Su Bai's eyes moved word by word. When he saw the last scribbled handwriting, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly. The amount of information revealed by these handwriting was very huge, at least revealing the reason for the existence of these rotten corpses.

Xu Changqing! Su Bai's lips moved slightly. This should be the name of the owner of the sword tomb.

"The owner of the sword tomb left three tests in the sword tomb. If anyone passes the test, he can inherit his mantle, and the body he sees all the way should be the warrior who entered the sword tomb."

Su Bai's left hand gently held his chin, which could make so many martial arts people know that they would break in. The mantle left by the owner of the sword tomb must be not simple. Su Bai's eyes moved slightly and fell on the front several words: "sword alliance guest Qing."

"Langya sect and other sects, as well as heaven's punishment, are the most powerful forces in Huangya Prefecture, but this sword alliance has never been heard of?" Su Bai shook his head, but the strength of this sword alliance should not be low if it can make a congenital strong sword array master become a guest Qing. Su Bai got up and looked at the endless corridor. "The first test was so terrible, and the next test will be more and more terrible."

"There is a door at the end of the corridor. There is a corpse in front of the door. I just don't know how the strength of the corpse is compared with the previous rotten corpse and blood corpse?"

"There is obviously no way back here, which means that if I don't want to rot in this corridor, I can only accept the test, enter the door, or die in the hands of the corpse." Su Bai held the Qingfeng ancient sword tightly, and the cold touch made him particularly calm and analyzed the pros and cons, "There is still some water and food in the mustard Bracelet in my hand. It should be able to support some days here!"

"The cultivation of these people is obviously not weak. They can't break into the door with their strength, which indirectly shows the horror of the body."

"At present, the best choice for me is to take advantage of this time to cultivate and improve my strength. When all the water and food are consumed, I will go to the end of the corridor, defeat the body and enter the door." Su Bai frowned and thought hard, but his nose wrinkled slightly. According to the information left by the dead in front of him, the sword tomb was full of a terrible poison gas, which dissolved in blood. However, Su Bai obviously felt that when he inhaled the air, the blood flowing in his body obviously had a faint burning feeling and flashed by.

"Once there is a wound, the poisonous gas in the air will quickly enter the body through the blood."

"But even if I don't have a wound on my body, once I breathe, these poisonous gases will enter my body. Although it's tiny, there's the possibility of corpse change."

"Once the poison gas in the body accumulates to a certain extent, the flesh and blood of the whole body will rot."

Su Bai frowned. It was obvious that he had rejected the idea of staying here to practice hard. Holding the Qingfeng ancient sword tightly, Su Bai raised his eyes to the end of the corridor and showed a firm look: "that's the only choice to meet the so-called test."