The sky was as scarlet as a scroll, and the blood mist floated. The whole heaven and earth was filled with light blood gas, swinging with the wind.

In the undulating forest sea, the peaks point straight to the sky like a sharp sword out of its sheath.

A huge waterfall, like a dragon lying on the peaks, flew straight down, hundreds of feet.

Under the huge drop, the deafening sound of rumbling resounded through the heaven and earth.

The terrible impact is enough to smash the rocks, and the rocks below the waterfall are as smooth as a mirror.

WOW! White Qi rose up on the surrounding rocks, and a thin figure could be seen sitting quietly on it.

The breeze from the mountain stream blew over the rocks and rolled up the white air around.

It also rolled the long hair of the slimming shadow over the shoulders, revealing a rather linear side face, like the edges and corners carved on the rocks with a sharp knife, filled with the unique charm of men.

This charm is by no means what Liu Dong and others can have.

WOW! The falling waterfall impacted on the figure. The terrible impact was enough to tear open any rocks, but the thin figure did not move. The thin green shirt was not even stained with any water vapor, which looked strange and incomparable.

Abandoned Qingshan is called abandoned Qingshan, but he wears a thin Qingshan all year round.

Boom! Boom! The roar echoed in the mountain stream, and the green shirt figure was as firm as the rocks in the mountain stream.

Until there was a sharp breaking wind in the distant sky, the abandoned green shirt slowly opened his eyes. His deep eyes were like the inky night sky, which made people unable to extricate themselves.

Abandoning his green shirt, he got up slowly, and his straight figure was like a sharp sword, impressively dividing the waterfall into two.

One handed negative step, abandoned his green shirt and took a step forward without delay, but the whole person appeared like a ghost on a mountain stone several Zhang away, about several Zhang large, on which were placed white incense burners and celadon tea cups.

Pick up the celadon tea cup, discard the green shirt, gently move the tea with white fingers, and lazily say, "how's it going?"

"Under the deliberate action of Tianya sect disciples, I'm afraid no one in the whole blood refining space will not know the existence of this ancient sword tomb!"

"In just a few days, the elite disciples of each sect came one after another to the peaks of the sword tomb!"

"Dao Sansheng of Daojian Pavilion and menglingyun of Zhuang mengge also appeared on the peaks of sword tomb!"

A hoarse voice like an old man sprang up under the waterfall, and a ghostly figure roared up behind the abandoned green shirt.

The man's whole body was shrouded in loose black clothes. He couldn't see his face clearly. He could only see his eyes like poisonous snakes, cold and piercing.

"Langyazong, Daojian Pavilion, zhuangmeng Pavilion, baichizong, Tianya Pavilion!" ziqingshan slightly picked the corners of his mouth, and his face didn't look too surprised: "no one can resist these temptations, even Dao Sansheng and menglingyun can't resist them!"

He picked up the tea cup, threw away his green shirt and took a sip. His deep eyes fell on the clouds. In the middle of the peaks, there was a majestic sword peak, like a giant sword. He wanted to pierce the bloody sky. Although it was far away, it gave people an inexplicable sense of oppression.

It seems that this sword peak is not a mountain peak, but a fierce sword that kills the world.

"Now only the disciples of baichi sect are left!" under the black robe, a faint chill flashed in the eyes of the black robed youth like a poisonous snake.

"They will come!" he said lightly, with a slight air of books in his eyebrows. At the moment, he looked like a refined scholar without the edge that a warrior should have.

After a pause, abandoning his green shirt seemed to think of something: "how many disciples in the sect have arrived at the peaks of sword tomb?"

"There are 763 disciples of Langya sect, 435 of whom belong to their own team!" the black robed youth thought about it.

"Where's nalanzi?" she gave up her green shirt, frowned slightly, and her angular face looked very handsome.

"Haven't come yet!" if the young man in black robe has a deep meaning, he looks at the abandoned green shirt and stops talking.

"Just say what you want to say. It's not like your fangs!" he said with a smile, shaking the exquisite celadon tea cup in his hand.

"I still don't understand why you treat nalanzi so well. I know you will never like nalanzi with your temperament!" it's rare to see a fanatical look in the cold eyes of the black robed youth: "the outer door is too small after all, not your stage. If it weren't for the sword tomb peaks, maybe last year, you and I entered the inner door!"

"You also said that the outer door is too small to be your and my stage!" abandoning the green shirt said in a long tone: "the inner door is your and my stage. Nalanzi's father is an elder!"

"Just this identity, Nalan Zi is enough for me to pay attention to!" shrugged casually, turned away from her green shirt and met the eyes of the black robed youth. "It's a matter of little effort to meet the unreasonable requirements of that girl occasionally, which is not a trouble!"

"By the way, there's another interesting thing!" the tone of the young man in black suddenly became a little cheerful, and there was a trace of drama in his eyes.

"What's the matter?" he chuckled with his green shirt.

"Liu Dong, that son of a bitch has found us!" the color of play and abuse in the words of the young man in black is becoming more and more prosperous.

"Liu Dong?" abandoned his green shirt and immediately remembered who Liu Dong was: "this guy is not leading hundreds of disciples in the sect. How can he find us?"

"Although I don't know what happened, Liu Dong's team has been destroyed." the young man in black couldn't help laughing: "now, he wants to join our team!"

"Oh, interesting!" he slowly climbed up his angular face and disdained: "the team I abandoned my green shirt can't be joined by any waste! The blood refining space has been opened for several months, and now there are more than 4000 survivors. Among these people, only more than 100 people can get out of the blood refining space. Fangs, you're ready, 435 people are too many!" finally, The voice of abandoning the green shirt became a little cold: "sometimes, the necessary sacrifice is still necessary!"

"I know what to do, don't disturb your cultivation!" the figure of the young man in black was like a python, and disappeared in the mountain stream half a sound.

"Qin Wumo, this is a game. Who will win in this game?" the exquisite teacup in the hands of the abandoned green shirt was broken. He slowly raised his head and fell on a mountain next to Qianzhang sword peak with a little expectation. His eyes seemed to break through the void and saw a tall and straight figure standing proudly on the straight sword peak in the vast sea of clouds.

In the vast sea of clouds, the peaks are like a lonely boat in the sea of clouds, and the raised peaks are like reefs on the coast.

A tall, towering figure stood on the top of the Baizhang mountain. His eyes looked up at the Qianzhang giant peak in front of him, which was like a behemoth, with a little tired look between his eyebrows.

Qin Wumo is a well-known outside genius in Tianya Pavilion.

The ink like Wu Yi is more upright in his body shape. Qin Wu Mo is holding a pen in his right hand. The pen is slender and straight like a sword.

"Brother Mo, 763 disciples of Langya sect, 536 disciples of Zhuang mengge and 847 disciples of sword pavilion have gathered around the peaks of sword tomb!" several Tianya Pavilion disciples stood carefully behind Qin Wumo and said respectfully.

"Tomorrow, maybe all the survivors in the blood refining space will appear. Oh, more than 4000 people, this blood is enough!" Qin Wumo smiled, and the tired color between his eyebrows dispersed at this time, even showing a little excitement.

"I seem to see some clues when I abandon my green shirt!" a disciple with thin cheeks said with some worry.

"If not, how can I make the news of the sword tomb public by abandoning my green shirt!" Qin Wumo waved his hand, but his words had a sense of confidence and overbearing: "he abandoned his green shirt to plot for the sword tomb for a long time, and even gave up the opportunity to enter the inner door. I Qin Wumo is not the same. Hum! The inheritance in the sword tomb is destined to be Qin Wumo's, and no one can take it away!" A fierce and incomparable breath filled Qin Wumo's body, and a little real Qi could be seen flowing on his skin.

Condensate! The Tianya Pavilion disciples standing behind Qin Wumo were all clenching their fists with excited eyes. Even the disciples who spoke earlier said carefully, "brother Mo, have you stepped into the realm of condensing Qi?"

"Half a step to condense Qi!" Qin Wumo said faintly, slightly picking at the corners of his mouth, revealing some pride that is difficult to hide

[bookid = 3011077, bookname = Immortal Emperor] [bookid = 3011863, bookname = Godfather romance]