Linxi night on the muyuntian car, now just a serious look to him asked, "Hey, that Fang ronger in the end is what background?"

"..." Mu Yuntian smiles and doesn't answer, which makes Lin Xiye more suspicious

this question directly made Mu Yuntian's eyes black. He immediately grabbed Lin Xiye's hand and said, "don't give me a blind guess. How could she be my ex girlfriend?"

"who is she? I doubt that there must be something between her and you. Just tell me as soon as you can. Don't play tricks, OK? Besides, it also concerns the future happiness of your good brother! " Lin Xi night see to he very quickly chase a way to ask, in the bottom of the heart also can't help but more guess this square Rong son's true identity

"what? It's brother Zhuang's... "

Lin Xiye couldn't believe anything at all, and her whole eyes were wide open

"to be exact, it should be Zhuang bifan's runaway wife?" Mu Yuntian says, the eye Mou son of evil spirit black inside also brought out a light satirical feeling

"what's going on? How could it be that she was Zhuang bifan's wife? Why did she stay with Mo Shaochen, and she became Mo Shaochen's fiancee to be? " Lin Xi night the whole eyes are staring big, this thing is really amazing

to be sure, there must be a lot of story reasons

besides, people like Zhuang bifan are calm and introverted. They should be good husbands that every girl yearns for

Mu Yuntian's eyes were narrowed by Lin Xi's words at night, and soon he looked at her, with a enchanting smile on his face, and a faint light on his face

"when I saw her, I was also very surprised. Of course, Zhuang bifan's runaway wife had been missing for a long time, and many people thought she was dead. There are not many people who have seen Zhuang bifan escape his wife before. She is different from many women who have married into rich families. She has never appeared in public, and has never participated in social intercourse and banquets of the upper class. "

"many years ago, I also occasionally met her when I visited the villa. At that time, it seemed that they had already had problems. The woman ran down the stairs like crazy and yelled to leave, but at that moment, I could tell that she was Fang ronger I saw today!"

Mu Yuntian slowly recalled the scene when he went to Zhuang's mansion

when I saw the picture of that woman, I slowly recalled it and said it. It seems that there is a rumor that Fang ronger's disappearance is actually caused by Zhuang bifan's intention

"I'm afraid that Mo Shaochen is still in the dark, and I don't know that this woman is actually Zhuang bifan's runaway wife? Mu Yuntian is a big deal. Are you wrong? "

"well... Then we must stop the mistake! But I think Mo Shaochen is the one who is hurt the most Lin Xi night slowly tight tight eyebrow

"she is the one who is hurt the most. I don't think Zhuang bifan knows that Fang ronger has come to the imperial capital. Since Fang rong'er has the courage to come to the imperial capital, he must have planned for the worst, and he is not afraid to meet Zhuang bifan again. " Muyuntian slowly said, a pair of eyes with deep meaning, brought out a wisdom

Lin Xi looks at him at night. There are some unbelievable, "how can a man like Zhuang bifan not be good to his wife? What kind of contradiction will appear in the end, which makes that woman take the way of escape for several years? "

"why don't I understand? I think he... "When Lin Xiye wanted to say something, she couldn't say it again

it seems that everything is not what you see on the surface

"think he's good? Think he's like a gentleman? But that's only on the surface! Lin Xi night, people can not only look at the surface, and according to rumors, her wife left him because he often domestic violence Muyuntian slowly said, eyes inside also revealed a dark light.In fact, he was not used to seeing Zhuang bifan for a long time. But because he is the successor of the Zhuang family, this plan has to be considered in the long run

"domestic violence? No way Lin Xi didn't even think about it at night. If people like Zhuang bifan and Wen Kunshi are considered to have domestic violence, then there may not be a normal man in this world

thinking of Fang ronger, Lin Xiye's expression is unpredictable

Mu Yuntian didn't stay in this apartment. The phone rang and he soon left here, but when he left, he didn't know what to do

still can't help but lower his head and kiss Lin Xiye's forehead

this moment is really like casting a piece of tenderness in this night, which makes people always aftertaste in the bottom of my heart

Mu Yuntian left, a shadow disappeared in the night, which made Lin Xi's night a long time

when she came back to the room, her mobile phone suddenly rang

soon, she grabbed her cell phone, and when she saw that it was a call from her best friend, she quickly picked it up and said, "feed ruoxuan!"

"Lin Xiye, I miss you so much. We are going to start school in a month. Are you enjoying yourself there now?"



the other party sighed, and there was a feeling of confusion in his eyes

"there are many good hospitals in the imperial capital. When you come, I will have a way to wake him up!" Linxi night slowly said, eyes inside revealed a light light

"thank you, Lin Xiye. In fact, you don't have to worry too much about my brother." Tang ruoxuan said at that end

"why do you say that? You and I are not outsiders. You can arrange it as soon as possible! I think Tang Junfeng can get better treatment, which is the best for him. " Linxi night said, a pair of amber eyes inside a faint light

"I'll arrange the time and contact you later."

when the mobile phone is hung up, Lin Xiye slowly walks to the windowsill and looks at a window of the old building. The whole time seems to stay at this moment, which makes her ripple many memories again

it seems that I really want to stay in this wonderful time

I really want to turn over what happened in the past. I don't want to mention it again, and I don't want to retaliate again

even I feel a little surprised when I think about it

she doesn't know if it's because she seems to have forgotten what she should do in the love of muyuntian. Slowly also become just want to immerse in this beautiful

Lin Xiye frowned tightly, but at that moment. The necklace on the neck said again, "let it be, master. You don't have to worry too much! In fact, emotion and your revenge are not contradictory! Really can coexist

"I know." Linxi night slowly said, then also don't think more, quickly back to the bed, close your eyes

at that time, the whole mind had calmed down slowly


in the second half of the night, I don't know what kind of wind blows to her bedside through the windowsill, which makes Lin Xi wake up reflexively

looking at the windowsill, there is nothing, but there is a feeling that there is something strange

she didn't know what kind of feeling it was. She felt that there was something unusual tonight

at the roadside where she once walked, Lin Xiye jumped onto the roof. Wait there

before long, sure enough, Lin Xiye saw another gorgeous figure in a nightgown passing by

from a distance, it looks like a ghost

if other people can't see her steps clearly, they will mistakenly recognize her as a ghost. They may be scared to death, but they can't scare her, Lin Xiye

because she had already seen her steps clearly, but her steps caught the aura. At that moment, it was described as flying speed

"it's her!" Lin Xi night the whole eyes are tightly narrowed up, hands slightly pinch the fist

she vowed that she would not be lost, and soon, she also seized the aura to sneak on the roof.Fortunately, this night, although very dark, but there is still the moonlight in front of the road.