"What are you doing?" Lin Xiye saw the masked man in front of him, and his eyes were shocked. The lion face on his face showed how ferocious and evil it was

but she couldn't raise her hand. The discomfort in her body made her feel dizzy

"I'm really a timely antidote for you..." Mu Yuntian looked at each other's state, and there was a faint light in his eyes

this force is very important. It directly makes Lin Xiye's whole body fluctuate in varying degrees. At that moment, she feels that the other party seems to penetrate directly into her throat, trying to absorb all the forces in her body

the terrible thing is that she should have refused him, but there is a strange fire in her body, which makes her want to get close to him

this makes her feel very, very broken down. Lin Xiye frowns bitterly, but she can't refuse his kiss

his hands were shaking and he tried to squeeze his fist to gather his spiritual power. It can be found that, in fact, there is no way to concentrate mental power. If there is no way to concentrate mental power, then there is no way to condense water

after that, the man let go of her, looked at her such a fast but not up to the appearance, smiling and gently helped her face with his hand

"go away! Don't touch me Lin Xi night very angry scolded a, but the next second her whole face has been covered by the man's palm

her mouth is close to his palm, and an unusual heat overflows from his palm and directly escapes into her mouth

let her temporarily all confused breath have gradually calmed down. After a while, the man gradually released, looking at her still very confused eyes, but her breath is more normal than just now

"if I don't touch you, do you want others to touch you?" With a smile, Mu Yuntian went back to his original position, sat up straight, started the car, brushed it, and drove to the villa on the top of the mountain

at night, Lin Xi sat on the front passenger's cab, closed her eyes tightly, and tried to stabilize her breath

when she was sitting on the car, she felt hot and dry

even sitting on the top of the convertible, I still feel the heat inside my body

it's very uncomfortable

the car has been circling up the mountain road. Mu Yuntian slowly turns his head and takes a look at the woman. What words also didn't say, but black eyes inside that a jump of glimmer is in the faint tell some what emotion

when the car arrives at the villa on the top of the mountain and stops, Mu Yuntian opens the door and holds up the woman's body. At this time, the other party is on the verge of collapse

all the car seats under her are fragrant sweat

but even in this case, Lin Xiye didn't lose her reason to hold him back when she was held by him. Instead, she supported her reason and gnashed her teeth. Just don't look at a man

"it's all like this. I can hold on and have good willpower!" Mu Yuntian praised lightly and walked very fast. He took her directly to the deep pool behind him. Without saying a word, he jumped into the deep pool

when the pool of water irrigates her whole body, Lin Xiye is like a trapped animal in a cage, like suddenly being understood, and the uncomfortable flame inside her body seems to have been put out

however, even the only strength in her body was taken away. She fell to the bottom of the pool and could not stand still. Soon a force had surrounded her and let her lean on her

Lin Xiye leans on the man's chest and sleeps heavily

the words were like hot springs watering her ears

"comfortable! Before I had nothing to do, I would come down to bubble and be invincible... "Mu Yuntian said, holding her chin with his hand, gently caressing her face with his fingers, and playing in circles. It seemed that such an action made him very happy

Lin Xi frowned at night. She moved her face slowly, but she was immediately controlled by his whole hand. She understood that she could not resist what he wanted to do to her at this time.A kiss gently covered in the corner of her mouth, took up Linxi night's body, a Zheng, subconsciously taut.

After the kiss passed through the lip like an electric current, Mu Yuntian moved his mouth, looked at her beautiful face and said slowly, "don't trust people so easily, especially men! Except for me, of course

Lin Xi night eyelid tired fierce, can hear his words, the corner of the mouth gently hook.

"I don't believe anyone, including you!" Lin Xi night stubborn finish saying this words, eyelid son finally arrived at that weight, heavy sink, in the man's arms sleep in the past.

Mu Yuntian looks at her beautiful face, which is crystal clear. The pool air is still around her face, which is warm with pink color. For a moment, people can't turn their eyes.

And at this moment, suddenly also felt Lin Xi night breath a little unsteady, and his body has also changed.

Mu Yuntian smiles slowly. At that time, a force seems to have produced a little bit of movement and change.

I really want to move on. I want to explore the beautiful and wonderful world.

But the idea is only a little fleeting.

"A little thing with a duplicity I'll make you fall in love with me and never leave me again. " Muyuntian finish saying this, very quickly, a jump up, holding the already sleepy Linxi night back to the second floor bedroom.

Gently take off her wet clothes, put her on the big round bed.

After the bedding is covered. One of them was sleeping on the quilt and leaning against her.

Looking at a woman's face, her black hole like eyes narrowed slightly.

This eye seems to have a deep black hole vortex, which seems to hide countless cosmic mysteries.

But there's one thing that he didn't even understand.

Mu Yuntian turned his head slowly and put out his other hand to touch the woman's face.

"Lin Xi night One day you will trust me Tell me all the secrets... " Mu Yuntian murmured to himself, slightly lying on the bed after a low kiss. When he closed his eyes, his mind had fallen into a deep sleep.


The next morning.

The first ray of morning sunlight of Longteng mountain shines on the windowsill. Sprinkled on the woman's share of the bright skin.

Linxi night slightly moved eyes, slowly open, a man slender as jade back into the line of sight, she looked at his figure, there is a trace of reverie.