"Hello, my name is poison thorn, and now I'm six in B level."

The stinger held out his hand to the summer tree and said with a smile, "thank you for your help."

"My name is black mask."

Xia Shu shook hands with him and said, "12th in B class."

"Hello, hello."

Stinger shook his hand, said: "this time we beat the shark freak, we can be promoted to a level."

"It's just a tiger."

Xia Shu says helplessly: "and still join forces to defeat, in B class high section, can promote several satisfied."

"How can it be? I think there must be dragon level at least. Even if there is no dragon level, there must be ghosts." Stinger said, looking at the shark man's body.

"We'll know when the association rating comes out."

Xia Shu said: "shark people will be handed over to my friends and half will be given to you. And then find a place where I have something to ask you. "

"Separate accounts? Can I still get money? "

Poison thorn is a little curious, just want to say something, see Xiashu leave, immediately follow.

"What do you want to say?"

Came to an open place, stinger curiously looked at the summer tree, look a little puzzled.

"Did you meet the snowblower recently?" Xia Shu looked at each other and asked directly.


Stinger look helpless said: "often to grab the task, let me get the points were out a lot."

"So distressed?"

Xia Shu looked at him with a kind smile that the other side couldn't see.

"Not bad."

Poison thorn just depressed swept two, said with a smile: "since they rob my share, then I get more points, no problem, I'm already B6, as long as I can beat a ghost, it can be directly promoted to a level."

"The problem is you can't beat ghosts."

Xia Shu looked at the stinger and said, "you're not the opponent of the tiger class, which is more powerful like shark man."

Shark is very strong, strength is superior to the ordinary tiger class, at least just upgraded to a class of spring beard and golden ball is not the opponent.

Poison stab's future strength is very strong, ranking 11 in a level, can be four tigers in a second, extremely strong.

Although not so strong now, but the huge potential, let Xiashu hope he become a member of the masquerade Legion.

"What about that?"

Stinger stood there, looking a little depressed.

"We can help you."

Xia Shu looked at the stinger and said, "I've created an organization called the masquerade legion, as long as you..."

"I don't want it."

"I don't want to form a team with others, my goal is s level," he said decisively

"Joining the masquerade doesn't mean you can't enter the s level."

Xia Shu quickly said: "the atomic warrior is superior to S4, and the vest master is also a S-level hero. They are still not alone."

"But are they the boss?"

Stinger squinted and said, "after I join the masquerade army, can you make me the leader?"

"So it is."

Xia Shu thought of it, coughed and said, "you are not as strong as me. How can you be the boss?"

"Well, I can't ignore that."

Stinger said loudly: "although you are very strong, but I will not lose to you, come on, let's fight."

"It's OK to fight with you, but your weapons are all destroyed, and your body has reached its limit. It's ok now. I'll have a chance to fight with you later."

Xia Shu looked at the sting and said, "now let's talk about your promotion to a level."

"All right."

Poison thorn still wanted to challenge Xia Shu, but after looking at the weapon in his hand, he could only give up, then raised his head and said: "upgrade to a level? I don't think it's a problem. As long as you keep working hard, points will always go up. "

Xia Shu said: "but it's very difficult, they will continue to grab points, and blowing snow's points are much higher than the second place. In this way, it's very difficult for you to enter a level."

Speaking of this, Xiashu said: "what's more, the snow hasn't come yet. If she comes..."

"Would I be afraid of her?"

Stinger snorted: "in the back of hands and feet, dare to appear in front of me, I will knock it down."

"You can't do that."

Xia Shu said: "we once fought against blowing snow, and it turned out that nine people beat it to the ground, and some of them were better than me. So you think you can beat her? Not to mention a group of 30. "

"So powerful?"

Poison thorn some surprised looking at the summer tree, "you, you and her difference so much."

It's terrible to be able to block the shark's 3000 tile kicks with bare hands and break the opponent's leg bones.

If you want to know your own killing move, compared with the opponent's fist, if you break the opponent's phalanx, it's hard for you to make a second hit.Although I don't want to admit it, it's this skill that has made the sting worse.

"That's why you need our help."

"Our masquerade regiment once helped the springbeard and golden ball to the a level," he said

"I've heard of them."

Stinger touched his chin and said: "but I still tend to improve my strength..."

"But it will take a long time..."

Xia Shu said: "a class earns about 200000 yuan a week, and has a higher social status. I think your goal is not just level B, right? According to what you said just now, do you really want to be an S-level hero? Then enter a level early and climb forward until you enter s level. Class A are monsters. It takes a long time to cross them. During this period of time, we should work hard to make ourselves stronger. It's much better than being stuck at B level, isn't it

"You're right."

"But I'm not going to join your masquerade," said the stinger

"It doesn't matter."

"Spring beard and golden ball have not joined as long as we reach an agreement," Xia said

"What agreement?" Stinger asked curiously.

"We'll help you up to a level."

"Instead, you have to be stationed in Z city twice, one month at a time," Xia said. And during this period, if there is a masquerade Legion promoted to a level, you need to help, give their points to them, of course, only need to help two people. And the money is yours. What do you think? "

Poison thorn heard this, fell into meditation.

"After all, we have to deploy manpower and fight against the snow blowing team."

Xia Shu said, "of course, I will come to Z city to help you, but Z City and J city are not far away. It won't take long."

"To a level."

Stinger has a certain obsession for rank, and also has a desire for strength and status.

If the snow is really so severe, I'm afraid I won't be promoted for a long time.

In two months

Stinger looked at the summer tree and said, "if it's the only condition, then I can agree."


Xia Shu nodded and said, "let's start as soon as possible. We'll be here until tomorrow. Can you come back with us tomorrow?"

"That's no problem."

Stinger answered directly, and then said, "but I want to declare that I will never join the masquerade."

"Of course."

Xia Shu said with a smile, but he was more and more satisfied with the poison thorn. How could he let you leave me.

Make sure you're my man.


"Blowing snow boss, what should we do?" Looking at the angry blowing snow, the mountain ape couldn't help asking.

"What can we do?"

Blowing snow look angry, "repeatedly interfere in our actions, we must do him.". Last time we fell in the trap, this time we can't do that. We can't fall in the trap for the second time. "

The eyelash said, "but they don't come out? Fortunately, we didn't carry out the mission when we learned that we were going there. We can't afford such a long distance. "

"What about that?" Blowing snow looked at her eyelashes and her face was gloomy.

"First of all, we can't go to too many people. It's easy to be found and targeted. Besides, everyone was dissatisfied with the last action. If we do it again..." Eyelashes on one side said.

"You're right."

Blowing snow knew that some people were dissatisfied with the incident. They traveled a long way, got hurt, and finally failed.

At this time, blowing snow thought of the words of the black mask, blowing snow group are mostly useless people.

"Then choose a few people."

Blowing snow coldly said: "this time I will not lose to those people."

"But the snowblower is not cured yet."

Eyelashes look thick said: "if there are too few people, I am afraid..."

"What should we do?" Blowing snow some angry shout.

"So we need help."

Eyelash evil evil spirit dazzles cool smile, say: "remember at that time we deal with the ghost level strange person, have a woman with a gun to assist us, also prepared the grenade, finally rescued the black mask?"

"She seems to be a member of the association." Blowing snow frowned and said.

Eyelash said: "she is the director of the planning department of the Z City branch of the association. She has a good relationship with the masquerade Corps. Recently, Brad, who has caught the blood, has been in the limelight. It is said that the branch president of the Z City branch will be promoted. A vice president has been determined to be promoted, so she will be a vice president. If there is no accident..."

"Minister? And promotion? "

Blowing snow looks ugly and says: "there are such people to support..."

"She's not without rivals."

Eyelashes said: "it is said that there is another person who has great hope of promotion, so we can...""Unite her opponents and let them help us."

Blowing snow eyes a bright, look some happy.

"That's right. Under such circumstances..."

Eyelashes slowly said, blowing snow said with a smile: "we can defeat the mask Legion. At that time, the mask army will become a part of the snow blowing group, and the black mask, I want him to kneel in front of me and beg for mercy. Ha ha ha... "

Blowing snow proud smile, and then covered his chest, look painful said: "good pain."