In the field of tsukihara Road, Xiashu takes a horse's step on the training ground and makes a fist. He is naked, with clear muscle lines and beads of sweat hanging on it.


It was almost noon, so the Third Elder martial brother and Chuan Guangfu asked him to stop.

The summer tree takes back the movement, breathes, the feeling body still leaves the spare strength.

"You're a good boy."

And Kawabata Guangfu patted Xiashu on the shoulder, said with a smile: "it seems that next time I will add some quantity for you."


Xia Shu didn't reject strengthening the training intensity, but he still asked, "Third Elder martial brother, when can I officially learn tiger tooth crack real boxing?"

It's February now, and it's been two and a half months since I officially visited my teacher. Now I'm still in basic training, and I haven't learned a single move.

"It should have been when your training and improvement slowed down, but you are still growing up now..." Kawakawa said, "so I'm going to wait."

Wait a second? I'm afraid I can't wait.

My body is constantly strengthening, and the upper limit is getting higher and higher. In this way, it will take the year of the monkey and the moon of the horse to learn the true boxing of tiger teeth crack?

Xia Shugang wanted to say something. Suddenly, a figure came from a distance and called, "Guangfu, Xia Shu, come here."


It was tsukihara normal school that came. Xiashu and the Third Elder martial brother immediately came to him. The Third Elder martial brother said with a smile, "Shifu, why are you here?"

"I'll take a look at Xiashu's training and tell him something." Tsugahara looks at Xiashu.

"Master, what's the matter?" Xia Shu asked curiously.

"You should have a spring break soon," he asked


Xia Shu nodded and said, "next Wednesday is the holiday."

"When will it be?" Tsugahara asked again.

Xia Shu replied, "school starts on April 2. I'm going to be a junior."

"Nearly two months."

Tsugahara thought for a moment and said, "well, it's a long time. I'm going to teach you how to practice and how to play tiger tooth crack real boxing. It takes you a long time to train. I don't know if I can do it?"

Hearing this, the Third Elder martial brother couldn't help asking, "is it ok now? I don't think he has reached the limit

"There's no need to wait any longer. The requirements of practice have been met. Other training can be carried out together."

Tsukihara looked at Xiashu and asked, "how about spring break?"

"Do I need to be here every day?" Xia Shu asked in some embarrassment.

"It's better to come every day. It's better to live here."

"I will teach you in person for two months, so that you can have a little success, no problem," he said

"But I may not be able to spare so much time."

Xia Shu said with some distress that he wanted to stay here for two months of special training, but he needed to carry out the task and couldn't come every day.

"You seem to be working? If you are short of money, I have money here. You can use it first, and then you can be a teacher and pay you regularly. "

Tsukihara normal looking at Xiashu said, "if you want to really continue to learn, the best intentions without distractions."

"It's really inconvenient for the time being."

Xia Shu thought about it and said, "there are more important things to do."

Tsugahara nodded and said, "how long can you guarantee the training?"

"Every other day."

Xiashu thought that it is a reasonable match to train and perform tasks one day.

"That will do."

After hearing Xia Shu's words, he nodded and said, "come every other day."

"Thank you, master."

Xia Shu said with a smile, and was patted on the back by tsukihara normal school. He said, "go to dinner."

Xiashu dressed and ran to the canteen, but after he left, he and Kawabata couldn't help asking, "master, do you want to teach yourself?"

Tsuzubara nodded and said, "yes, I've observed him for a long time. I'm a good boy. I'm going to teach him myself."

"Summer trees are lucky."

And Kawabata Guangfu dissatisfied said: "I remember, except for the first elder martial brother and the second elder martial brother, you didn't teach in person."

"What? Blame me for being partial? " Tsugahara glanced at him.

"No, No."

Kawakawa Guangfu said with a smile: "little younger martial brother is really worthy of your teaching in person. He has good qualifications."

"That's right."

"So I'm going to teach in person. If it goes well, next summer's wusheng Association will..."

"Wusheng society?"

Kawakawa's eyes brightened, and then he couldn't help saying, "it seems that Shifu has really placed great hopes on Xiashu.""I can only hope for him."

Tsugahara looked at his right hand, sighed and left with his hands behind.


"Finally, I can learn how to practice and play."

When Xia Shu heard the news, he was still a little excited. What he lacked now was actual combat.

Now, my hero ranking has reached 82 in B level.

In the two months since its establishment, the masquerade army has carried out several missions together, killed several tiger level monsters, and promoted each other's ranking.

Xiashu has been promoted by 26. Fujiwara is 49 in Grade C and has also been promoted by more than 20. However, in Grade C, the promotion is not high.

The main reason is that his mission time is too little, most of which are support combat missions. It's very good that he can improve so much.

There are 55 undocumented knights in the C level. On the contrary, he is the one who has the least combat mission effect but the most mission time.

Trap dog C level 195, increased by 50.

There were 224 C-level odors, up 35.

Their ranking is very fast, which can ensure that they can be promoted to level B within one year.

During this period, Xiashu ate a lot of tiger level strange human flesh, plus the meat of the ghost tiger, Xiashu's physical quality improved a lot.

It has reached 360 kg in horizontal push, 600 kg in deep squat, 610 kg in hard pull and 240 kg in grip strength.

In terms of grip strength, it has exceeded the Vest black hole, and he is the most physically competent person in level B, with a physical strength value of 5, which can only be compared with blowing snow.

Xiashu's overall physical fitness, will not be weaker than Vest black hole, especially endurance, explosive power, Xiashu is also excellent.

This improvement is faster than Xiashu expected, especially in recent months, the improvement of physical fitness is greater than that in previous months.

This is not only due to eating ordinary food and strange people, but also due to martial arts training and the combination of the two.

In terms of the real ranking, Xiashu is not only B-grade 82, it can at least reach the top ten of B-grade, or even higher.

If it's physical fitness, it can be ranked first.

But compared with a level, it is far worse.

A-level physical fitness is very strong, physical strength, endurance, explosive power is the lowest is 5, in addition, there are a variety of combat methods.

Shooting, fencing, boxing and other skills have reached a relatively high level.

In the original book, if the composite index of ten items of data is 80, most of the C-level is below 30, while C1's unlicensed Knight 41, of course, has 10 sense of justice, 7 popularity and 6 record.

Most of the comprehensive quality of grade B is below 40, while that of blowing snow is 50.

As for Grade A, it hovers between 40 + and 53, and 64 for masked sweetheart.

As for the s level, the blasting data is unknown. The highest is 70 of tornado, and the lowest is 56 of prisoner and Tong Di.

Basically, it can be found that each level will roll the next level except the first value.

And the first place of each level can reach the high place of the next level.

So Xiashu now has the top physical fitness of level B, the bottom physical fitness of level a, and ordinary combat skills.

As long as you master tiger teeth crack real boxing, then reaching a level is a sure thing.

Xia Shu is looking forward to learning Hu Ya crack real boxing. Of course, spring break will not be held until next Wednesday.

But tomorrow, it's my sister's birthday.

It's Sunday.

For my sister's birthday, I changed the training from Sunday to Saturday.

In his plea, sister decided to hold a birthday party, so I have to carefully prepare the birthday gift for my sister.

What can I give you.