
Even put him in a blatant way!

Don't ask the third question.

The third one was saved.

Where the third dress is, he can't touch it

"You mean it

Dan Taiyuan pinched her thin shoulder and dug her out of his arms. His dark and cold eyes looked at her badly.

"No! Yes, I really have no questions Lou Qianxue said innocently.

"Since you have no questions to ask, then. This is the end of our game and agreement! "

With that, he reached out to pull the only clothes on her body

"Dan Tai Yuan!" Floor thousand snow is angry, the beautiful dark eyes stare round all of a sudden: "you want to use strong?"

Tan Tai Yuan's eyebrows gradually wrinkled.

She also complained: "deliberately bullying me, and now I have no practice?"

Her slender shoulders shrugged. When she moved, her voice was quiet and sad: "I know that if I don't have cultivation, I can only be bullied by others..."

The tone was pitiful.

“…… Who said that Dan Tai Yuan brain benevolence all ache: "have me in, no one can bully you."

"But you're bullying me." Lou Qianxue buried his face in his arms again: "you bullied me, let alone others..."

"I didn't bully you."

"If you don't take off my clothes, I'll believe you didn't bully me."

“…… Don't you think I can take off my clothes Dan Tai Yuan's cold tone is a bit dangerous.

Floor thousand snow heart bottom rises an ominous premonition, but still has the scalp: "you can't use strong anyway."


Lou Qianxue is relieved.

"Not only can't you use..." Lou Qianxue summoned up his courage and looked up at him. His face was clean and clean, without a trace of tears. His heart was baffled by tears.

"And do you remember the apology you gave me before? You said you were wrong. "

“……” In fact, it's just a casual remark subconsciously.

"You certainly don't know where you are wrong. I tell you that your fault is to leave without saying goodbye and go for such a long time, so I will punish you."

This little thing thought more and more, Dan Tai Yuan's eyes slightly narrowed: "punish me?"

"Yes! Otherwise, I'm still angry. If I don't forgive you, you can't feel comfortable. "

Not comfortable

Dan Taiyuan frowned several times tonight: "you say."

"Promise first."

"Yes, I promise."

"Not going back?"

"Never go back!"

"Oh, well, I said, it's nothing. It's just, you figure out how many days you've been away. Then, how many days later, I'll let you continue what happened before I bleed in bed last time."

“……” Dantai deep if the eyes of the cold pool, cold staring at the floor thousand snow.

Huaiqian's neck is shrinking and he's lying dead.

He walked for nearly two months, but she had been at home for two months, which had to be pulled back. Even if it was to borrow the whining of white lotus flower, which was often used by men, it didn't matter. Anyway, we couldn't get rid of him in vain!

"Little thing." Dan Taiyuan opened his eyebrows and said, "I promise you, but you may not know I know something now. "

Lou Qianxue moved his body uneasily, looked up from his arms and asked curiously, "what do you understand?"

"You used to know a lot and didn't teach me, but I'm a generous person. I can teach you what I read in an Shaoning's books. It's no problem for me to teach you everything you read in an Shaoning's books."

An Shaoning's book?

Lou Qianxue's heart is not good: "no! I'm not interested... "


"You You can't make people difficult... "

"I don't want to be forced. Didn't you take off your clothes? Don't worry. I won't bully you. I'll leave you the last one. I won't take it off. "

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