"The younger generation of prefectures, the best gifted woman?"

Lou Qianxue shook his head.

"But so!"

Then turn around and close the door.

At the same time, he closed the door to the servant's anger.

The world is finally quiet.

Lou Qianxue went into the house satisfied and began to practice.

Half an hour later.

The two masters and servants who were seriously injured by the "avalanche fist" were finally found and carried back for treatment.

The granddaughter was very angry.

"Presumptuous! Who moved the hand? Don't you want to live? "

"Five elders!" The boy who reported the news was pale and scared to open his mouth: "Lou Qianxue! It's Lou Qianxue, the hand of Lou Qianxue from Qingyun city! "

" Qingyun city? " The five elder building Youwei was stunned and then furious: "you say Qingyun city? Is the old man back? When did this happen? How can I not know? "

The five elders were the people who had repeatedly prevented Lou Po Tian from coming back. For this reason, after agreeing to the return of Qingyun Chenglou's house, all the governors did not tell him about it, and they kept it from him intentionally or unintentionally.

Until this time, his granddaughter was hit by Lou Qianxue, he did not get the news.

"They only came back yesterday."

Hearing this, the five elders showed a trace of bloodthirsty expression on his old face.

In his cold eyes, the fierce light twinkled: "the old man of Lou Po Tian let the people he brought hurt my granddaughter! Hum, that's good. I happen to be counting old and new accounts with him! Go, lead the way. I'm going to kill the old man! "

"Elder, elder, no way." One side of the boy is anxious, sweating, and quickly said the matter of yesterday's sheriff slapping three childe for Lou Qianxue.

"What?" After hearing this, the five elders exclaimed in disbelief: "what do you say? The sheriff slapped the third young man for that bitch? "

How much the sheriff dotes on the third young master, the five elders are very clear, he forced himself to calm down: "I already know this matter, you go down."

When the boy left, he frowned and walked back and forth with a gloomy face: "the sheriff beat the third young master for the little bitch? It seems that the little bitch is really unusual. No, I can't move her. I have to go to find out the words of the sheriff first... "

The next day.

Early in the morning, the five elders building to have a purpose then urgently asked to see the sheriff's building Jinglei.

First, there was a burst of crying, and then immediately got to the point.

"As an elder, I must have worked hard for the sake of the Lou family. However, my granddaughter was bullied by a man from a separate family. It's unreasonable What's more, they're just here. They're so presumptuous. They don't pay any attention to you. Maybe in a few days, they'll even be the sheriff... "

"Well, I heard about your granddaughter Qingyun being beaten yesterday." Lou Jinglei was indifferent and disappointed: "to tell you the truth, I'm very surprised. Qingyun has been growing up. My cultivation has always been good. This time, I'm so careless that I can't even beat a little girl who's separated from her family..."

Lou Jinglei is saying, outside the door came the sound of hasty footsteps.

"Master, master."

Dare to break in so directly in the prefectures, and shout, only Lou Jinglei attaches great importance to and trusts the building manager.

"Building manager? How flustered, what's the matter? "

"Master! The alchemy Union has come and sent a lot of things here! "

"Well?" Floor startled thunder Leng, immediately straight back: "what do you say? Alchemy Union? How did they come? What did you send? Come on, let them in

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