After one hundred prehistoric monsters invading the earth were destroyed by Qi Yu, the whole world entered a warm carnival.

US President Ellis, who is also the supreme executive of the United Nations, also made a special public speech at the United Nations building to convey to the world the joy of the victory of the battle and his gratitude to the great superhero terminator.

Of course, after thanking the Savior, he also paid a solemn silence to the soldiers and heroes who died in the war to maintain the human homeland.

President Ellis did not announce the official end of the monster tide. There have been two waves ahead. Who knows if there will be monsters cultivated by the pioneer family in the coming days. They are roughly divided into three levels: low monsters, medium monsters and high monsters. The body size of low monsters is about 100 meters and that of medium monsters is about 200 meters, The size of higher monsters is about 300 meters.

Obviously, the three monsters responsible for guarding wormholes belong to powerful high monsters.

Excluding the very strong first-line superheroes, it is difficult for ten second - and third-line superheroes to defeat any one of these advanced monsters. There are three high monsters guarding here. Even if dozens of superheroes go together, they may not be able to defeat them.


As soon as they saw humans coming here, the three higher monsters began to howl together, as if they were scaring Qi Yu.

Qi Yu was fearless in the face of the frightening move of the monster trio. In fact, Qi Yu would not be afraid even if he did not evolve to the Daxian level, even if it was only the previous overlord level. To deal with these three higher monsters, the overlord level strength is enough, not to mention the Daxian after his strength soared many times!

Immediately, the monster side launched an attack.

The only one who attacked Qi Yu was the great white shark monster. As for the black Octopus monster and sea snake monster, they stood in place and rested, as if they didn't pay attention to Qi Yu at all. It seems that in their eyes, Qi Yu, a weak human, can only be regarded as a trivial threat, and the great white shark can easily kill him.

However, the three higher monsters were wrong.

When the huge great white shark opened its mouth and rushed to Qi Yu with an overwhelming momentum, Qi Yu just waved it with an understatement, which was to produce a terrorist force similar to hydrogen bomb into its mouth.

Bang Dong!

The great white shark monster exploded like this.

The original light blue sea water was dyed into a blood mist in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the remaining two high monsters were stunned.

They wanted to listen to the scream of the human being. They didn't admit that they had just blinked their eyes. As a result, they saw the scene of the big white shark explosion. Bloody corpses were scattered all over the ground, attracting countless big and small fish nearby to grab a big meal.


The black Octopus monster swam to Qi Yu and tried to avenge the great white shark.

Unfortunately, the result was not only that he didn't take revenge, but also put his life in it.

There was another loud bang. There was no suspense. The octopus monster was blown to pieces by Qi Yu.

Seeing that two higher monsters died one after another in the hands of a small human, and were still killed by the second, the last remaining sea snake monster was almost scared to pee.

Almost didn't think about it. The last living sea snake monster turned and ran away, trying to escape Qi Yu's claws. It doesn't matter what the task of guarding the wormhole is.

In its view, the guy who broke into the wormhole is not a weak human at all. He is even more terrible than the most terrible beast emperor among the monster family!

"Want to run?"

Qi Yu's figure flashed, and the next second appeared in front of the sea snake monster. He intercepted it and blocked its way.

"Ow, ow ~"

Looking at Qi Yu's upright fist, the sea snake monster howled, as if to say forgive me!

"Well, I won't hit you."

Qi Yu withdrew his fist, which made the sea snake monster breathe a sigh of relief.

"But even if you don't have to hit you with your fist, you still have to die!"

Qi Yu doesn't want to waste 10000 points of life energy.

As soon as the voice fell, Qi Yu rushed to the sea snake monster and tied a knot directly to it.

The whole body was tied into a knot, and the body tissue was squeezed, injured, bleeding and suffocating. Tortured by a series of fatal factors, the last sea snake monster soon died.

"Ding! Eliminate 3 terrorist evil creatures and absorb 30000 points of life energy! At present, 1.05 million points of total life energy has been collected, and 98.95 million points of life energy is needed to evolve to a true God!"

The strongest systematic sound came from my mind.

After the three high monsters responsible for guarding the entrance of the wormhole were killed, Qi Yu was ready to enter the wormhole.

The phantom cat told Qi Yu before that the wormhole seemed to have a special DNA recognition function. Creatures or objects without pioneer genes could not pass through the gate, and would be destroyed by some strange force from the wormhole. The bullet thrown by the X-Men was destroyed by this strange force.

Although Qi Yu's strength is far beyond the bullet and his body is ten times stronger than aidman alloy, Qi Yu rushed to the wormhole door with the body of the sea snake monster for safety.

As expected, Qi Yu successfully passed the NDA identification of the wormhole and successfully entered the wormhole tunnel.

At the next moment, Qi Yu appeared impressively in a desolate rock area and came to the anteverse planet of the pioneer family as a god of killing!