Chapter 647

Although Leng Yi's soul eating skill on Sam has been improved by Leng Yi himself, the damage to the brain is still not small. Even if it is the best result, it will make the searchee feel that the soul of consciousness appears serious fatigue after being used by soul devouring. It can't be repaired without a year and a half.

Leng Yi's eyes flashed. He pressed his finger on Sam's quickly, and the soul devouring skill was immediately performed.

There are many restrictions on the application of soul devouring. It requires not only a precise understanding of the acupoints in the brain, but also a great demand on the opponent's speed. Otherwise, it will bring irreparable damage to the target, either death or injury.

Soon Sam's eyes became confused.

"What's your name?" Lengyi asked softly.

"My name is Sam." Sam came back confused.

"What is your position in the country?" Cold Yi continues to ask a way.

"The captain of a cruiser in Indonesia's first fleet." Sam replied mechanically.

"Do you know the tianfo plan?" Leng Yi continued.

Lengyi begins to get down to business. After all, soul devouring does great harm to the soul. Sam can't last long.

"Tianfo plan"? When Sam heard the word, his face fell into painful memories, as if there were signs of madness.

"Don't be afraid. You're safe now. Just tell me everything you know and you'll be fine." Lengyi quickly stabilized Sam's mood.

After Sam stabilized his mood, he fell into the memories of the past, and then slowly told the story about "tianfo plan". Although it was incoherent, lengyi and Qinglong still understood a little.

The so-called "tianfo plan" is to create powerful warriors. Because Indonesian Buddhism is very popular and there are many mysterious Buddhists, it is called "tianfo plan".

Many sects in India, such as the eight tribes, have found many relics in an ancient temple that has been destroyed but once powerful. These relics embody the life-long strength and perception of the former monks. Although the sariki is magical, it has no divine effect on some peerless warriors.

So in the end, the eight sects negotiated to use the power contained in the sariki to cultivate powerful warriors. As for the cultivation method, it was very secret. Even the whole Indonesian sect didn't know much about it.

The fundamental explanation of this cultivation method is topping. This infuses all the strength of the whole body into the other's body, making the other become a powerful warrior in an instant.

Of course, although this kind of topping seems magical, there are still some side effects, but this kind of topping is the legendary magic power. It's so mysterious that few people understand it.

But to be sure, this technique of topping is not so simple. Even if we want to do it, we have to look for a long time in advance to find a suitable candidate for topping. Talent, qualification and mentality are indispensable.

Sam is also a very gifted person with a prominent family background, so he was selected into the "tianfo plan" and became a member of it.

According to the plan, Sam will become a powerful warrior who is toppled by the sariki's power, but there are some mistakes during the topping. In one of the sariki, there is not only a strong power, but also a trace of spiritual power. This trace of spiritual power is full of killing frenzy and will be destroyed at any time.

I don't know how many years this spiritual power has existed. Even the people who practiced the secret technique of topping didn't find the relic, so that when they toppled Sam.

This mental force suddenly ran out to make trouble, so that Sam's skill of topping came to an end. At the same time, Sam's whole Kung Fu was wasted. In this way, Sam can no longer participate in the "tianfo plan". Originally, those people did not allow Sam to leave the base of the tianfo plan, but left a useless man. The "tianfo plan" did not want to let him leave, and I was afraid that it would leak the situation of the "tianfo plan".

Later, because Sam's family was also very famous in Indonesia, those people did not dare to kill him. They only closed up the "tianfo plan" in Sam's mind.

After listening to Sam's narration, Leng Yi has a general understanding of the tianfo plan.

Although the power of the original relic is powerful, there is not much that can be used. Therefore, the "tianfo plan" should not create too many strong people.

At the same time, Leng Yi also learned that those who accepted the sariki only inherited the strength of the sariki. If they only had strength and had no combat experience, their overall strength was not very good.

Leng Yi knows that the perception of martial arts is not the same. It's just like people's thinking. Even if two martial arts brothers are given the same martial arts, they will understand different things.

At the same time, in a mysterious mountain in Indonesia, there is a mysterious place where the tianfo plan is implemented. In a large house, a white bearded monk puts a yellow relic on a man's chest, ready to introduce the power of the relic into the man's body.

At this time, the man's face was tense. After all, the power of the sariki was too strong. After more than an hour, Su Xin opened his eyes and there was a layer of sweat on his forehead. After all, the improvement of martial arts strength mainly depends on their own cultivation and perception of power.

If the sariki's powerful power is poured into the body, even if it is successful, it will take a long time to adapt. For the future, it will lay a huge hidden danger, but the bad result can only be that the powerful power will directly burst the body.

"Keep your mind in check. I'll put the power into your body now. Remember, if you can't bear it, open your mouth immediately." The white bearded monk saw that the other side was uneasy, so he said in a cold voice.

The man looks a Lin, quickly nod, dare not have any idea.

The monk moved the power of the relic. The relic glowed faintly. At the same time, a force continuously overflowed. Then, under the constant control of the white bearded monk, a force penetrated into the man's body.

Men feel the increasing power and become excited. However, the man immediately thought of what the white bearded monk had just said, immediately restrained his mind, and cautiously felt that the power was flowing in his body.

Men's power is constantly rising, and soon stops. Because of the careful Dharma protection of white bearded monks, men are not adapted to this powerful power, but they can still bear it. They just can't be mobilized for a while, and need to adapt for a period of time.