Chapter 528

"What's the matter with this?" Lengyi looked at the three guys lying on the ground and didn't move, and said doubtfully.

"God of war, it's a bit heavy, but I didn't think that these three guys couldn't help fighting and just fainted." The team leader felt his head embarrassed and said.

Leng Yi knows the strength of several people in the competition, and Mr. Bai runs away. They have resentment in their hearts, and they will not be merciful. It's strange that they don't chop people to death with a gentle slap.

"Can I wake them up“ Cold Yi points to three people on the ground to say.

"All right, Ares, I'll wake them up right away." The team leader said in a hurry.

Then, the team leader took a basin of cold water and poured it directly on the three men's heads.

Soon the three men woke up and looked blankly at the environment inside the house and the cold escape. When they looked back at the team leader, they were filled with fear.

The team leader gave a cold hum and glared at the three people. Suddenly, the three people shrank together in fright.

"You'd better tell me where Mr. Bai is? Or I'll take care of you. " The team leader said fiercely.

"Well, don't scare our guests." Cold Yi says with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Bai. I'm sorry to invite you here for the first time." Leng Yi said to Mr. Bai's assistant with a smile.

"What do you mean, I don't understand?" There was a flash of confusion in the assistant's eyes.

"Stop acting. Although you can hide from them, you can't hide from me." Cold Yi light says.

Assistant "I really don't know what you're talking about. Mr. Bai has been hidden. You can't find him at all," assistant said.

"The most dangerous place and the safest place, Mr. Bai, am I right?" Lengyi asked with a smile.

"Ha ha, you are really a smart man. For such a long time, they didn't find that I was Mr. Bai, but they didn't expect that you only looked at me and found that I was fake. Your eyes are really shining." The assistant said with emotion.

"What's the eye? I just feel that you are different. This kind of temperament in you can't be possessed by an assistant. Ordinary people can't distinguish it at all. So you can cheat my brothers, but you can't cheat me." Cold Yi doesn't care.

"Ha ha, good eyesight, I'm convinced, but can you tell me, how did you find me, I think I hide very well, don't tell me by feeling, it's really a joke." The assistant, Mr. Bai, stood up and said slowly.

Then Mr. Bai's momentum became fierce and gloomy. Dark net people are surprised to see Mr. Bai, did not expect that the other party should dare so much courage, in their eyes to play tricks.

"It's not urgent. I'll always tell you. Can we talk about it first?" Leng Yi waved his hand and said.

"Yes, but I'm hungry. I want to eat. I haven't had a good meal since I found out you were watching me“ Instead, Mr. Bai made up his mind and didn't mean to be afraid.

"Yes, you can prepare something to eat. I'm hungry too. I'll have dinner first. I'll tell you something tomorrow." Leng Yi readily agreed, but he wasn't particularly worried.

The case of robbing and killing Mr. Bai on the road was discovered earlier than that of the factory. The killing of the handicraft factory was discovered in the morning. The factory area was relatively remote, and it was raining heavily last night, so the sound of gunfire was almost covered by the rain. Until this morning, a passer-by saw blood flowing out of the rain, and the factory was full of blood smell, Curiously, he took a close look and found dead bodies all over the ground. He was so scared that he called the police immediately.

The local high-level is very angry, the police emergency action, blockade of the factory, check all the relations in the factory, for a moment, turned over the earthquake, everywhere a panic. Two major shootings occurred overnight, with the death toll of 40 to 50 people. However, the number has not been released at all, so as not to cause panic. Only the police know about it.

The handicraft factory has been sealed off by the police. In the bloody yard, there are many corpses everywhere. There are many armed police around. There are several police officers in white uniforms on the scene. At this moment, looking at the tragedy in front of them, they are silent.

One of the policemen said to an old policeman in his fifties, "chief, we've been to the scene and found it a bit tricky, so we think it's necessary for you to have a look. These people were killed and the time of death has been more than six hours. According to the neighbors, there was some movement here in the early hours of last night. Several cars drove here and of course it was raining heavily, So I didn't care. Later, I heard a dense sound and thought it was raining heavily. I didn't care. As for when the car left, the neighbors didn't care

"Did you find out who owned this factory?" Asked the chief of police, frowning.

"We have checked that this factory is just a small one. It belongs to a small boss and usually makes some handicrafts. There is nothing special about it." Said the policeman hastily.

"So there's no clue?" The director frowned and asked, "yes, director, but I think this shooting should have something to do with the shooting on the road. It won't happen so coincidentally." The policeman continued.

"What evidence is there?" The director frowned and said.

"Through these dead people and the bullets on the ground, we come to the conclusion that the bullets are all shot by the same type of gun, and more importantly, their killing methods are the same." The policeman continued.

"You are right. The two shooting deaths happened very close. There is an internal relationship between them. If we make clear the relationship, I think it will be much easier for us to solve the case." Said the chief of police with a sigh.

"I want a detailed on-the-spot report. The joint investigation of the two major cases must find out the truth of the matter, and I will give you all what you need“ The 50 year old, who was listening quietly, suddenly said. This person is the commander of the project team.

"You have heard the commander's words. This incident is very bad. We are under great pressure. We must solve the case within the prescribed time, bring the criminals to justice, and give an account to the country and the people. Do you understand?" Asked the chief of police in a loud voice.

"I understand." Cried all the policemen, feeling heavy with their burden.