Chapter 494

"If it's too easy, then archaeology is too boring. After a lot of hard work, can we restore the truth of history so as to have a sense of achievement? Isn't that what we're after? " Ou Cheng said with a smile that he didn't pay any attention to the coming problems.

"Professor Ou Da, the realm is really much higher now. Seeing you is like seeing God. But what you say is good. It's interesting. It's too easy and there's no challenge for us." Cold Yi nods a way.

"It seems that we are the same kind of people. You should have a good rest tonight. Tomorrow we will officially enter the ancient tomb area to show you the luxurious Mausoleum of the Marquis of the state of Qin." Ou Cheng said.

"Well, I'll have a good look tomorrow." Cold Yi nods a way.

"That won't disturb your rest. See you tomorrow." It's all a bit of a head start.

"See you tomorrow." Cold Yi nods a way.

After Ou Cheng left the tent, lengyi said, "master, do you want to come out? I have something to ask you

"Boy, I'm practicing in the soul fixing pearl space? What's bothering me? " Bai Qi didn't take long to come out of Ding Hun Zhu, but his face seemed too good. He glared at Leng Yi and said unhappily.

"Master, it's the king's way to practice all the way. It's not right for you to practice like this. You will not make any progress, but will regress." Cold Yi says with a smile.

"Boy, the wings are hard. Dare you teach me a lesson? You've got a lot more courage. " Bai Qi said with a smile.

"Master, you taught me all this. I can keep it all in mind. Besides, I've always had a lot of courage." Leng Yi explains.

"You're a tough talker now. To tell you the truth, I'm different from you. Martial arts includes strength and realm. You've achieved strength, but the realm hasn't been achieved. As for me, the realm has been achieved, but the loss of strength is too great. I need to practice hard, so my soul will be more powerful." Bai Qi said with a smile.

"Master, don't you absorb all the energy in xuesha sword? Haven't you fully recovered yet? " Lengyi asked with concern.

"The energy of xuesha sword is not so easy to absorb. Although my strength has basically recovered, I haven't reached the peak yet. I still need to continue to practice hard." Bai Qi said.

"Master, I understand. When the apprentice has nothing to do, he will never disturb you." Leng Yi said in a hurry.

"It's OK. As you said, the road of martial arts and Taoism needs more understanding. It's not good to practice hard. Now I've basically recovered. If I want to go further, it's useless to practice hard. Your strength is no worse than mine. You should also remember that the road of martial arts and Taoism, practicing hard and feeling are equally important." Bai Qi waved his hand and said.

"Master, don't worry. I will remember your words. Otherwise, I can't be so powerful today." Cold Yi nods to say.

"Don't flatter me. By the way, what's the matter with you calling me out?" Asked Bai Qi.

"It's not a big deal. We found a mausoleum in Sichuan Province, and archaeologists initially determined that it was gongzihui's mausoleum. But gongzihui was killed because of rebellion. I don't understand why there was a mausoleum."

"You don't know the level of archaeological knowledge of the apprentice. That's half of the inheritance from you. In order not to humiliate you tomorrow, I have to ask you, what's the matter?" Cold Yi some embarrassed of ask a way.

"Ah, another Qin mausoleum has been found." Bai Qi sighed and said.

"Shifu, it's bad luck for this mausoleum this time. There was a natural disaster and a debris flow washed him out. Otherwise, no one would find him in such a remote place." Leng Yi said in a hurry.

"It's also God's will. It's better to show it in front of the world than to bury it in the ground and make people know more about the state of Qin." Bai Qi said.

"Master, what's the matter with this young master Hui?" Lengyi asks curiously.

"In fact, it's very simple. It's just about power and the throne." Bai Qi fell into the memory, then said with a sigh.

In the sixth year of emperor Zhaoxiang of Qin Dynasty, that is 301 BC, Prince Hui was appointed as the prefect and governor of Shu. He was granted the title of Marquis of Shu, and later rebelled in Shu.

Simacuo was ordered to crusade against the rebels, kill Gongzi Fei and the rebellious officials, and calm the rebellion in Shu.

Gongzihui, after all, is a member of the royal family of Qin. He can't let his body be thrown into the wild. So the king of Qin ordered people to build this mausoleum. In fact, this mausoleum was already built before gongzihui died. After gongzihui was killed in rebellion, it's almost the same. It's not bad to repair the mausoleum for himself before he died.

So later, Gongzi Hui was buried in this tomb. Bai Qi tells the truth of history slowly.

"So it is." Said Leng Yi.

"In fact, history is history after all. It's meaningless to pursue the truth, because the truth is often cruel." Bai Qi said.

"The truth is not bad this time. At least I can see a trace of human feelings in the struggle for power. The fight for power of every dynasty has always been bloody. None of the losers has a good end. At least, gongzihui's end is good. He can enter such a large mausoleum even after he dies." Cold Yi says with a smile.

"If gongzihui was buried hastily because of his rebellion, it's OK. But because he buried according to the regulations of Gongzi, thousands of people died with him at that time." Bai Qi said with a cold hum.

"It's really a cruel fact, but master, with your character of killing gods, you should not have such pity." Lengyi asked in disbelief.

"In my eyes, killing people is for the unity of the country. Burial is just a meaningless act. When people die, they will turn into nothingness. Can they really continue to enjoy the life of emperors underground? It's just self deception. " White from disdain said.

"So it is." Cold Yi nods a way.

"Well, it's time to know, you know, I'm going to enter the soul fixing pearl. And be careful when you enter the mausoleum. It's still a little dangerous inside. " Bai Qi said.

"Yes, master, I see." Cold Yi nods a way.

Watching Bai Qi disappear, lengyi feels guilty and sad. Knowing that Bai Qi is not in a good mood, she must think of her own affairs in the state of Qin. Watching Bai Qi disappear, lengyi feels guilty and sad. Knowing that Bai Qi is not in a good mood, she must think of her own affairs in the state of Qin.