Chapter 451

When the people of the night killing organization are still dizzy, the shadow and dragon generals have already taken people to kill them. These people are the most powerful killers of the shadow killing organization. Their actual strength is immeasurable, and killing is always their best.

All the way, those who were not killed or injured were sent to the west by the shadow and dragon. All the way to the center, there was no one alive.

The members of the night killing organization, who have not yet reacted, have no response to these sudden enemies. They are losing and retreating. As a killer organization, they are naturally very powerful, but they are losing and retreating today. Of course, it is because they were attacked at the beginning, but they are not so embarrassed, It can only be said that the strength of the film and the Dragon general and others is too strong.

After all, Nightkill is a killer organization, and its actual strength is good, so the Nightkill organization soon stabilized the situation and began to fight back. Although the firepower is not very strong, it still has some effect at least.

The dragon will charge in front, killing madly. For a long time, he has been working as an instructor in the Legion base. He has not experienced the joy of fighting for a long time, so he is more excited, excited and fighting in front.

In the face of the crazy attack of Yinghe Longjiang and others, the powerful strength suppresses the personnel of the night killing. In a few minutes, the counterattack of the night killing completely collapses and makes a complete mess.

"Who are these guys? How can the strength be so powerful? " Inside the building in the center of the base, an old man learns about the fighting outside through the big screen. He is full of fear and heartache.

This old man is the killer boss of the night killing organization, nicknamed yesha. Yesha was also a powerful figure in the assassin circle in those years, but later disappeared. I didn't expect that he had become the boss of a killer organization.

Soon, it took only a few minutes or so for yinghelong to break through the strongest defense line of the night killing organization. The central building was close and was frantically intercepted. However, even so, the defense line of the night killing organization continued to collapse, and yinghelong and others continued to move forward.

Originally, this base was not so easy to break down, but because of the sudden attack, and the Dragon general and the shadow this time brought the elite, the strength is extremely strong. Nocturnal organizations are not on the same level at all.

Even so, a few of the people brought by the film suffered serious injuries. If they had not been treated in time, they would have died long ago. Therefore, they withdrew from the battle and faced with the crazy anti attack night killing organization, which immediately put a lot of pressure on them.

Yesha is extremely bitter at this time. The powerful killer organization and excellent soldiers in his mind are defeated by the enemy. Even if he is not killed, it will not help. He even has no chance to escape. The enemy has surrounded the central building. This kind of attack makes yesha despair.

A flash of lightning in the sky, followed by a roar of thunder, deafening, followed by torrential rain, heavy rain did not affect the attack of Longjiang Heying and others.

There was a flash of lightning and thunder in the sky, and the flying lightning made the night shine like the day. The darkness appeared a flash of light, which made yesha see the hope of survival. Taking advantage of the heavy rain, yesha was familiar with the environment of the island, and the heavy rain weather, all traces would be covered up. Yesha was confident that he could escape the enemy's pursuit.

"Chief, we can't hold on any longer. What should we do?" A man who was covered with smoke and blood on his clothes asked anxiously.

"Take advantage of the storm, we break through." The night evil spirit says.

"Yes, chief." There was a glimmer of excitement in his eyes.

The idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. Dahan organized several charges to protect yesha from the siege, but he didn't succeed once. Every breakthrough was blocked by the Dragon general and the shadow.

Several times of suicidal charge broke through the encirclement, so that the people killed at night almost lost. Even the big man himself died under the gun of the shadow, but the people killed by the shadow also lost a lot.

With the rest of the members, yesha retreated to the facade of the central building and fought back against the terrain inside the building.

"The last strength is left. The resistance is still so tenacious. The night killing organization is really good." The shadow one face says with emotion.

"Stop talking nonsense and attack quickly. This time, you can not only destroy the other party, but also get the customer information of the night killing organization. If the other party destroys the information at this time, it will be troublesome." Said the dragon.

"Attack." Shadow without the slightest hesitation, immediately waved and said.

In the rainstorm, more than a dozen black figures, like ghosts, rushed into the center at an unparalleled speed. From the original gunfight to close combat, they were more bloody and ferocious than the gunfight.

Those ghostly figures rely on the hidden dark place to move quickly in the central building. In the central building, in order to resist the attack, yesha orders to turn off all the lighting.

The personnel of both sides are killers, and the fight in the dark is more cruel. However, the strength of the two sides is not comparable at all. One night killing the members of the organization, they feel a shadow flash in the dark, and then the silver flash in front of them, blood splashes out from their necks, and the arteries and trachea are cut off in an instant.

Skilled in killing skills, powerful strength, they cooperate with each other very tacit. After seeing this, long will feel inferior. It seems that the overall strength of yingsha has improved rapidly in recent years.

Several members of the shadow killing group wandered around the central building like a gust of wind. Then they heard continuous screams. Some members of the night killing group were directly cut off their necks when they didn't understand what was going on.

The sound of gunfire and screams are intertwined. There are members of the group who have been killed in the night constantly scream and fall down. Everyone is killed with one shot. Either the neck is cut off or the heart is pierced. As long as they are injured, they are basically losing their lives.

The storm outside, lightning and thunder, the killing on the island has never stopped, life is like grass, so worthless, blood flow along the rain throughout the base.

Finally, on the top floor of the central building, yesha is surrounded by a group of people who have been killed by the shadow. At this time, yesha is completely stunned and looks at the remaining members of the yesha organization, many of whom are technicians of the base.

As a killer, he should not be so sad, but the members of the night killing organization who were still together just now have become a corpse. Such a blow is really a bit big, which makes him unable to accept.