Chapter 415

"Old man Hu, for the sake of old friends for many years, you must help this time. If the steel energy industry of the Xiao family falls down, the Xiao family will also fall." At this time, Xiao Zhenbang said to the phone with a tired face.

"Lao Xiao, it's not that I don't help you, it's that your Xiao family is so good at making trouble. At this point, it's just God's will to provoke Mr. Leng." Hu Weizhong shook his head and refused.

"Old man Hu, you're talking to Mr. Leng. The Xiao family has been my whole life's hard work. I can't just look at his failure like this." Xiao Zhenbang said.

"Lao Xiao, although the main industry of the Xiao family is the steel energy industry, other industries are also developing well, and will not be defeated?" Hu Weizhong doesn't believe in Tao.

"Old man Hu, the reason why the Xiao family has been able to survive many crises in recent years is that the Xiao family has its own mineral resources overseas, but now the mineral resources are about to run out. Once the Xiao family loses this weight, the state will not pay attention to the Xiao family. At that time, needless to say, the natural strength of the Xiao family will be greatly damaged. In addition, many people have been offended by the Xiao family these years, The result is self-evident. " Xiao Zhenbang said with a bitter smile.

"Well, I'll help you once, but if Mr. Leng doesn't agree, I can't guarantee. After all, my face doesn't work so well." Hu Wei thought again for a while, and finally made up his mind to say.

"Old man Hu, I've written down this feeling, but I'll ask for it later. I'm willing to go up the mountain and down the sea of fire." Xiao Zhenbang said happily.

"We are all about to die, and we still say something that is not reliable and meaningful. For me, that is to say love. You don't need to do that." Hu is the most important.

"Anyway, thank you." Xiao Zhenbang said gratefully.

"Lao Xiao, no more nonsense. What kind of price can you pay? It makes me feel a little better. " Hu Weizhong asked seriously.

"To be honest, the Xiao family does not expect the steel energy industry to make money. As long as there is this channel to ensure that the steel energy industry of the Xiao family can continue to support, then the state will always support the Xiao family, and several other forces dare not deal with the Xiao family." Xiao Zhenbang said.

"I see. The Xiao family just wants an amulet, a amulet that others dare not deal with." Hu Weizhong understands what Xiao Zhenbang means.

"As long as I have this talisman, I will have enough time to integrate the resources of the Xiao family's industry. Even if the Xiao family does not have the support of the iron and steel energy industry, it is enough to protect itself." Xiao Zhenbang said.

"Lao Xiao, if you think so, I'm afraid I can't help you." Hu Weizhong shook his head and said.

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid enough to offend Mr. Leng. The Xiao family's energy and steel industry has always existed. It's a good thing for the Xiao family." Xiao Zhenbang said quickly.

"I'll try my best." Hu Weizhong sighed and hung up.

Although Hu Weizhong agreed to Xiao Zhenbang, it was more because of the friendship between the two sides, and he didn't have a heart of interest, but when he thought of lengyi's temper, Hu Weizhong didn't have a heart of interest at all.

As a Hu Weizhong who has a clear understanding of life, he has a better understanding and appreciation of lengyi's character. He cares about his family. Since the Xiaos have offended Qi Yuyan and the Xiaos don't pay enough, lengyi won't be depressed. It's estimated that now he can't make up his mind to find trouble with the Xiaos.

Yanming Lake courtyard.

"God of war, are we going to let the Xiao family go?" Zifeng was obviously a little reluctant.

"That's it. Hu Weizhong has helped us a lot. The Hu family is on the same front with us now. Hu Weizhong's face still needs to be given." Leng Yi thought for a moment and said.

"Yes, God of war, I see." Zifeng nodded.

At this time, Hu Weizhong's voice rang out: "brother Leng, I, old man Hu, come to see you."

"Old fox, your speed is very fast. As soon as I got back to the capital, you followed me." Leng Yi's words inevitably bring some irony.

"I'm going to go to the three treasures hall for nothing this time. I'll come to you for something, so I'll be faster." Hu Weizhong said with a smile that he didn't care at all.

Hu Weizhong knows that Leng Yi hates other people's tricks in front of him. Instead of covering up and causing Leng Yi's displeasure, it's better to be straightforward. Success or failure doesn't matter.

"Old fox, when did you speak so freely?" Cold Yi some surprised of say.

Although Leng Yi knows Hu Weizhong's purpose, he is ready to talk to each other. Unexpectedly, this time, Hu Weizhong goes straight to the point. Let lengyi be a little unprepared.

"You are a god of war with sharp eyes. I'm so careful to show off in front of you. Isn't that a joke?" Hu Weizhong waved his hand and said.

"Is it because of the Xiao family?" Since Hu Weizhong is so direct, lengyi doesn't want to pretend to be confused and asks directly.

"Yes, Xiao Zhenbang is my old friend. I have to help." Hu Weizhong said with a smile.

"For your face, Xiao family, I won't trouble them. Now you should be satisfied?" Leng Yi Leng said.

"In fact, I've come to you for more than that. I hope that the Legion will continue to cooperate with the Xiao family." Hu Weizhong said awkwardly.

"Old fox, I've given you enough face. I'm not going to trouble the Xiao family any more, but you've got more money. Don't you think I can't sell the things of the Legion, I can only sell them to the Xiao family?" Said coldly.

"Absolutely not." Hu Weizhong shook his head.

"Old fox, the reason why the Legion can be invincible is that everyone in the Legion takes the interests of the Legion as the highest goal. I don't want anyone to deviate from this goal." Cold Yi light says.

Leng Yi already has a plan in mind. If Hu Weizhong's answer today doesn't satisfy him, even if he has a good friendship with Hu Weizhong, he should consider whether the Hu family is suitable to follow the Xingtian army again.

"God of war, don't worry. Yesterday your words have awakened me. Although I said that the Hu family followed the Xingtian army, I still didn't change the position of the Hu family. More often, I made decisions based on the interests of the Hu family. After this event, I understand that if the Hu family followed the Xingtian army, they might gain temporary benefits if they deviated from the purpose of the Xingtian army, But in the end, they will be abandoned, and the Hu family may be doomed. " Hu Weizhong said solemnly.

"Old fox, you can understand that it's better to avoid disagreements between us in the future. It's not easy for us to face each other." Leng Yi said with relief on his face.

"The Hu family will follow the Legion to the death." Hu Weizhong said solemnly.