When Nan tingliao came, he saw Jiang Shuyu crying with pear flowers and rain. The whole ward was in a mess. The attending doctor and nurse stood outside like a formidable enemy. No one could go in to calm her mood and let her return to the ward from the window.

Seeing Nan tingliao coming, the nurse was like seeing the Savior: "Mr. Nan, you can count it."

"What's the matter?" Nan tingliao asked. During this time, Jiang Shuyu has slowly come out of the shadow of the car accident, and his number of visits has gradually decreased. After all, Jiang Shuyu had a car accident because of herself, but who thought she would lose such a temper.

"Mr. Nan, I'm sorry. Miss Jiang doesn't know how to know her physical condition, so she......" she didn't say much about the rest, but the meaning is very obvious.

Nan tingliao looked at her blandly. His eyes were very calm, but there was an unspeakable deep meaning, which made the whole nurse tremble.

It has long been said that the eldest young master of the south family is now acting with vigour and determination, and now it is true at first sight.

Just one look was enough to make her almost kneel with her.

Fortunately, Nan tingliao didn't investigate the matter. He took a long step and walked directly to the ward.

In the spacious and bright ward, Jiang Shuyu was barefooted on the ground, wearing a generous sick suit on her, just like a child stealing adult clothes. The whole person looked funny and ridiculous.

When the wind blew, her figure was shaky, as if she could jump out of the window at any time.

Nan tingliao stopped a few meters away from her and looked at the woman by the window. His eyes flashed past with a touch of regret. His voice was not loud, but everyone in the ward could hear: "Xiaoyu, what are you doing?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Jiang Shuyu raised his head in a daze, and his small face was pitiful. When he saw Nan tingliao, a little surprise flashed across his eyes, but then it dimmed down: "brother Nan, I can't go over."

"What's the matter with you? Come here quickly. It's windy at the window. Talk to me slowly." Nan tingliao said gently and waved to Jiang Shuyu.

Jiang Shuyu wanted to come over, but then he remembered something. He suddenly stopped, shook his head, rushed to Nan tingliao and said, "brother Nan, I can't go over."


Jiang Shuyu looked at Nan tingliao: "brother Nan, I want you to answer me a question. They are all lying to me. I believe you won't lie to me, will you?"

"Yes, I won't lie to you." Nan tingliao nodded.

"Then I ask you, has my word palace been cut, and can I no longer be a mother?" Jiang Shuyu asked persistently. Although the attending doctor told her just now, she didn't believe it. She didn't believe she was so young. She couldn't have another child before she married Nan tingliao.

No one knows how much she likes Nan tingliao and how much she wants to give him a child, but why God is so cruel to her that she loses her right to be a mother.

She is unwilling, unwilling.

Nan tingliao hesitated. Jiang Shuyu had a serious car accident at that time. In addition, she protected him when he was drunk, so he lost his hair without injury. Jiang Shuyu was seriously injured. The most important thing was that a large glass was straight into her stomach, which caused infection during the operation. In addition, Jiang Shuyu's word palace was weaker than others, So we can only do resection.

He thought about the operation alone for a long time. When he called Li Lin, Li Lin put all the responsibility on him. He had no way at that time. If he didn't have the operation, Jiang Shuyu's situation would become more and more serious and even die.

So on balance, he asked the doctor to remove her word palace.

After all, having no children is better than having no life. He would rather let her choose the former.

Seeing that Nan tingliao has been silent, it is tantamount to confirming her conjecture. Jiang Shuyu suddenly smiled bitterly: "what they said is true. I can't be a mother in my life. Brother Nan, I'm only in my twenties. God is too cruel to me."

"Xiaoyu, don't think too much. With the development of medicine, you will get better. Believe me, I will find the best doctor for you, and you will get better." Nan tingliao looked at Jiang Shuyu and knew that she was excited now, so she could only comfort her in a low voice.

"It's impossible, brother Nan. I'm not a child. I can't know my physical condition. My life is over. It's no fun for me to live. It's better to die like this!" said Jiang Shuyu, holding the window and ready to turn over and jump out.

"No!" everyone shouted at the same time, sweating nervously.

Nan tingliao saw her move stop and stared at her with heavy eyes. For fear that she would jump down from here when she was excited, he arranged the best ward for Jiang Shuyu. There are more than ten floors high here. Once Jiang Shuyu jumped down from here, she will die!

Even if he doesn't like Jiang Shuyu anymore, he can't die. What's more, everything Jiang Shuyu encounters today is because of him.

If it weren't for him, she couldn't have happened, Nan tingliao

"Xiaoyu, things are not irreparable yet. Don't worry. I'll find a way."

"Brother Nan, you know there is no way." Jiang Shuyu is not a fool. She knows the importance of a word palace to a woman better than anyone.

Without that, she can't have another child. She can't be a complete woman. In this world, no woman doesn't want to have a child who loves a man deeply.

But before she could enjoy this power, she had completely lost it.

"If I say yes, there is. Xiaoyu, don't be afraid. There will be a way. Really, you believe me. If I say yes, you can come right away!"

"I don't want to. I can't go there. Brother Nan, just let me die!" said Jiang Shuyu. Suddenly, the whole man was about to jump out.

At this time, Nan tingliao took an arrow step, stretched out his hand and grabbed her clothes. He did his best to drag Jiang Shuyu down from the window.

After the two people were rescued, Jiang Shuyu burst into tears: "brother Nan, why don't you let me die? I'm already like this. I might as well die."

Jiang Shuyu cried and fell in his arms. Nan tingliao is still terrified. He patted Jiang Shuyu on the back and gently comforted him: "Xiaoyu, don't be afraid. Everything will be fine with me."

But he didn't notice that outside the crowd, there was a woman standing there, with a panoramic view of everything from beginning to end. The South court was burning and the river was drizzling rain.

Watching them snuggle together, Jiang Shiwei only felt a fire burning in her heart. She never thought that her husband would show that expression to other women.

Did he regret that he didn't marry Jiang Shuyu?

Do you regret letting her climb into his bed and being photographed like that?