Like deliberately tempting everyone's appetite, the host's eyes scanned the directors back and forth. I don't know who the last eyes are going to fall on.

Jiang Shiwei is very nervous this time. Will it be her?

Although blind mountain is her first independent work, this work covers a lot of her efforts. In fact, she hopes to win this award in her own heart.

Nie Ji on one side also looked at her nervously, and suddenly whispered in her ear: "slightly, I'm nervous."


Jiang Shiwei finally broke the work, and there was no more tension just now.

This Nie Ji said bastard words in front of her all day. She glared at him angrily. Before she said anything, the host's voice sounded at this time: "the winner is Miss Jiang Shiwei, the director of blind mountain. Now let's invite Miss Jiang Shiwei to the stage to receive the award."

As the sound fell, not only did Jiang Shiwei not respond, but even the crew were surrounded. Then, there was an earth shaking cheering at the scene.

Unprecedented enthusiasm, amazing, burning like a fire.

Then before Jiang Shiwei stood up, Nie Ji held her tightly!

Jiang Shiwei was almost suffocated by him and said gnashing his teeth, "you let go!"

"Slightly, Congratulations!" fortunately, Nie Ji quickly released her gracefully, but this scene was seen by countless people.

Including Nan tingliao.

Although Feng Jing and Nan tingliao didn't show up at the scene, Feng Jing obviously felt that when the bastard hugged his sister-in-law and smashed, his eldest brother's face was too gloomy to see. He knew how much his eldest brother cared about his sister-in-law's smashing and how strong his desire to fight was. Isn't this Nie trace just looking for something?

Isn't the lesson from last time enough?

Before he could react, Nan tingliao got up and walked outside the door.

Afraid of causing human life, Feng Jing hurried after him: "brother, wait for me!"

Unfortunately, Nan tingliao didn't hear it and left like the wind.

Feng Jing finally accepted his life and followed him out.

When Jiang Shiwei stood on the stage, she looked at all the unclear audience, and even there were countless fans in front of the TV. This was her first time to win a prize and stand on such a glorious stage.

She took the trophy, held the microphone in her hand, and dressed in a conservative cheongsam. She looked graceful and clean. Her amazing face depicted exquisite makeup and looked low-key and luxurious. She stood there as beautiful as the person in the picture.

The scene slowly quieted down and waited for the girl to say something.

No one has ever found that Jiang Shiwei is so beautiful that he can stand with the stars.

If she enters the entertainment industry, I'm afraid it will be sooner or later.

Jiang Shiwei waited for the audience to be quiet before he spoke slowly. The girl's voice was soft and beautiful, like a warm string, gently stirred, as crisp as water: "Seriously, I didn't prepare the speech of the award. I was really surprised to win this award. I don't think I deserve this award, because there are many people who are better than me and work harder than me in this industry. They are still fighting at the forefront of the film. This special award is in my hand. I feel heavy and even feel ashamed of it."

"I can't guarantee how many films I can make in the future. The only thing I can guarantee is that Jiang Shiwei has 120000 sincerity to thank those who love me."

At this point, she paused and glanced at the audience. She didn't know who she saw. Her eyes were full of worldly tenderness: "finally, I want to thank someone in particular. Without him, there might be no blind mountain , thank him for always leading me like the sun. He let me understand that in this world, justice may be late, but it will never be absent. He let me know that even in the dark, there is hope for light! "

"Lying trough, so sweet!"

"I was blinded by the last sentence!"

"It's too cruel to a dog. Gambling on a small fish to dry the cliff is a confession."

Not only did the scene explode, but even the official bloggers brushed the screen. They were discussing who Jiang Shiwei was confessing to. Maybe Jiang Shiwei's words tonight were nothing, but many passers-by turned to powder and were picking up what Jiang Shiwei was.

There are also many people who don't like Jiang Shiwei, because these words are no longer so annoying to her.

Some people who know that Jiang Shiwei and Nan tingliao are still together shout at Nan tingliao, Mr. Nan, take your wife home quickly.

Nan tingliao just heard these words in the car. The man's frozen face finally eased for a few minutes. When Feng Jing caught up with him at the door, the whole man was dying: "brother, don't be impulsive."

Nan tingliao looked at Feng Jing in front of him and spit out two words coldly: "get out of the way."

"I won't let you, I won't let you die. My sister-in-law finally won the grand prize. Brother, you can't go in and make trouble like this!" he was really afraid that Nan tingliao was angry and couldn't help killing Nie Ji.

Feng Jing expressed his heartache. Why does he always do this kind of fire-fighting thing as the president of a company.

"Who says I'm going to make trouble!" Nan tingliao raised his eyebrows: "my wife confessed to me. Isn't this a gratifying thing."

Before Feng Jing reacts, Nan tingliao has entered the venue.

Feng Jing quickly followed up. Just after entering, he just ran into Leshan and took the best actress. In his speech, he clearly remembered that she said a word. For this award, I gave up the most important thing in my life, but I don't regret it, because standing on this stage, I just waited for this day.

Feng Jing was nailed in place. She said she didn't regret it. She never regretted it. Leshan, in your heart, am I the dispensable person?

Can I never compare with your pursuit of career?

Leshan, you are so cruel!

When Leshan stepped down and saw Feng Jing standing in the crowd, his face suddenly lost blood. It was as pale as a petal that lost blood. Why did he come?

And how much did he hear just now?

But no matter how much he heard, it had nothing to do with her.

At the moment when she decided to give up him, it was impossible for her and him. Leshan was as pale as a ghost and had almost no courage to look in that direction.

A warm voice suddenly came from behind: "Shanshan, Congratulations!"

As soon as Leshan looked back, she saw the man's warm face and rushed into his arms: "I'm so uncomfortable, I'm really uncomfortable... You know, I regret it."

"Shanshan, you should know that even if you regret it, you can't turn back. Remember, people have to look forward."

Feng Jing looked at the two people tightly hugging each other, and his eyes became colder and colder. If anyone saw it, he would feel strange. After all, this is the first time. Feng Jia, who has always played with flowers, showed such an expression.