Bai Zixu felt the medicinal materials with a grinder. After a while, a pile of powder had been ground out.

Xiaoting finished applying sesame oil to Gu Linfeng, wiped the oil stains on her hands and said, "I'll go to see Siya."

Gu Linfeng is about to stand up.

"You sit!" Xiaoting glared at her and said, "listen to my arrangement!"

When Xiaoting enters the room, Lin Siya has finished the porridge, but the empty bowl has been held in her hands.

"Any more?" Xiaoting took the bowl from her hand.

Lin Siya shook her head.

"Siya, you're going to start eating more slowly." Xiaoting sat by the bed and said, "if you go on like this, your body will collapse."

Lin Siya stares at her fingers as if she didn't hear her.

"Alas..." Xiaoting sighed: "have you finished listening to the radio drama? Do you want new ones?"

"Sister Xiaoting."


Lin Siya raises her eyes a little until she looks at Xiaoting.

"I want to go out."

This time, Xiaoting's smile is no longer in her heart, but directly in her eyes.

She got up from the bed and said, "OK, I'll help you."

Bai Zixu had ground the powder and mixed it with special liquid medicine into ointment.

"Sit down a little bit!" Bai Zixu said to Gu Linfeng.

Gu Linfeng looked at the strange color ointment in his hand and felt uncomfortable all over.

"How do you dislike it?" Bai Zixu was not very angry and said, "you just came and I'll go!"

Gu Linfeng obviously swallowed a mouthful of foam, just reluctantly sat in the past.

Bai Zixu applied the ointment with a spoon in Gu Linfeng's palm, and then gently pushed it away with a cotton swab.

"How do you feel?" Bai Zixu asked as he painted.

"Cool." Gu Linfeng answered truthfully.

"Does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

Bai Zixu raised his eyebrows: "do you still dislike it?"

Gu Linfeng directly ignored him.

After applying the medicine, Gu Linfeng looked at himself like a hand stained with mud.

"Twice a day, one morning and one night." Bai Zixu had already started to clean up the messy table: "don't touch water!"

After the explanation, he seemed to think of something: "fortunately, you are at home these days. You can call me a shower or something."

Gu Linfeng answered vaguely, and Yu Guang seemed to see

He turned abruptly.

There are two people standing at the door of the restaurant, two people who have appeared since I don't know when.

"... Siya." Gu Linfeng's brain was blank for a moment, and then he connected with reason: "how did you come out?"

Bai Zixu was also surprised.

From the moment of entering the wooden house, Lin Siya did not come out of the room once.

Xiaoting helped Lin Siya come in, Lin Siya's eyes have been staring at Gu Linfeng's hand.

Gu Linfeng is at a loss. He subconsciously hides his hand behind his back.

The focus of attention disappeared, and Lin Siya's eyes moved up at the beginning.

"... nothing." Language precedes reason, and Gu Linfeng speaks out of control.

Xiaoting opens a chair and wants Lin Siya to sit down.

The latter pushes away Xiaoting, holding her hand, and walks step by step to Gu Linfeng.

Gu Linfeng wanted to hide. He didn't know why. For a moment, his heart was full of fear.

The pale and fragile man in front of him is like a raging beast. The silent air pressure makes him have no breathing space.

"Hands." Lin Siya made a sudden noise.

This sound, let the other people present have a moment of absence.

Gu Linfeng stepped on the edge of the unknown advance and retreat. For a moment, he didn't know what to do.

Lin Siya's body shook a few times.

Gu Linfeng subconsciously will reach out to help her.

"Your hands!" Bai Zixu gave a timely voice to remind.

The outstretched hand stagnated in mid air.

Lin Siya holds the desk firmly, and Xiaoting raises her hand behind her anxiously.

It's too late to take it back. Gu Linfeng can only allow his hands to be exposed in front of Lin Siya.

Lin Siya looked at the palm of his hand covered by the ointment, just looking at it, no other reaction.

"It's really OK. It'll be fine in a few days." Gu Linfeng has some dry mouth.

Bai Zixu really can't stand this weird and embarrassing atmosphere, so he said to Gu Linfeng: "remember to cook with your brain in the future, and don't do such things that fools don't do any more!"

In fact, Gu Linfeng didn't hear what he was saying. At the moment, all his attention was on the person in front of him.

Suddenly, linsya moved.

She full of bend down, face a little bit close to Gu Linfeng's palm.

Just when Gu Linfeng was ready to take back his hand, Lin Siya suddenly blew a breath on his palm, and then looked up at him“ Does it hurt A burst of sour unknown emotions, Gu Linfeng was blocked throat. Swallowing hard, he gave a shaky, fuzzy answer: "no pain." Bai Zixu was completely stupid. Even Xiaoting did not expect that Lin Siya would make such a move. Lin Siya's eyes began to wander, and then fell on the casserole. She started, went to the casserole, picked up a bowl and filled a bowl of porridge with a spoon. In the eyes of everyone's doubt and surprise, Lin Siya began to sip the porridge in the bowl. Bai Zixu felt that his chin was about to fall off. Gu Linfeng sends out unconscious "cackle" sound in throat. Xiaoting first reaction, she went to Lin Siya side: "sit down to eat good." Lin Siya stood still, repeating the mechanical swallowing“ I know what you mean, but... "Xiaoting suddenly couldn't speak. All the people quietly accompany Lin Siya to finish a bowl of porridge. Just when she is ready to hold the second bowl, Xiaoting grabs her hand under the sign of Bai Zixu's eyes“ Siya, your stomach can't accept too much food at one time. " Xiaoting took away the spoon and bowl in Lin Siya's hand: "let's take our time. If you like it, Gu Linfeng will make it for you tomorrow." Lin Siya tilted her head and saw Gu Linfeng with painful eyes“ No Xiaoting heart a tight, she guess wrong? The next moment, she noticed Lin Siya's eyes. The end of this vision... Seems to be Gu Linfeng's injured hand. i see. Xiaoting chuckled: "let's wait for his hand. Let him make more delicious porridge for you." Lin Siya's body was extremely weak, so she began to feel dizzy after standing for a while. Xiaoting is almost half holding her back to the room. As soon as he touched the bed, Lin Siya closed her eyes“ Is she... Asleep Gu Linfeng, who followed in, whispered“ Almost. " Xiaoting took a deep look at him, raised her hand and patted him on the shoulder: "you stay here, don't touch your hand." After Xiaoting left, Gu Linfeng still sat on the cushion on the ground. It's the same position with your hands on your knees and your back against the edge of the bed.