After a kiss, Gu Linfeng's lips were stained with red.

"Hu..." Gu Linfeng breathed out a breath, he patted Lin Siya's face: "the taste is not bad."

Lin Siya no longer moves, just like a puppet, each joint is connected by silk thread.

Gu Linfeng put her two hands into the quilt, and then sat back on the chair.

The wound of the thumb has formed blood scab, and began to gradually swell and pain.

Gu Linfeng shook his hand, he pulled a paper towel and wiped it at will.

Outside the window you can see a tall tower with a big round clock on top.

The dull and long bell rang twelve times in a row.

An end is also a beginning.

What has changed, but what has never changed.

There was still a faint smell of blood in the air.

Lin Siya's neck, lips, Gu Linfeng's hands, sheets, pillows.

The dazzling blood red witnessed the two people's biting and struggling, the wound is not only skin and flesh, but also has been unable to level up the heart.

Lin Siya is like a sleeper who is about to fall into a deep sleep. She closes her eyes very slowly.

Long sleep

Lin Siya's eyelashes trembled.

Gu Linfeng is also full of fatigue. He leans back in his chair and squints at every second of Lin Siya's change.

There is nothing that cannot be changed.

The only thing in the world that will not change is change.

I can't control your change, but I at least

I want you to be what I want you to be.

The next morning, Gu Linfeng left the hospital with Lin Siya.

The doctor pushed the wheelchair.

"No Gu Linfeng bent over and held Lin Siya up: "let's go."

Lin Siya's apathy has continued to this day.

How to dial, how to move.

Gu Linfeng took her downstairs, not a normal passage, but a special passage for medical staff.

Directly to the parking lot, Gu Linfeng put Lin Siya into the car.

The attending doctor who has been taking care of Lin Siya follows behind him, full of worry.

"Mr. Gu, I'll come to see Miss Lin at regular intervals every day." The doctor is not at ease way: "don't wear the doctor's clothes, I dress in the past."

Gu Linfeng closed the car door after Lin Siya fastened the seat belt: "I arranged for her to be a full-time doctor."

"Yes." The doctor was slightly relieved: "Mr. Gu, I have one more word. Don't irritate Miss Lin any more."

In fact, the medical staff on duty heard what happened last night.

But no one dares to rush in.

When Gu Linfeng sent Lin Siya to the hospital, all the medical staff in charge of taking care of her were sealed by the upper level.

No matter who it is, we must not let out the information about Lin Siya in this hospital.

From that moment on, a lot of people understood.

The identity of Miss Lin is not simple.

But Gu Linfeng, is the existence which the ordinary person absolutely cannot cause.

So even if you hear it and don't hear the call ring, no one dares to go in.

Lin Siya sits in the front passenger seat while Gu Linfeng drives.

Instead of passing through the center of the city, the car went around the viaduct and straight to the suburbs.

It was early autumn, and the trees that flashed past the window were a little yellow.

Lin Siya leaned her head askew in her seat. If she didn't see her chest undulating, she would be no different from a dead man.

Gu Linfeng looked at her from time to time, but did not talk to her.

The car drove into a farm, not too wide lane, on both sides of the tree, some fruit has been mature, heavy hanging in the branches.

At the end of the driveway is a wooden hut, only one floor, but the area is very large.

Gu Linfeng parked the car at the door. After he turned off the car, he leaned on his back to make a phone call.

"Here we are." Gu Linfeng didn't know who he was talking to.

"No, wait inside." Gu Linfeng just said two words, then hung up the phone.

He got out of the car first, came around and opened the door of linsya's side.

Lin Siya's eyes have never changed from the beginning to the end, always staring at his knees.

Gu Linfeng bent down and picked her up.

A 25-year-old adult in his hand is like air without weight.

Gu Linfeng was wet in his heart. He kicked on the door and entered the room with the man in his arms.

"Goo." There are still two people standing in the room, a man and a woman.

Man wearing a pair of rimless glasses, about 30 years old, can be considered gentle.

A woman of his age, with her hair in her arms, has a quiet temperament.

Gu Linfeng doesn't answer either. He goes into the innermost room with Lin Siya in his arms.

The room has a lot of space but few furnishings.

A bed, a table, a chair, a wardrobe.

Gu Linfeng put the person on the bed and pulled the quilt to cover her“ Xiao Gu, is Miss Lin awake The man followed in“ Well Gu Linfeng answered with his back to him“ Is it convenient for me to examine her now Gu Linfeng turned his head: "she is afraid of the hospital."“ This is home. " The man took out his hand that had been in his pocket: "besides, I'm not a doctor." Gu Linfeng stepped back: "come on." The man walked into Lin Siya with a smile. He didn't rush to do the examination, but first said: "Hello, Miss Lin, my name is Bai Zixu. I will take care of you in the future." Lin Siya turned her eyes slightly, and did not know whether she was looking at him or at the ethereal point behind him. There was a flash of surprise in Bai Zixu's eyes, but it was only a flash“ I'm not a doctor. I've just learned some medical skills. " Bai Zixu said, "I have a general understanding of your situation. Now can I check it for you first?" Lin Siya had no response. Bai Zixu said with a smile, "if you don't answer, I'll take it as your consent." He wanted to feel for Lin Siya, but before he put his hand on her wrist, the latter suddenly gave out a shrill cry“ Ah Lin Siya yelled, waving her arms as hard as she could“ How could that be? " Gu Linfeng wants to hold her down, but he doesn't even know where to start“ Let's all go out. I'll do it At this time, along with Bai Zixu came, but stood at the door did not come in the woman way. Bai Zixu patted Gu Linfeng on the back: "let's go. Let's go out. Miss Lin will give it to your sister Xiaoting first." Gu Linfeng didn't want to go, so he stood still“ Get out Xiaoting suddenly shrieked. Bai Zixu pulls Gu Linfeng's arm and pulls him out. Before the door was closed, Xiaoting was already sitting on the bed. She grabbed Lin Siya, put her hands in her arms, leaned over her ear and whispered something. Then linsya was quiet. Xiaoting straightens up. She puts her hand on Lin Siya's head and rubs her acupoints with her fingers. Gu Linfeng has been standing at the door, he is not completely closed across the door looking at everything inside“ Don't worry. Your sister Xiaoting is a professional. " Bai Zixu held his shoulder: "even more professional than professional. What's wrong with your hand Bai Zixu saw Gu Linfeng's bloody fingers.